Taken Prisoner Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
I throw Rhys inside the house with Kat behind me. He scrambles to his feet and backs off. He's scared. Good. So he should be. I'll teach him to fuck with my girl and get away with it. Bastard.
"Kat go upstairs." I tell her seriously as she steps next to me. Rhys looks up at me, fear clear in his eyes. "Kat, now." I growl but she doesn't move. "Joe..." She starts. "Get the fuck upstairs now!" I roar at her and she runs off. Good. She didn't need to see what I was going to do to him.
"Joe." I punch him to shut him up. He falls into the wall behind him and I land a hard foot in his ribs. He groans loudly, falling to the floor. I drag him up by a hand in his hair and punch him again.
I pull him arm behind his back, snapping it. He screams out as I push him forward and he clutches his now broken arm, turning around to face me. "Why do you all think that you can hurt her and I'll let you get away with it?" I spit before kicking him.
"She needs to go." He tells me through his pain and my anger grows. "That's not up to you to decide that." I growl and punch him. He hits the sofa behind him and I kick his chest, making him fall over it and land on the coffee table with a groan. I walk around the sofa to him as he jumps up but I grab him and slam him down again.
It shatters the table and he falls through it, hitting the floor hard. I bend down, keeping him down with a hand on his chest. "She's made you weak. Can you not see that?" He spits at me. "How's this for weak?"
I pull him back to his feet before kicking his left knee. He cries out again as he collapses and his breaking bones echo through my head along with his screams as tears escape his eyes. I kick his ribs once, then again and another time, feeling them break too. I let all my anger out on this disgusting man, fucking him up until there's nothing left. I break almost every bone in his body, taking my time and destroying his face in the process.
When he's broken down to nothing, a crying wreck of a man on the ground, I pull my gun out and empty it into his head and chest. I turn around with my gun raised when I hear a noise.
"Whow, it's just me." Connor holds his hands up and I lower my gun. He walks over to me and asps when he sees Rhys. "What did you do to him?" He whispers, staring at him. "Destroyed him. No one will ever hurt Kat again. I'll make sure of that." I say with regret before I walk off.
I go upstairs and into my room to see Kat lying on our bed, curled up and crying. She's wearing a shirt of mine but nothing else. I close the door and she turns her head to look at me. I lock it and go over to her. She looks away as more tears run down her beautiful, bruised face. I close my eyes for a moment before taking my shirt and jeans off. I lie down on the bed behind her and pull her to me.
I roll her over so she's facing me and wrap my arms around her as she sobs into my chest. After a couple minutes she raises her head to looks at me and I wipe her tears away. "How did you find us?" She whispers.
"I put tracking devices on all the cars after the first time this happened." I tell her and her eyes widen. "Why?" She asks. "Seriously, why? Because of this. I told you what they were like. I wouldn't put anything past them. Better safe than sorry."
She smiles softly and leans up to kiss me. I roll us over so I'm pinning her into the mattress and kiss her harder as she fists through my hair. I unbutton the shirt of mine she wears and lean up so I can take it off her. I kiss down her neck as she reaches for my boxers. She tugs them down until I move to throw them away and I resume kissing down to her chest.
She wraps her legs around me and pulls my mouth back to hers. We both keep our eyes open to look at each other deeply as I slowly push myself inside her. I go oh so slowly, moving back out and in again. She writhes under and pulls me closer.
Kat raises her hips, trying to change the pace. "Oh no baby. I want to take this slow." I whisper in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe. "I want to make love to you." I add, still going slow and she surrenders to the rhythm.
I feel it slowly starting to build, rising gradually as she moans louder, meeting me for each soft thrust as I kiss her again, gently. She plays with the hairs on the back of my neck, rocking slowly until she's breathing harsh and very close. I feel her explode around me and hear her call my name, which sets my orgasm off, saying her name before I fall on her chest.
We stay like that for a while, wrapping up in each other. I rest my head on her chest as she continues to play with my hair. I never wanted to let go of her. I wanted to stay in her arms forever. I had to protect her. We end up falling asleep like that, her holding me close.
