Taken Prisoner Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
"Who was that man?" I change the subject and feel him stiffen a little. "My uncle." He tells me and my eyes widen. "You need to stay away from him." He adds seriously. "Why?" I ask out of interest. "Because he's worse than Jonah. A lot worse. Jonah has never took a woman against her will before, only tried it. Logan has. He doesn't give a fuck, and he wants you. He's told me to kill you." \an averse Ray
"And what did you say back?" I ask him. "I told him to fuck off. That I wasn't killing you and I meant it. I won't kill you Kat, I promise. And I won't let him either. He told me to kill you or he'll do it himself, but he won't just kill you. I saw it in his eyes; he wants you bad. And what Logan wants he usually gets, but I won't let him. He won't do that to you either. So you need to stay away from him at all times. Do not go anywhere without me. I don't trust him even more than I don't trust Jonah. He's worse." He tells me again and fear slams into me.
"Why are your family all cunts? I mean, you're not like them like that. You've not forced me into it like they've tried. Why are they different?" I ask and he smiles a little at my use of language. "I don't know. I just don't agree with it. Me and Connor hate people that rape women. It's wrong. The others just don't care. They think with their dicks and don't care if they're willing or not."
"That's disgusting." I say and he nods. "I agree, but don't worry. I won't let Logan get to you, or Jonah and Kyle. Just stay with me and you'll be safe. I'll protect you." He tells me and I smile before kissing him again and resting my head on his chest.
I close my eyes and tighten my arm around him, relaxing a little. I was still a little shaken up over what happened with Jonah, but I felt safe around Joe. Which was strange because he had hurt me too. But I still feel comfortable with him. He didn't frighten me like Jonah did, and now Logan.
Joe never forced me into it. I wanted it, and I still did. Once wasn't enough. I wanted him again. And again, and again. I couldn't just leave it at that, and I didn't think Joe could either. I saw it in his eyes when he looked into mine. Desire. Lust. The same as I'm sure mine reflect back.
I look up at him again and he smiles softly before I kiss him once more. This time a little harder and his hand moves to cup the back of my neck as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. God, just how much did I want him? He sparked something else in me. Something that I've never felt before. Something that made me feel in control of myself and not trust myself around him.
I lie on top of him and kiss him again, fisting through his hair. His runs his hands over my back and down to my arse. He pushes his hands down my shorts and grabs my arse, pulling me ever closer. He flips us over and kisses me again, harder.
He rocks against me and I feel how hard he is already. He sits astride me to pull his shirt off and throws it away. He pulls mine off too before I run my hands up his hard, firm body and grab his shoulders, pulling him back to me. He grabs my hair and kisses me again, groaning softly when I pull his hair.
He moves back to pull my shorts and knickers down before he takes his jeans and boxers off and climbs back on top of me. His thumb teases my clit as he kisses down my neck and I moan softly, digging my heels into the sheets and closing my eyes.
He nibbles on that perfect spot on my neck before entering me hard and I cry out, throwing my arms around him. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head with one hand before kissing me again pounding into me. He moves hard and fast and I moan in his mouth. God the things he does to me. I've never felt this way before. An orgasm has never been as intense as they have been with him before.
My toes curl into the sheets as our fingers intwine together and I throw my head forward, crying out loud. He grunts and groans, burying his face in my shoulder as he comes too and collapses onto my chest.
Slowly, he releases my hands and I wrap them around him. I play with the hairs on the back of his neck and close my eyes as we both calm our harsh breathing. We stay like that for a few minutes, not moving or taking. I still find it strange that I feel this comfortable with him.
Joe looks down at me and kisses me before rolling next to me. Not caring about our nakedness, he pulls me into his arms and holds me close. I wrap my arm around his stomach and rest my head on his chest. I grow tired and I kiss him once more before relaxing and closing my eyes.
When I next wake it's dark out and Joe isn't here. I sit up and see his clothes are gone too. I stand and check the bathroom but he's not in there. I pull one of his shirts on and boxers, loving the smell of him and try the door. It's open.
I step out and look around before walking downstairs. I think about calling out for him but I don't know where Jonah is so I keep quiet. I tread carefully as I tiptoe through the house and search for him. I quietly open Connors door but see he's asleep and alone so I leave.
