Hey, This Cave Looks Alright!

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"Get up!"

"Nuuuuh..." (Name) mumbled.

"Get up!"


"We have to leave now!"

(Name) sat up with a start, pushing her (h/c) locks out of her eyes. In front of her were three fully awake and fully dressed dwarves, ready to leave. "Oh, I'm late," was all that the girl could mumble.

"Yes, you are," Thorin grumbled in what she recognized as a sarcastic tone as (Name) stood up. Then she realized her condition. "Wait a second, I don't have any proper clothes!" She looked down to see the gold designs on her neckline and the waterfall of (f/c) fabric.

The other dwarves seemed to finally notice this as well, but Thorin just said, "Borrow Fili or Kili's clothes."

"What? They're probably too b-"

"Would you rather borrow Bombur's?"



Five minutes later, a quick changing time for a hobbit, (Name) was dressed in Kili's tunic and pants, with a belt at her waist to keep her sword in. Even though the clothes were baggy and too big, the girl felt comfortable in something that wasn't a dress (and actually matched with her large boots).

"Finally!" Fili exclaimed. "Let's go!"

"What?! That was a short-"

The dwarves were already out the door.

As the group walked down the hall they (hopefully) came from, (Name) wondered aloud, "Where are the others?"

"They split up to look for you," Fili responded. "We decided on a meeting place if any of us get lost - the main entrance where we first came in." The girl nodded in understanding, tugging the ends of her tunic. A hand grabbed hers, and her head shot up.

Blue eyes stared back at her (e/c) ones. Fili looked down at her, grinning. He gently pulled her towards where she supposed the main entrance was. She was a bit confused at first, and kept her position. Someone pushed her slightly, and she stumbled forward a bit. She looked back, seeing Kili also trying to guide her to the entrance.

"Uhh..." (Name) mumbled, going along with whatever the siblings were doing and stepping towards the entrance. Thorin and Bombur were already outside, not noticing what was going on.

(Name) stumbled forward into the sunlight that greatly outshone the dim lights of inside. Once her eyes adjusted, she spotted a large group of dwarves waiting in the center of the courtyard. Then she noticed that there was no wizard sized-shape looming over them. "Where's Gandalf...?" (Name) ventured, a little afraid to ask.

"He's not coming," Thorin stated plainly, although the girl took it as 'We're leaving him behind.' The company turned at the sound of their voices, yelling in both frustration and celebration at the sight of (Name).

A bag flew by (Name)'s head, landing in Kili's palm. Another flew in front of her face, followed by one more. All three landed in the hands of Fili, Bombur and Thorin. Thorin looked down at his bag with slight distaste. He glared at Balin, who threw it.

"I thought I said I wasn't in on this bet?" Thorin grumbled. The white-haired dwarf laughed.

"Fair's fair as it's a pair!" He tucked a few coins back in his pocket. "You were part of the group that found (Name), so you get money too."

(Name)'s eyebrow twitched a millimeter. "You placed more bets?" she questioned, fully knowing the answer.

"Of course!" Balin cheerfully responded, oblivious to the sarcastic tone in her voice. Resisting the immature urge to roll her eyes, (Name) noticed the dwarves had started to stream out of the valley. Thorin followed, soon flanked by Fili and Kili. After a moment of hesitation (and a look from Thorin), (Name) ran to catch up.

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