Taken Prisoner Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
I drive down the road, on our way to Matthews house with Kat next to me. What am I doing? Why am I bringing her with me? She didn't want to witness someone being murdered, and I didn't want her to see me like that, but I couldn't leave her at home. I know them too well.
I couldn't trust her with Connor because he was too soft. If she tried to escape then she would because he wouldn't slap her down. The rest would do much more than give her slap, if she tried to escape or not. That's why she's staying with me and I'm not letting her out of my sight. I don't know what I'm going to do when this is all over though.
I told her I would let her go, but how can I? She's seen me and could easily go to the police, but would she? She's growing on me and I'm certain I'm growing on her, and it's only been a day. Three more days. Would she go to the police if I let her go? I would like to think she wouldn't, but I can't know for sure. I have never killed a woman before, but I haven't go many choices left.
One. Let her go and risk her going to the police. Two. Kill her quickly and get it over and done with. Three. Keep her with me. I know which one I would prefer, but I didn't want to keep her against her will. I didn't like doing it now and it was only for four days. What if I did try and make her stay? Would she? Would she try to escape again? Would she harm herself because she couldn't go back to her family? Shit. What was I suppose to do?
Half an hour later and I park the car outside Matthews house. Kat and I get out the car, but this time I don't need to tie her up. We walk up to the door and I hold the rope behind my back as I knock the door.
Matthew opens the door and frowns. "Do I know you?" He asks and I smile coldly. "You don't know me, but you've heard of me. Does Joe ring any bells?" I ask and he quickly tries to slam the door shut but I put my foot in the way and push it open with my other hand. I step inside, with Kat next to me and close the door. Matthew runs through the house and I chase after him. He darts up the stairs and I try not to laugh. Why do they always go upstairs?
I run up too and realise why he went up the stairs. He stands in his bedroom, pointing a gun at me with a shaky hand. I tuck the rope in the back of my jeans and hold my hands up.
I feel Kat next to me and Matthew points gun back and forth between us. I step a little closer to Kat. "Matthew listen to me now. Put the gun down and come with me before you hurt yourself."
"Leave now or I shoot." He tells me and I can't stop a small laugh. "You won't shoot me." I tell him, looking at his shaky hand. I can tell he's never used that gun in his life. "Fine. I'll shoot her then." He says and points the gun to Kat. "Pull that trigger and I promise you the longest, painfullest death ever." I tell him seriously, stepping in front of Kat.
"Leave or I shoot." He tells me again and I smile. "Shoot." I dare him and his eyes widen in shock. "Joe." Kat moves to my side and looks at me. I look down at her and she shakes her head. "He'll shoot us. Lets just go." She tells me and I shake my head now.
"He won't shoot us. He's never fired a gun before." I tell her before looking back to Matthew. He pulls the trigger and the bullet speeds past me, hitting the wall. "Whow. Calm down Matthew before you hurt someone." I say with a small smile. "You're a terrible shot. Wana see a good shot?" I ask before I quickly pull my gun out and shoot his arm. He screams out and drops his gun on the floor.
"Kat get the gun." I tell her, still pointing mine at Matthew. She just stands there, in shock, staring at Matthew. "Kat! Get the gun." I say louder and she snaps out of it. Slowly, she walks over to Matthew and bends to grab the gun. Before she can reach it Matthew grabs her and pulls her against him. He wraps his arm around her throat and pulls her back to his chest as he hides his face behind her head.
"Hiding behind a girl Matt?" I taunt and Kat glares. "Woman." She corrects and I smile. "Sorry. Woman." I say with a sarcastic smile and Kat rolls her eyes. "Go or I snap her neck." Matt tells me as he moves his other hand to grab her head. He knows his shit.
"Well I'm not leaving without her so that ain't going to happen." I promise, still pointing my gun at him. "Kick the gun over and I'll let her go." He tells me but I smile again. "Not a chance. I like this gun." I tell him and he hides a little more behind Kat. "For fucks sake Joe. Give him the fucking gun before he breaks my neck!" Kat shouts and I look at her. "He won't dare. He knows I'll kill him."
"You're going to kill me anyway. If I can take one with me then I will." He tells me and I growl low. "Hurt her and I promise you that you'll regret it. Let her go now before I kill you."