I go into the living room and see two men sitting on the sofa. I stop suddenly and they turn around and smile when they see me. "Um... Do you know where Joe is?" I ask them. I don't recognise these two. I've not saw them before. "In his office." One tells me and I walk away quickly, not wanting to be near anyone but Joe. He told me about them so I didn't trust them.
I knock softly on Joes Office door before gently pushing it open. "Out!" Joe snaps before he turns and sees me. I see him here with Logan, and Joe looks very angry.
"Ah, there she is. We were just taking about you." Logan smiles at me. "Kat go back upstairs." Joe tells me seriously but I'm frozen. Logan walks towards me and Joe darts in front, standing very close to me. "Leave her alone." Joe growls at Logan and I look past him.
"Come on Joe. We can get this over and done with now." Logan steps forward again before Joe steps to the side to block his path. Logan punches Joe and grabs my arm, dragging me to him. His grip makes me groan a little.
"Let her go." Joe stands straight and moves closer. Logan snakes an arm around my neck and another around my waist and Joe instantly stops. "Logan don't. She's nothing to you. You have no reason to kill her. Just let her go." Joe tells him again but he laughs from behind me. "You're right about one thing. She is nothing to me, but clearly she's something to you. And she has to die. She's seen you, this place. She knows where we are. She can't live."
"She won't say a word to anyone. I promise that. She won't tell anyone where we are or who I am. Will you Kat?" Joe looks at me and I shake my head as much as Logan will allow. "I don't believe it." Logan holds me closer and pulls me back a step when Joe moves forward, so he stops again.
"Look Joe, it's clear you want her. Take her and then kill her. Or I'll kill her if you're too much of a pussy to it." Logan says and I feel sick. "You fucking tramp." I say and Joe shoots me a look. "Kat don't." He warns but I don't listen.
"You're a vile person. Take me? God what's wrong with you? You really expect Joe to rape me? Are you mad? Do you not know him at all? He wouldn't do that to me." I spit and he tightens his arms around me so I can just about breathe. "You can see that he wants you. Give it to him them."
"I already have." I almost shout and Joe looks at me again. "What? Joe, you've fucked her already?" Logan asks him and he nods. "Wow. Good for you." He chuckles and I know my face shows a look of disgust. "I guess it's my turn then."
Logan spins me around and bends me over Joes desk. I feel him ripped away from me before he can do anything though and I stand. I see Joe throw him across the room and kick him before coming over to me. "You okay?" He lifts my chin to look at me and I nod.
"Joe!" I scream when I see Logan move behind him. He spins around but not quick enough. Logan hits Joe over the head with one of his whisky bottles and it breaks as he falls to the floor and Logan kicks his face. A couple men run in, the same ones from in the living room and study the room, looking shocked. They see Joe on the floor and gasp quietly.
Joe tries to stand slowly and holds his head. "Logan?" One of the men look up and Logan smiles. "Grab him." He orders and they hesitate as Joe gets to his feet. "Paul! Tim! Grab him now!" Logan orders more strongly and they quickly move towards Joe. They grab his arms and pull him back.
I try to move for them but Logan backhands me and I stumble back, falling onto the desk. I quickly jump back up and feel the blood on my lip. He stands in front of me and I spit the blood in his face. He laughs and wipes his face with his hand before slapping me again.
"Don't touch her." Joe struggles to get away from the two men. "Tim, Paul, let go of me now before I kick your heads in!" Joe shouts and I see how torn they are. Logan looks back to them. "Let him go and he'll be the least of your problems." He growls.
Logan turns back to me and I become frightened as he smiles coldly. He steps closer and I don't hesitate in punching him. He stumbles back and I bolt for the door but his hand in my hair stops me and I cry out as he drags me back. He pulls me to the desk and bends me over it again. He puts one hand on the back of my head, pushing my face into the desk and his other on the small of my back, keeping me down.
"Logan get away from her now!" Joe screams and I see him trying to get away again. The men struggle to keep him back but they manage to so he can't get away. They pull his arms behind his back and keep him there.
