Sleepy Hobbit and the 13 Also-Sleepy Dwarves

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When six rabbits swiftly came to a stop in front of the group, (Name) instantly knew who was responsible for the panic that had been caused. Radagast the Brown was just as she imagined, scruffy beard, strange hat and all. "Thieves!" he screamed. "Fire! Murder!"

"Radagast!" Gandalf held a hand out to his wizarding friend. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, Gandalf," the Brown wizard responded, looking quite shaken up. "Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong."

"Yes?" Gandalf concernedly asked. (Name) looked on in interest.

Radagast opened his mouth, then shut it. He opened it again to say, "Oh, just give me a minute. Oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue." He screwed up his face in concentration, but then a look of surprise came over him. "Well, it's not a thought at all, it's a silly old..."

Gandalf reached into the shorter wizard's mouth and, with a look of disgust, pulled out a long, greenish brown bug.

"Stick insect!" Radagast finished. (Name) gagged at the declaration, and the other dwarves showed signs of unease as well. Noticing this, Gandalf pulled Radagast off to the side, and the two began to talk amongst themselves.

Soon, watching them became boring. Most of the dwarves were talking to each other, but no one seemed fond of the idea of chatting with (Name). The wizards discussed whatever it was they were talking about in low, hushed voices, with grim looks on their faces. At one point, Gandalf offered Radagast his pipe, from which the Brown wizard took a long puff, his eyes crossing in relaxation.

All of a sudden, a sharp howl impaled (Name)'s ears. Her (e/c) eyes shot up, glancing here and there, looking for the source. "Was that a wolf?" The girl's words came out tangled up and in a rush. "Are there wolves nearby?:

"Wolves?" Bofur responded. "No, that was not a wolf."

And with his words, a huge beast leapt out of a nearby crag, pouncing on Nori - or Ori - or Dori, whichever one he was. (Name) stifled a shriek as she leapt out of the way, pressing her back against a rough tree trunk. She attempted to draw her sword from her belt, but Thorin was faster. He instantly sliced into the fur of its neck, then plunged his new weapon into its chest.

Another wolf-monster ran towards the group. Kili aimed his bow and swiftly shot an arrow at it, making it fall. However, it quickly got back to its feet, only to be knocked back down by a fatal strike from Dwalin.

"Warg scouts!" Thorin declared. "An Orc pack is not far behind!"

"Orc- Orc pack?" (Name) repeated.

"Who did you tell about your quest, apart from your kin?" Gandalf demanded.

"No one," the black bearded dwarf shortly responded.

"Who did you tell?"

"No one, I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?"

"You are being hunted," Gandalf stated.

"We have to get out of here," Dwalin called to Thorin.

"We can't!" Ori argued. "We have no ponies, they bolted!"

Radagast drew himself up straighter. "I'll draw them off," he claimed.

"These are Gundabad Wargs," Gandalf pointed out, "they'll outrun you!"

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