6 (Christmas version thingy)

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"You wanna help Daddy put the tree up?" the thirty year old asked his seven year old son. "Yeah!" the little one shouted excited and ran to the christmas tree. He tried to carry the tree from the balcony to the living room, alone, but failed miserably.

The mother that sat on the couch with her three year old daughter on her lap laughed quietly at the cute behavior of her older child.

As the little boy, named Lucian Night, kept trying the unimpossible, his father grabbed the tree and carried it to the place it should be, without Lucian noticing he helped.

"I did it! Mommy, I did it all on my own!"

"I saw it, Pumpkin. You're a big boy now aren't you?" Rosana, his mother, said with a fond smile.

"Yeah Lucian, you're big now. Next year you are gonna help me chop the tree from the woods, right?" his fathed asked and ruffled through the boys hair.

"Uhhh, can I? You promise?"

"Promise, little one"
One year later

"Why can't I carry it now? Last year I did it!" Lucian whined and pulled at the tree but it didn't move a little bit.

"Daddy helped you" his little sister reminded while playing in the snow.

"He didn't! I carried it all on my own, Lauren!"

"Yeah" Shs giggled after she said it.

After another 20 minutes of trying to get the damn tree to move, the boy eventually gave up and let himself fall into the snow.

He stared at the sky and the eight year old boys heart aches a little bit.

"Daddy promised we would get the tree together this year, right mommy?" he started talking. "Why isn't he here, helping?"

He shortly looked at his sister to make sure she's still here and then looked up at the sky again, wanting to keep talking to his mommy, even though he knows she wouldn't respond.

"Why aren't you here Mommy? I know Daddy said you are in a better place now and you are watching over us but i miss you. Couldn't we go with you Mommy? Maybe Daddy would be happier then"

The boy sighed and stood up. "Come on Lauren, let's go home"
2 years later

"Merry Christmas everyone" the now ten year old whispered as he was sitting by the small "Christmas tree". You can't call it a tree, it was smalled as he is and mostly all of the needles of it fell off already. Beside him was a picture of his mother, his father, his little sister and him.

It wasn't really Christmas anymore. The boy realized that his mother would never come back, she's dead. His father changed dramatically after her death. His sister was taken away now and he was left alone. But he didn't understand. He didn't understand why they would just leave him here, alone. But how should he, he's only a little kid.

"Let's go to sleep before Daddy comes back or he will get mad"

He stood up and went to his bedroom, taking the picture of the once happy family with him.

Lucian loved Christmas.

Then Lucian liked Christmas.

And now it's just another shitty and useless day of his life.
Present time

Lucian woke up to a banging on his bedroom door. He groaned and stood up to open the door.

"Merry Christmas, Lucian!" Magnus, who else, said and hugged the boy before giving him a big goofy smile.

"Magnus? What are you doing here? And how did you get in?" Lucian asked with a raspy voice and rubbed his eyes.

"Well, it's Christmas, that's why I'm here and as your father went out I asked him to let the door open so I could visit you"

Lucian's eyes went wide. "You met my father? Did he say something?" he asked worried.

Magnus looked at him strangely. "Not really, should he?"

Lucian shook his head. "No, it's whatever, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your family celebrating Christmas?"

"We did it yesterday evening. Where we come from we celebrate on the 24th in the evening, so I thought today I'm gonna visit you. But what about you? Shouldn't you celebrate with your Dad?"

Lucian shook his head as he put a new shirt on, Magnus looked away as he did so." No, we don't celebrate things like that. It is unnecessary and I don't even like Christmas"

He heard Magnus gasp. Magnus grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "What's wrong with you Lucian Night?"

Lucian looked at the hands on his shoulders and than at Magnus, his eyes hinting something deadly.

Magnus removed his hands fast. "Sorry, but how can someone not like Christmas? It's the time of love, giving and a time were you can be with your family"

"Exactly that is the problem" he said coldly and went by Magnus to the kitchen. Magnus followed him quickly.

"Let's do something fun today! I'm gonna make you love Christmas!"

"No, Magnus. Go home"

"Perfect. I'm gonna wait in the car for you" he said excitedly and jumped out the door.

Lucian looked at the spot where Magnus stood just two seconds ago and shook his head.

He will never understand the word 'No'.
Merry Christmas.
This is a little short but there's gonna be a part 2 in about 2 days soooo, be excited biatchezz!

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