"Make him watch." Logan tells them and Joe looks at me. "Logan if you hurt her then I'll fucking kill you." Joe promises in a low, cold voice but Logan just laughs. "Don't worry sweetheart." Logan brushes my hair from my face so I get a clear view of Joe. "It'll feel good, and I'll make your death a quick one." He promises as he strokes my cheek.
"Get the fuck off me!" I scream and try to throw him off me somehow. He laughs and pulls my arms behind my back hard and I groan. He pushes his groin against my arse and half leans on me as he reaches down the side of the desk. He stands again and I feel him tie rope around my wrists. "No!" I try to move my hands but he just ties the rope tighter and I cry out as it catches my skin.
"Logan!" Joe screams and he looks at him when my wrists are secured. "Get the fuck away from her now. I mean it Logan. I rip your fucking head off if you hurt her." He promises him but clearly Logan doesn't care as he laughs again.
"You can't do shit. Just stand back and enjoy the show." Logan chuckles before he turns his attention back to me. "Get your hands off me you fucking cunt!" I scream when I feel his hand travel down my side and to my arse. "Cunt? Such a harsh word for such a pretty lady." He laughs and I roll my eyes. "I don't give a fuck. Get off me now."
He caresses my arse with his hand before slapping it, making me yelp. He lifts Joes shirt up to my back and rubs the small of my back. I start to panic some more. "Get off me!" I try to stand but he pushes my head back down and I groan as my cheek hits the desk and I look at Joe again.
Joe screams threats at Logan, and the other two. His face is red with anger as he still tries to get away. Logan ignores him as he slowly pulls Joes boxers down my thighs and legs and drops them to my ankles. I scream and shout as he throws them aside and kicks my feet apart. I hear his belt drop to the ground before his zipper undo.
"No! Get off me!" I scream and try to move again but he keeps me down with a strong hand in the middle of my spine. I scream again and Joe shouts more threats. I see the door burst open before Logan can drop his jeans.
"What the fuck? Get off her!" Connor screams and Logan laughs. "What can you do boy? Nothing. Stay out of this." Logan chuckles. I see Joe in Connors eyes as he grows angry too. He moves forward and punches one of the men holding Joe and he lets go of his arm. Joe spins around and punches the other one before running to me and grabbing Logan.
Connor rushes to me and helps me stand. He takes the ropes from me and I slip the boxers back on. I didn't realise that I had tears running down my face until now. "Are you okay?" Connor asks and looks at my wrists. "I am thanks to you." I say and hug him tight.
I let go of him and Connor gets pulled away by one of the men. He punches him to the floor and kicks him. "Hey! Leave him alone!" I scream and kick his back so he falls forward. The other man comes for me and I punch out but he grabs my now sore wrist. I try to hit him with my other fist but he grabs that one too and throws me to the ground.
Connor grabs the man from behind, lifting him off the ground and slams him onto the desk. Wow. He's strong. I didn't realise. He must get that from Joe. As I stand I get a foot in my stomach and I groan loud as I fall back and hit the wall. Logan walks towards me and I kick his stomach back.
He stumbles back and I dart past him. He grabs my hair and I scream as he drags me back. I hear a gun shot and everyone stops. I look up and see Joe pointing his gun at the now dean man lying on top of Connor. Connor groans and throws him off him. "Bastard doesn't touch my brother and gets away with it." Joe growls and offers his hand to Connor.
I smile at the sight as Joe pulls Connor to his feet and aims the gun at the other man as he walks towards them but stops dead. Joe doesn't hesitate in shooting him too. In the head, and he falls to the floor.
Three other men run in and Joe spins with his gun pointed to them and they stop too, holding their hands up. "Whow. What's going on here?" Another that I don't recognise asks. I know the other two as Owen and Kyle though. "None of your business. Get out of here now." Joe orders and they quickly run off, clearly not wanting to get shot too.
Joe turns to gun to Logan who quickly pulls my back flush against his chest and snakes his arms around me like before. Like Matt did. "Logan, let her go now." Joe warns him in his cold, deep voice.
"Or what?" Logan challenges. "Or I'll kill you. Well I'm going to do that anyway for what you tried to do to her. You fucking sick bastard. Now let her go." He orders again and Logan laughs once more. "You won't shoot me. You'll have to get through your precious Katherine first and I know you won't do that." Logan tells him smugly and I see Joes jaw clench as his hand becomes tighter on the gun he holds in one hand.
