Taken Prisoner Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Kat crawls up me, careful of my wound and kisses me softly. She sits astride me, hovering a little. I smile wide as she smiles back and lowers herself onto me, slowly. A shudder run through as as she sits fully on me and moans quietly.
I place my hands on her hips and help guide her as she moves. I raise my hips to meet her as she steadies herself with her hands on my chest. She leans down and kisses me again, harder this time as we pick up speed and our breathing becomes harsh.
I lie on my good side when we're finished and look at her. She smiles softly before her eyes close. I pull the blanket up and cover us both. She looks at me again at the feel of it and smiles wider before moving closer to me.
She snuggles closer and smiles again as I look down at her. I put an arm around her and keep her to me as I close my eyes too.
It was a few days later and Kat was ready to go to her family. I on the other hand wasn't all that thrilled. She wanted me to go with her, so they could meet me. Meeting the parents. What the fuck? I've never met a womans parents before.
Kat tells me the address and I drive down the road, thinking what the fuck am I doing? Can I really have a proper relationship with her, with the way I am? How is she going to stay with me? She couldn't stay there. Not with everyone else. They were as bad as Jonah and I had to leave her there when I went out.
Fuck! How was I going to do this? I had to protect her, but how could I do that when I wasn't there? Connor was useless. He couldn't protect her like I could, but I couldn't bring her with me when I was killing people. I trust no one else at that house to look after her. Fucking hell.
I stop the car outside the house and look at Kat to see she's asleep. I smile and brush her hair from her face. She was so beautiful. "Kat, we're here." I call gently and stroke her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me, smiling.
We walk up to the door and Kat takes a deep breath before knocking. She squeezes my hand hard as we wait for the door to open. When it does a woman stands there in shock. A half squeal escapes her mouth. "Oh my God Katherine." She wraps her up in her arms, pulling her inside.
I follow and close the door as the woman just looks at her. Her bruises have gone now and she's as gorgeous as ever. "Where the hell have you been?" She slaps her arm and Kat laughs lightly. "Hi Mom. Sorry. I've been away for a bit. Where's Dad?" Kat asks her and she grabs her hand, pulling her through the house and I follow again. I don't think she's even noticed me yet.
We walk into the living room and a man jumps up at the sight of Kat and rushes over, hugging her tight. Another man comes over too, looking not much older than Kat. I'm guessing that's her brother and Dad then.
"What the fuck Katherine?" The younger one says and picks her up around her waist, spinning her around. She giggles a little and he sets her back down, looking at her. "Where the fuck have you been?" He asks her and she smiles a little. "I'm okay. Let me explain."
Kat and I sit on one sofa and her family on one in front of us. "Who's this?" Her mother finally notices me. "This is Joe." Kat takes my hand and folds our fingers together, smiling at me and I can't help but smile back.
"I broke up with Henry and needed to get away. So I left for a bit. Just to get some space and be alone, but I met Joe." Kat lies very fluently. "I love him." She adds and I smile again at her words. Her brother looks at me before back to her. "What the fuck sis? You've been gone for over a week and come back with this man. How can you love him within that shorter time?" He questions.
"I do love him Aaron. A lot. I wanted you all to meet him. I want you to like him." She tells them all and they look at me. I feel a little put on the spot, and I don't like that. I haven't even admitted to loving Kat yet to her and didn't want to get asked about it here and now.
They all just look at me for a couple minutes and I get evil glares off Kats brother. I'm guessing he doesn't like me much then. "So what's going on now? With you two?" Kats mother asks us, looking at her. "What'd you mean? Nothing's happening. I'm living with Joe and..." Kat gets interupted by her brother. Yep, he really doesn't like me.
"What? You've known him for a little over a week and you're living with him! What the fuck Katherine!?" He screams at her and I get more glares. "If I may..." I say before Kat can speak and she looks at me, as do the rest. I take a deep breath. "I love your daughter, a lot. Yes we've only known each other for over a week, but how long do you really need? When you know, you just know. And I know that I am in love with Kat. She's amazing, beautiful, smart. She is living with me because she wants to, and I want her to. I never want to leave her. She's brilliant."