"You can't kill me." Matt smiles smugly behind Kat. "No, but I can still shoot you." I say before I aim the gun at his knee and pull the trigger. He cries out and drops to the floor, taking Kat with him. I walk over to them and offer my hand to Kat. She takes it and jumps up. I grab Matthews hands behind his back and tie them. I put my gun away before grabbing his and taking that too. I smack him over the head with it to knock him out before picking him up and flinging him over my shoulder. "You okay?" I turn and ask Kat. "Oh yeah. Fucking great." She says sarcastically.
Kat gets in the car as I throw Matt in the back before getting in myself. "So what's this guys deal?" She asks as I drive off. "Yesterday was payday and he didn't pay up. He knew what would happen if he didn't pay." I shrug and she looks back at him before back to me. \p
"You're really going to kill him? No joke?" She asks and I try not to laugh. "No joke." I tell her and she leans back. "I don't want to watch you kill someone." She tells me quietly and I nod softly. "I know. You don't have to watch. I only brought you because I couldn't leave you at home, but you don't have to watch." I tell her and she lets out a breath of relief.
"Thank you." She breathes and closes her eyes. I smile a little and keep driving until we get home. I live in the middle of no where so it's great for killing people where no one can hear.
"Can I trust you to stay in the car?" I turn to Kat and she nods, smiling softly. I climb out and grab Matt, throwing him over my shoulder again. I walk through the forest a little until I think it's far enough and drop him on the ground. He groans and opens his eyes.
I pull my gun out and point it at his head. "Any last words?" I ask. "Fuck you." He spits at me before I pull the trigger. I grab a shovel and start digging. It takes a while to make sure it's deep enough before I kick him in and cover him up with the dirt. I pat it down with the shovel after and walk back to the car. I drop the shovel on the ground when I see the passenger door is open and Kat is gone.
Where the fuck was she? She couldn't have got far. I couldn't see her around. Fuck! I trusted her. She had better be in the house. I run inside and go up to my room but she isn't there. Not the bathroom either. I run back downstairs and through the living room. I stop when I see Connor sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. He has his knees at his chest and he's crying quietly.
"Where is she?" I growl as I stand in front of him but he doesn't look up at me. He point towards his door and I kick it open. I see Jonah and Kyle standing over her. I hear her cries and see her blood. "What the fuck!?" I shout and they both spin around to look at me. Fear quickly fills their faces.
The bitch bit me." Jonah exclaims suddenly as I walk over to them. They quickly step back before I can get to them. I bend down and pick Kat up, holding her close to my chest. "I'll deal with you two later." I snarl at them before walking out.
I take her up to my room and lie her on my bed. She's still crying. I move her bloody, sticky hair from her face and look at her as I sit on the edge of my bed. Her face is a mess. Her lip is cut, nose busted and her eye has a bruise appearing. As does her left cheek. "Bastards." I growl quietly.
Kat looks up at me and doesn't seem to care that she's crying like a baby. I reach down and pull her to me. She groans and I quickly let her go. I lift up my shirt she is wearing and she a massive bruise coming on her side. Anger floods me and I run a hand through my hair trying to calm down.
I pick her up again and take her into the bathroom. I set her on her feet but she wobbles so I help her stand. I close the door before move around her and put both arms around her. I work at the buttons on my shirts before pulling off her shoulders and dropping it to the ground. Her arms move around herself to cover her body from me. I pull the jeans off too but leave my boxers on her. I do the same to myself before turning the hot water on in the shower.
I stand Kat under the water with me behind her, keeping her up. I slowly pull her back to my chest and gently wrap my arms around her waist. She leans her head on my chest and closes her eyes, tears still coming out if them. I rest my chin on her head and close my eyes too.
"I'm so sorry that happened. I'll punish them for this. They won't be able to walk when I'm finished with them. I shouldn't have left you in the car alone. I'm sorry." I whisper to her, opening my eyes to see her looking up at me. "It's not your fault." She tells me now her tears have stopped, but I shake my head. "Of course it is. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. I shouldn't have left you alone. I won't leave you again."
Kat slowly turns around so her front is to mine and I feel her warm breasts presses against my chest and I suck in a deep breath. She folds her arms around my back and rests her head on my chest as I gently stroke up and down her spine. "Don't blame yourself please. It wasn't you, it was them. This was not your fault." She tells me strongly.
I grab the bottle of body wash from behind her and squeeze some in my hand before putting it back. I rub it over her back and arms carefully before turning her around and doing her front. I close my eyes and try to control myself as I clean her body and her breasts. The feel of them in my hand makes my cock react. I drop my hands to her stomach.