"Logan? Uncle Logan?" Connor asks and Joe nods. "Where the fuck have you been? You just up and left. Never came back. What the fuck?" Connor shouts at him. "I quit the family business. I didn't want any part of it anymore so I left. But then I got told that you had this little thing here. I had to come back because Joe is too much of a pussy to kill her himself. So I have to for it for him."
"You won't kill her." Joe and Connor growl at the same time and now I really see the resemblance as Logan laughs. "God, look at the two of you. You're terrible. I know that you, Connor have never killed someone, so I can't blame you, but you... Joe, I'm disappointed. What would your father say if he was here right now?"
"Fuck him. I don't care what he would say. He's not here." Joe growls and Connor and I look at him shocked. Connor looks at me and shrugs softly. I remember Connor telling me that Joe only took over this family business to please his father. So what the fuck? Now he doesn't care? Wow.
"Seriously Joe? Just think of what he would say if he were here right now. He would be so disappointed in you, just as I am. You can't kill one simple girl..." Logan says and I stop him. "I'm a woman, not a girl." I correct and Joe smiles slightly before Logan pulls harder on my throat.
I can't breathe and I start panicking. I claw at his arm and struggle in his hold as he pulls tighter. "Let her go now!" Joe screams and I hear the click of his gun. Logan doesn't stop though and my legs start to tingle and go numb. He keeps me standing with his other arm around my waist. I hear the shot of the gun and he drops me, screaming and I fall to the floor, coughing and rubbing my throat.
Connor rushes over to me and helps me sit up, checking me over. I look over to Logan and see him half lying on the floor, clutching his ankle. Ow. Joe shot his foot. That looked like it hurt. A lot. Good.
Joe strolls over to Logan and points the gun at his head. "Wait!" I scream and Joe stops, looking at me. I stand with Connors help and go over to them. I kick Logan onto his back as he cries out, stilling holding his foot. I stomp on his face, kick between his legs and roughly put my foot on his wounded one. He screams loud and Joe kicks him back down when he tries to sit up.
I press my foot down on his and he screams again, tears rolling down his face. I move my foot and kick his ribs hard, making him groan. I kick them a few more times until I feel them snap. When he reaches for my ankle I stand on his wrist and break it. He cries out again and I smile.
"You're a sick bastard. You're nothing but a little cunt. A sick little man. You rape women and kill them for your amusement. You're so fucked up it's unreal." I spit at him angrily and kick his face again.
I pull the gun from Joes hand and point at him but Joe grabs my wrist and I look at him. He shakes his head at me. "Don't become a murderer Kat." He says gently and pries the gun from my hand. "Do you want to watch this?" He asks as he points it at Logans head. I nod and look at Logan.
"You sure?" Joe asks again to make sure. "Yes." I growl without taking my eyes from Logan. Joe pulls the trigger and Logan dies instantly, blood spilling from his head. I look around and see dead bodies and blood everywhere.
Joe drops the gun to the floor and pulls me into his arms. I bury my face in his chest and wrap my arms around him as I sob loudly. He stokes my hair softly and shushes me gently. "You're okay now. I told you I wouldn't let him do that to you. You're safe." He whispers to me and I hold him tighter.
After a couple minutes Joe bends down and scoops me into his arms. I fold my arms around his neck and hide my face in his shoulder, keeping him close as he holds me tighter. "Connor get some people in here to clean this up. I want it sorted and cleaned by the time I wake up in the morning. Get it done." Joe tells him before turning around and carrying me out.
He takes me up to his room and into the bathroom. He places me on my feet and turns the shower on. He takes off both off our bloody clothes and helps me into the shower. He pulls my back against him with his arms around me and I close my eyes, leaning on his chest.
The water runs over us as Joe cleans my body. I keep my eyes closed as fresh tears run down my face. "Hey." Joe turns me around and I open my eyes, looking up at him. "Enough of that. You're okay now." He says gently and wipes my tears away with his thumbs. He keeps his hands on my face and looks into my eyes. He kisses my head and pulls me to him again.

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