I Play A Life And Death Game Of Tic Tac Toe

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In the black depths, hundreds of feet below ground, in the very roots of the mountains, there lay a little hobbit girl. The only thing illuminating the chasm was the low blue light of her sword. In contrast to the pitch black, it was blinding. It shone through the girl's eyes and woke her. She slowly gained her bearings, checking herself for any immediate injuries.

(Name) considered herself lucky. All that was visible were multiple bruises, and the arm she landed on had a twisted wrist that radiated pain. It was a miracle she was alive at all. She supposed she hit the side of the pit and rolled down, albeit not very smoothly, judging from her purple-spotted skin.

The girl checked her surroundings, using the faint light of her sword to see what she could. She was facing a cave, apparently, and the area above her was open, where she fell through. She was so far down she couldn't even glimpse the light of the goblin's torches.

The thought nauseated her a bit, thinking about how far she had fallen, and how close of a call it was. She murmured a quiet thanks to Valar under her breath, since it would have been almost too easy for a rock to hit her in the ribs or temple on the way down.

(Name) spotted the goblin that attacked her, nearly dead, lying on a pile of mushrooms. She couldn't see much of him, as a cluster of small boulders blocked her path and most of her view, only allowing a small hole with which to see through. She could climb up the mound, most likely, but decided to leave him be, as it was unlikely he would wake up any time soon.

Her attention was brought to a small glint in the corner. She hid behind the rocks immediately, and watched through the holes. A small, deformed creature hobbled into her view. The glint she saw was the little light they had reflecting in his eyes. It stumbled around the goblin in a circle, sizing it up. It seemed satisfied with what it saw, and let out a coarse laugh that made (Name) want to vomit.

"Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes! Gollum. Gollum." The creature seemed to gag and cough at the same time, giving the girl the chills at the disgusting sound. The revolting thing (let's call it Gollum) grabbed the goblin by the neck, and started to drag it off somewhere.

Suddenly, the goblin woke, thrashing in Gollum's grip. It shrieked, creating an echo in the cavern, and it wriggled around to escape. With a snarl on its face, Gollum snatched up a nearby stone and, in one fluid movement, struck its head. The not-orc fell unmoving once again, then continued to be dragged away by the creature. Holding back the gag that instantly formed in her throat, (Name) started to follow, only to be stopped by a tiny gleam of golden light. Her eyes trailed it, stopping at a still-rolling metal band.

It seemed to pull (Name) to it, and her fingers instantly picked it up. It had a glow, a shine and a light of its own that wasn't a reflection. Even though it was spotless, the girl's thoughts kept coming back to Ew, it must've fallen from his loincloth. Tucking the strange ring into a pocket in her trousers, she continued to trail Gollum out of the small cavern.

Squeezing through a crevice that the short and tiny creature could easily fit through,

(Name) entered a huge cave, littered with boulders, stalagmites and stalactites, and a lake of seemingly black water.

"Goblins for dinner again," Gollum was faintly heard sighing from the center of the lake. "Ah, well, better than old boneses..." (Name) crept around yet another rock (she was really getting sick of rocks) and squinted to make out the shape in the middle of the blackness. A boulder, jutting out of the middle of the lake. Gollum, silhouetted against the dark, had a rock in his hand, and as (Name) watched, disgusted, he smashed it against the not-orc's head over and over again. Even after it was long past dead, after the light of her sword flickered out along with the goblin's life, the malevolent creature kept smashing its skull in. "Too many boneses, Precious! Nothing of flesh!" it said. Then, contradicting itself, it hissed, "Shut up! Get its skin off. Start with its head."

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