Kat stares at me, mouth open a little and I smile at her. She sqeezes my hand a little and I give a reasuring one back with a small nod before looking back to her family. "Kat?" Her father asks and she looks at him. "What?" She shrugs slowly and innocently.
"You never let anyone call you Kat. It's always been Katherine." He adds and Kat smiles. "I like it from Joe." She says and it make me smile too. God I want to kiss her, but I have to make a good impression. I don't think fucking their daughter here and now is a very good idea. That defiantly won't get me in their good books.
"Wow." Her mother whispers and we look at her. "I don't know what to say." She adds and Kat smiles again. "You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to meet him. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch but I've been... busy." She says and I hide my small chuckle. "Katherine! Too much information." Her brother, Aaron scolds and she giggles a little.
"Okay well, we've got to go. I'll come back soon." Kat says when her mother looks worried. We stand and they all walk us to the door. "You'll come see us soon?" Her mother hugs her. "Yeah. I promise." Kat whispers back and hug her father and brother too.
"If you need anything, anything at all then you call me Katherine." Aaron whispers to her but I catch it. "Aaron everything's fine. I promsie, I'm great." She tells him and steps back, taking my hand again. I say bye and we walk out, back down to the car and climb in.
As soon as Kat sits down I grab her and kiss her before I drive. "What was that for?" She asks breathlessly when I pull back. "Wanted to do that all day." I say with a smile and drive off. "What did your brother mean?" I ask and her eyes fly back to me. "You caught that huh?" She asks and I nod. "Aaron's always hated every man I've brought home. Over-protective brother and all that shit." She shrugs.
"Seriously?" I asks and she tilts her head a little. "Does he think he can take me?" I chuckle and she gives me a serious look. "Don't Joe. Just leave it. He's my brother and only looking out for me." She tells me strongly and I smile.
"I was only saying." I say and she leans back, looking out the window. My eyes flicker to her and I react immediatly. She has this tight little top on and a little blue skirt. She looks hot as fuck and my cock strains against my jeans, dying to be free. I pull the car over and she looks at me.
"What are..." She doesn't get time to finish before I kiss her hard and she can do nothing but kiss me back. I pull her into the back of the car and lie her down with me on top and kiss her again.
"Joe, we can't do this here." She says when I pull back and I smile wide. "Wana bet?" I say and she giggles softly. I lift her skirt around her waist and pull her underwear off. I kneel between her legs and undo my jeans, pulling them down a little so my cock springs free. I wrap one of her legs around me and enter her quickly. I grab her hands and hold them down when she tries to put them around me and I pound into her.
She cries out as I loose myself in her and collapse on her chest, breathing hard. I release her hands and she folds them around he, playing with my hair as we catch our breath.
We get our clothes back on and I drive us back home. I walk in with Kats hand in mine but stop when we get to the living room. Everyone was is here, standing and looking at us. "What?" I ask when no one speaks, they just look at us. Connor, Owen, Larry, Terry, Sam, Nathan, Rhys and Zach.
"What's going on?" Sam asks and I raise my eyebrow. "What?" I ask again, confused. "Her. Why is she still here?" Larry asks harshly. "Why don't you just ask me yourself?" Kat takes a step forward but I keep hold of her hand. "Was I talking to you?" Larry snaps and now I move forward. "Don't talk to her like that." I growl at him and he cowers back a little.
"She's here because she wants to be." I say and they looked shocked. "Why?" Owen asks warily and slowly. Connor looks at Kat and she smiles a little before looking up at me. "Not that it's any of your business, but I love Joe. I have chosen to stay here and he's agreed." She looks back to them as their mouths drop open.
"Love? What the fuck?" Nathan exclaims and I give him a look. "Watch how you're talking, and yes love. I love her too and she is staying here. None of you are to touch her. You will treat her like how you treat me." I tell them seriously and Zach laughs lightly. "Seriously? You expect us to follow her orders like we would yours?" He laughs again and I clench my jaw.