I wake up in the morning, still in Kats arms. She's awake though and smiles up at me as I raise my head. "How long have you been awake for?" I ask and her smile grows. "A while." She admits. "Why didn't you move?"
"You were still asleep. I didn't want to wake you." She tells me softly which makes me smile too. I lean up and kiss her gently. "Come on. Shower time." I get out of bed and she follows. We go for a shower together and I make love to her again.
Just as we finished getting dressed the door knocks. "What?" I open it and see Owen standing there. "There's someone downstairs." He tells me and a get a rush of da ja vu. "Who?" I ask carefully and he shrugs. "I don't know. She says that she wants to talk to you. Now." He tells me and I frown a little. "She?" I ask and he nods. "Alright I'm coming."
"There's a woman here for you?" Kat asks as I turn to face her and I smile. "Jealous?" I tease but her face doesn't change as her frown deepens. I step closer to her and pull her to me with my hands on her hips. "I don't know who she is. I'm going to find out now." I say as she puts her arms on my shoulders but her frown still doesn't leave. "I love you." I emphasize on each word and she can't stop a small smile.
"I want to see who she is." She tells me after I kiss her. I chuckle lightly and take her hand, walking out. We go into the living room and I see Connor and Owen in there. "Where is she?" I ask Owen. "In your office."
Kat and I go to my office, open the doors and my mouth drops when I see her. She smiles at me. "What the fuck?" I whisper. "Wait here." I say before dragging Kat out. "Connor take Kat out for a bit." I say as we go back into the living room. "What?" Connor turns and looks at me.
"What?" Kat repeats. "You heard. Take her out for a bit. Go and get more clothes for her. Come back in about an hour. Now." I tell him and he stands, coming over. Kat looks up at me.
"You'll be safe with Connor. Go now. I'll see you later." I kiss her softly before handing her to Connor and they walk off. I take a deep breath before going back to my office.
"Why are you here? How are you here?" I ask after I've closed the doors and look at her again. I drink in every feature. "You were dead. How?" I ask and she smiles again. "I was never dead. Your father told you that to keep me away from you. A woman could never do this, oh no, but I saw that woman. Who as she Joe?"
"Katherine." I say. "Who is she to you?" She smiles. "Everything. I love her." I tell her and that smile grows. "I'm glad you've found someone." She says but I'm still in shock.
"Why are you here Mom?" I ask and she sits back on my desk. "I missed my sons. I haven't seen you since you were a child and Connor a baby. He doesn't even recognise me." She says sadly. "But why now, after all this time? You could have come sooner! Dad told us you were dead. Where the fuck was you? You left us!"
"No son." She stands and comes towards me. When she raises her hand to touch my face I move back. "I never left by choice. Your father made me. He always said that this was mans work. A moan could never kill someone, be in this business, so he made me leave. Now I see that woman here."
"She isn't in the business. She's my partner, my lover and I love her. She's a part of me, not this family. She's never killed and never will." I tell her and smiles again. "
"I see the love clear in your eyes when you talk about her. When you looked at her. I really am happy that you've found someone Joe. Good for you, but why is she here?" She asks me. "Because I love her and she loves me. She has chosen to stay here, with me."
"Well she's here so clearly she knows of this family business, and she still stays? She must be a very strong girl to handle all this."
"Woman." I correct. "What?" She asks. "She's woman, not a girl." I tell her and her smile widens even more. "Wow. She's really gotten you hasn't she?" She asks and I nod. Yes, she has. I love her more than anything, that's why I'm so sad to do what I've got to do.
Mom you can't be here." I take another step away from her. "What? Why?" She asks, shocked. "Because I'm finally happy." But not for long. "Dad may have made you leave, but it was your choice to stay away. You could have came back, when he died. We needed you then. Connor and I. And when our brother died. I needed you even more then. You can't be here now. Leave, before Connor figures out who you are and it upsets him."
"You truly love your brother." She smiles again. "Of course I do. He's my brother and I don't want him hurt. It will crush him if he knows you're here now. So leave, and don't come back." I take her arm and walk her through the house.
"Joe, is everything okay?" Owen stands as we walk in the living room. "Fine. Stay here Owen." I tell him seriously, dragging my mother toward the door. I open it and force her out. "Don't come back. We don't want you here. Leave, for good this time." I say before slamming the door shut.
