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„Lucian! Wait up!" he could hear someone shout and he knew exactly who it was so he obviously didn't stop.

Lucian regretted walking with Magnus yesterday, now he had false hopes.

„Hey, didn't you hear me?" Magnus asked, breathing heavily from the running he needed to do to catch up with him.

„I did" Lucian shortly replied and continued his way to school.

Magnus rolled his eyes. „Oh yeah! I wanted to give you my phone number so we can contact each other when we want to hangout"

Lucian sighed. „Let me be, Magnus"

„You know what, I'm just gonna ask someone from school to give me your number"

The boy let out a small laugh.

Good luck with that.

Both boys entered the school and Lucian could feel people stare at them. Magnus just continued rambling about whatever.

„Yo! Magnus!" someone shouted with their booming voice and an arm wrapped around Magnus' shoulder.

„Oh, hey Daniel" the boy greeted the school's most popular student. Daniel Byers. Lots of muscles, little brain. But everyone loves him. Well, expect of Lucian.

Lucian doesn't understand Daniel. He's the only one who's making fun of him, not to scared to do so and it pisses him of.

„Why are you hanging around with the freak? Aren't ya' scared you'll get as crazy as he is?" the jock asked with a snort and looked at Lucian.

Lucian gave him a cold look and just wanted to go, but our dear Daniel had other plans.

As Lucian passed him, he stretched out one of his legs, making Lucian fall face first to the floor. People watched the scene and a few people began laughing.

Lucian was enraged.

„Daniel! Why did you do that?" he heard Magnus ask shocked. As Magnus tried to help him up he pushed him away and jumped up.

He turned to look at Daniel's smirking face.

Without thinking twice about it he slammed the grinning boy against the wall and began to slam his fist into his body.

Daniel tried to fight him of but with no use. He just felt the fists of his classmate all over his body.

„Hey Lucian! Stop it!" Magnus shouted and tried to peel him off Daniel but he just stumbled back as the boys ellbow collided with hus stomach.

Lucian was in a rage. He didn't care about the consequences. He needed to show that he was the strong one in this school. No one should make fun of him in this school.

No one can hurt me in this school.

„Enough Boys!" a booming voice shouted and two strong arms succeeded to peel the angry boy of the jock.

Lucian fought against the arms that wrapped around him but with no use.

„What is it with you two?" the teacher asked. It was Mr. Baron who got the twi to stop.

„He just attacked me! I didn't do anything Sir!" Daniel said and straightend his shirt.

„As if. You three. Detention today after school" he said and looked at Daniel, Lucian and then Magnus.

Magnus looked at the teacher with a shocked expression. „Wait, why me!?"

„Oh, you wanna' tell me you didn't have anything to do with this?"

„Yes, exactly"

„Detention, Magnus"

This were his last words before he left.

Magnus looked at Lucian but he didn't look at him.

Lucian grabbed his bag and stormed of angrily. Why did he let this happen? Now he's in deep problems again.

And he's not talking about detention.

It was now after school and three boys sat in an empty classroom. Mr Baron gave them something to do but none of the boys cared about it.

„That's your fault, Night. Because of you I'm missing practice. The coach's gonna kill me" Daniel muttered.

„Pff, the coach? My mom's gonna kill me! I've never got detentiom before! You know, I'm the good boy! I never get in trouble" Magnus complained.

Lucian actually laughs. He laughs about their little problems. They are in trouble? Ha.

„What's so funny freak?"  Daniel asked aggressively.

„Oh, just your little problems. You don't even know what it really means to be punished by someone. Shouting sounds bad to you but so good to me. You don't know." he said with a cold voice.

Lucian stands up and grabs his bag before he made his way to the door.

„Hey Lucian! Stay here or you're gonna get in more trouble" Magnus warned. Daniel snorted. „Didn't you listen Magnus? He knows what real trouble is, we don't. So let him go, he knows what he gets himself into with his alcoholic and abusive father. Your mother didn't die because of an accident right? Your father was drunk again and probably beat her to death. And you're gonna be next"

Magnus looked at Daniel with big eyes and hit him on the head.

Lucian stood frozen for a moment. Than he just turned around and smiled at both before he slammed the door behind him, leaving the boys confused.

He could be right.

What if he's right?

No, he isn't.

But...what if he is?

A little shorter this time.

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