"Yes. You will do as you are told Zachary." I say and he shuts up instantly. "All of you will listen to her like you do me. You will not go near her, don't touch her. I mean it. Am I understood?" I ask and they all nod, bowing their head a little. "Good." I say and walk off, pulling Kat with me.
I take her into my office and shut the door. When I turn around I see her shocked face as she stares at my desk. "You got a new one?" She asks and I smile. "Yeah. The old one didn't hold good memories, for either of us. So I got this new one in today. We can make better memories with it." I say and step closer to her.
She smiles at me as I place both hands on her hips and drag her to me. I kiss her slowly, teasing her mouth with my tongue before I pull back. She smirks before stepping away from me and backing off. She looks at me as she walks backwards, towards my desk and sits on the edge. Her smirk still there as she wriggles a finger at me. Who am I to refuse?
I walk over to her and she puts her arms around my neck, pulling me down and kissing me again. I hold the back of her neck with one hand and move my other down her body, to her thighs.
We pull back when we need to breathe and I place both hands on her thighs, under her skirt and squeeze. She moans quietly and I feel her legs stiffen. I smile as she moves her hands to my jeans and undoes the zipper. I slowly lie her down and pull her knickers off before dropping my jeans and boxers to my ankles. I grip her hips as I slam forward and she cries out out, closing her eyes.
Her hands hold the edge of the desk tightly as I hold still to relish in her. I would never get enough of her. Of the feeling of me being inside her. I loved it. I loved her. I fuck her hard and her knuckles turn white under the force of her grip. Her head bows back over the other side of the desk as she calls my name out. Her orgasm sets mine off and I collapse on her once more.
She smiles up at me, breathing hard and looking sexy as hell. I grab her face between my hands and kiss her hard. When I move back I smile and she eyes me up suspiciously. I slowly pull out of her and drop to my knees, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to me.
Her hands fist through my hair and bring me closer as I tease and taste her. She looses herself and screams again, falling back onto the desk as I stand and pull my jeans up. After a minute she stands too and pulls her knickers up.
We go for a shower together before I get a knock at my door. Kat and I are both wrapped in towels but I don't care and answer it anyway. "What?" I ask Owen harshly. "We've just got a call. Someone needs to be taken care of." He tells me and I frown. "You've made the plans without me?" I snap and he shits himself. "You were busy. I didn't want to interrupt you." He says quickly and I take a deep breath.
"Fine. I'll be down in a minute." I say before closing the door and turning back to Kat. I take another breath and get dressed. "What's happening?" She asks as she dries her body and I can't help but watch. She smiles when she notices this and I pull a shirt on.
"I've gota go out." I tell her and her eyes widen. "Don't worry." I pull some jeans on before stepping towards her and pulling her to me. She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest, closing her yes. "I won't be too long." I whisper down to her but she doesn't move. "What if you get hurt again?" She puts a hand on my scar on my side and I sigh softly.
"I'll be fine. I won't be long, but I've got to go." I say again. "Why do you have to go? Can't someone else go?" She looks up at me and I shake my head. "I'm the Boss. I run this whole thing. It's my job. I have to go." I tell her and she looks sad.
"Look, I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'll come back." I say strongly but she doesn't believe me. "Promise?" She asks and I can't stop a smile. "I promise." I say and she kisses me lightly. "You will stay in here this time. I love my brother but he's too weak to watch you. I'll have Owen stand outside this room, like last time and I'll lock you in. No one will come in here."
"What if..." She starts but I stop her with my lips on hers. "No what ifs. You'll be fine. I'll be fine. We'll both be fine. I promise. Now I've got to go. I'll lock the door and Owen will stand outside. If you need me..." I say and step away from her.
I get her phone and hand it to her. She looks shocked as she takes it. "My number's in there. Call me if you have to." I order and she smiles. "Yes Sir." She says and stands up straight, making me smile. "You know to." I say and kiss her again before I force myself to leave.

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