Love, isnt it amazing?

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The next day had been the same as the last except I didn't pull him into the janitors closet. I still tried to talk to him about it but words hadn't been coming out. I hated this. Not being able to stop other girls from looking at him. Not being able to just pull him into a hug or give him a kiss. Just not being able to call him mine. It was horrible. Weeks passed and I had still been trying to talk to him but I just couldn't. I was doing terrible without him while he was doing great without me. Or at least I thought he was until I looked onto his Instagram to see what he was doing with his life now that I wasn't there to tell him not to do stupid things. My heart stopped when I saw a blunt hanging from his mouth with a group of guys that he said he didn't like because of the way they acted . But that was when he was with me. It was a video of him puffing our smoke and running around high with the other retards. I completely stopped breathing when I saw that he went to the strip club with that same group of boys and some girl had been giving him a lap dance. He didn't look entertained and he got up and just walked away leaving the girl. I couldn't stand watching him just waste his life away. So the next day I told myself that I was going to try and convince him to stop what he was doing.

I went to school and pulled him into the janitors closet. "You need to stop getting influenced with the wrong kind of crow-"I said as he cut me off. "You can't keep doing this, I have a girlfriend now-" he said. "Who is she" I said trying my best to keep in the tears. "Delana" he said while looking away. "Delana?" I burned out into laughter while he had a confused look on his face. "What?" He said in confusion. "That's a damn lie because I know you, you wouldn't date the girl that hurt me , I know you have absolutely no love for her, and if you are dating her it's probably only to get back at me , you are just gonna f her then delete her, because you don't date hoes, I know that, and if you really are dating her... you are about to break up, because news flash , she's cheating on you" I said. "Everything you just Said was s-s-so not true okay and she would never cheat on me you just mad cus you actually did cheat on me and you lost something special" he said confidently. I showed him a picture on the schools gossip girls account that had Delana and some other boy locking lips like they weren't in school. Zion didn't seem surprised or even sad he seemed like he didn't Even care. "Um yeah, but anyways let me say what I came to say,Zion I know you can't see this yourself because you are the victim but you are getting influenced with the wrong crowd and I promise you this isn't the me that wants you back and wants you to listen to my explanation-" "you want me to hear your explanation go ahead I'm listening" Zion said stone faced. I sighed " jake is my ex boyfriend when we first got together things were amazing but then he started seeing other guys look at me and then got mad at me and that was the first time he hit me , he punched me across my face, that post on Instagram that had me with the big bandaid on my face wasn't me falling like I captioned it, it was actually a bruise he gave me. He continued to hit me for something that was not even my fault and I just got fed up and finally broke up with him and when I did he beat me so hard that I couldn't walk for a whole 3 hours and I was also bleeding, but anyways I called the cops on him and he was in jail for the past year and now he's out and he still thinks we were together hence the text you read aloud.... but yeah he came to my house literally right after you left and I told him that we were over and he didn't even try to hit me, I guess jail taught him a couple things... but yeah he trued to turn the tAbles and say for me not to talk to him so I said gladly and shut the door in his face" I explained to Zion. Finally. I looked up and Zion was trying but failing not to cry. " I feel like a complete idiot I never even let you explain yourself god I'm so stupid" he said as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead and pulled me into the tightest hug possible. "Marie?" He said while lifting my chin up. "Yeah" I said looking up at him. "I love you, I realized I always have I just didn't know it, when I look at you, I see the rest of my life. I can't see another day without you in it. I love you, I love you , I love you!" He said while picking me up. "I love you to Zion!" I said as I kissed him and then the janitor walked in and we both ran out


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