Fuck! I go upstairs and into my room, slamming that door shut too. "Shit!" I shout. "Fuck!" I kick the door hard and punch the wall. I throw things around the room, breaking things and trying to get all this anger out.
"Joe." I hear a knock at my door and it slowly opens. I turn around and see Owen standing in the doorway. His eyes quickly scan my now fucked up room before he looks at me again. "What's wrong?" He asks carefully. "Nothing. Get out." I point at the door and he looks to my hand. "You're bleeding."
"No shit. Get out." I growl seriously and he hesitates before walking out and closing the door behind him. I sit on the bottom of my bed with my head in my hand and elbows on knees. Fuck!
Half an hour passes and I'm still pissed off, sitting on the edge of my bed when I hear my door fly open. I lift my head and Kat bounces over to me, dropping a bag on the floor before throwing her arms around my neck, sitting on my lap and kissing me hard.
"You okay?" She asks when she pulls back and sees my face. "What's wrong?" She asks seriously. I gently push her off me and stand. I walk a few feet away before turning and looking at her. She stands, looking all around the room before her eyes fall on me, her lips parted in shock.
"What happened? Are you okay?" She asks again, stepping closer. "Kat don't." I warn and move back. She stops. "Why?" She asks. "Because I'm really pissed off and don't want to hurt you." I tell her seriously, trying to be as calm as I can.
"You won't hurt me." She smiles and moves closer. "Kat please." I say but she doesn't stop. I grab her shoulders, spinning her around and push her against the wall. Her smile doesn't fade. She has her hands on my hips as I grip her shoulders hard and put my head down.
"Joe." She says and I close my eyes. "Kat." I whisper when I feel her hand touch my face. She slowly lifts my face to her and I open my eyes to look into hers. "I trust you. You won't hurt me." She says before moving her hand to the back of my neck and pulling me to her. She kisses me sweetly and my hands lower to her hips, grinding my hips to hers.
She gently pushes my shoulder. "I've got something to tell you." She tells me. "So have I." I say with regret and she tilts her head a little. I take a step away from her. "Joe what is it?" She asks, sounding a little worried.
"I'm so sorry Kat." I whisper, moving back a little more. "What for?" She asks me quietly. "For what I'm about to do. You can't stay here. You have to leave." I tell her and I watch as her beautiful face fills with hurt. I turn away from her, unable to bare it.
"Joe." I feel her hand touch my shoulder and I step forward, shrugging it off and close my eyes. "Kat please don't." I turn and look at her. "It's not safe for you here. You've been hurt too many times now. I can't allow that to happen again. I won't. The only way to keep you safe is for you to leave. Go, and don't come back." I tell her with so much regret.
"I can't." She whispers. "Yes, you can. You know you're not safe here. You haven't been here long but yet so many things have happened to you. The only way I can protect you is if you're not here. I love you, but you're safety's more important."
"No you don't understand. I can't leave. Now not." She says clearer. "Why?" I ask and I see she's trying to contain a smile. "I..." She stutters and I get worried. "Kat what is it? You're scaring me now. Tell me."
"I'm pregnant." She tells me and all the air leaves my body. "What?" I choke out. "I'm pregnant." She says again. I take a minute to take in what she just said. Pregnant. A baby. My baby. I'm going to be a Dad. I'm going to have a child. Holy shit.
"You're sure? You're pregnant?" I ask and she nods. "Oh my God." I move forward, wrapping my arms around her and spinning her around. She giggles and smiles wide as she folds her arms around my neck. "I'm going to be a Dad." I whisper as I place her back on her feet but keep my arms around her. "You're going to be a great Dad."
"Fuck, a baby." I whisper. "Oh my God." I say again and she smiles even wider. I can't stop my huge grin from filling my face too. "I've never been so happy. Thank you Kat. This is the best birthday present ever." I say before kissing her.
"What?" She moves her head back. "It's your birthday?" She asks and I nod. Did I forget to tell her? Oops. She smiles again. "We're going to have a baby." I say quietly and we both grin like idiots.

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