I grab some shampoo and wash her hair gently, running my fingers through it. I wash the blood out her hair before conditioning it too.
I turn the water off and grab a towel for Kat. I lift her out the shower carefully while wrapping the towel around her. I grab one for myself and take her back into my bedroom. She slowly dries herself as I dry myself too and rub my hair up. I see her try to bend and dry her legs but it hurts her side to do so. I go over to her and slowly dry her legs myself. She softly smiles down at me and laughs under her breath.
"What?" I ask as I rub up her other leg. "I feel like an invalid." She says and I chuckle softly. "You're not an invalid. You just need a little help."
I stand and grab some clothes for us. Shirt and boxers for us both. "I'll turn while you change." I nod to the boxers she still wears before turning around. Me on the other hand, couldn't care less. With my back to her I take my boxers off and and dry myself before slipping the fresh ones on and putting my shirt on. A minute later and I turn around when Kat says I can.
I help her into bed and she groans a little as I lie her down and pull the blanket over her. I brush her now damp hair off her face. "I'll be back soon." I tell her and stand up straight. "Wait." She grabs my arm and I stop. "Please don't go." She begs as I look down at her.
"I've got to go and deal with Jonah and Kyle. I'll come back up soon." I tell her but she holds my arm tighter and shakes her head. "Please. Don't leave me alone. You said you wouldn't." She begs some more and I sigh, giving in. I take my shirt off and climb into bed beside her. She moves closer to me and puts one arm around my stomach. I fold my arms gently around her and hold her close. "Thank you for coming when you did." She whispers and kisses my cheek before resting her head on my chest, closing her eyes. 
I don't wake until the next morning. I can't believe I slept for this long. I never did. I roll over and see that Kat isn't here. I sit up rapidly and jump out of bed. I run to the bathroom and see her in the shower, fully naked. My mouth drops open at the sight but I let out a breath of relief at the same time.
Kat turns around and gasps when she spots me. "Um... Sorry." I say and quickly turn around. I can't get the image of her, soaking wet out of my mind. I grow instantly hard and close my eyes, trying not to think about it. "I woke up and you weren't there. I panicked... Sorry."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." She tells me and I hear the shower switch off. I still don't move as I hear her shuffling around behind me. A few minutes latter and I feel her hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find her dressed back in my shirt and boxers. Her hair a little damp and messy, which makes her look even more sexy.
"Lets go and find Owen." I say and walk back into my bedroom. I pull on a pair of jeans before opening the door and Kat walks out with me. We go downstairs and I find Owen on the phone, pacing in the living room.
"I don't care... Get the money now..." Owen spots me and I frown. He shakes his head softly. "Get the money by tomorrow or you'll have me to deal with." He says before hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" I ask him. "A client. Can I help you with something?"
"Where are the clothes I sent you to get yesterday for Kat?" I ask him and he sighs with a small laugh but coughs and tries to hide it. "In your office." He tells me and I smile sarcastically before taking Kats arm and leading her into my office.
I see a bag on my desk and go over to it. I pick it up and have a quick look through it. I chuckle softly to myself and turn around to see Kat frowning. I hand her the bag and she looks through it too. She sighs softly and shakes her head, smiling a little. "Bastard." She mutters and looks up at me.
"Wana try them on?" I ask with a smile and she frowns. "Turn around then." She says and I do. I hear the bag ruffling and things drop on the floor. It's tempting to turn around, but I control myself. Barely. After a minute she tells me I can look but doesn't sound happy about it.
I turn around and my mouth drops open. She's wearing this tiny little black belly top that shows some of her cleavage, and a tight little black skirt that only reached the tops of her thighs. She does a little turn for me and smiles when she stops, facing me again. I close my mouth and clear my throat. "Owen has good taste." I say and she frowns again.
"It's a little... less." She says and it's my turn to smile. "Yes, I know." I lick my bottom lip and she frowns again. I can't stop a small laugh. God she looks gorgeous. I feel like throwing her on my desk and fucking her right here and now. I shake my head softly as that image of her bent over my desk enters my head.
"We doing anything today?" Kat asks and I blink, looking back at her. "Not much. I'm going to beat Jonah and Kyle for an inch of their lives, then later we're going out." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows. "Where're we going?" She asks and I smirk. "Out." Is all I say and she frowns again. "Come on. We've got some beating to do."

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