Taken Prisoner Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
"So, Connor, what's going to happen now?" I spin around to see the man/boy sitting on a bed playing a game. He can't be much older than seventeen. Why was he here? He didn't look like the others.
"You're going to stay here." He tells me and I roll my eyes. "No shit Sherlock." I mutter and walk over to him. I sit on the edge of the bed and see what game he's playing. "Hey Mortal Combat. I used to love this game." I say loudly and he looks at me, confused. "Alright just cause I'm a woman doesn't mean I don't know shit about games. And by the looks of it you're awful." I laugh and he shrugs, handing me the controller.
"Wow. You're pretty good at this." Connor sits up straight as I kick the computers arse. "Yeah. I used to play with my brother..." I start but don't finish. I don't want to think about them. "You okay?" Connor moves closer to me and I flinch when I feel his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah I'm great. I've just been kidnapped because my... ex boyfriend can't pay this guy some money. I'm most likely going to be killed because of it and I'll never see my friends and family again. I'm fucking marvelous." I exclaim and he jumps back a little at my outburst. "Oh. Um... Sorry." He mutters and I look back to him.
"How old are you?" I ask out of interest. "Eighteen." He tells me and my eyes widen a little in shock. "Why are you here? I mean, you're not like these men." I say and he nods. "I've never killed anyone, but it's like a family business. Joe says I'm old enough to do my own job but I don't want to kill people." He tells me sadly and I place my hand on top of his.
"Joe?" I ask. "My brother." He says and I raise my eyebrows. He laughs before telling me, "Joe is my brother. The man that brought you in here." I can't stop a small, shocked gasp. "No shit? That beast is your brother?" I ask and he laughs before slapping his hand over his mouth.
"Don't let Joe hear you say that." He chuckles and I smile softly. "Why not? He said he's not going to kill me so why should I really fear him?" I shrug and Connor turns serious. "He won't kill you, but someone else might. Joe doesn't kill women, but he doesn't mind hitting them if he has to. Women have always been Joes weak spot. He won't kill one."
"Then I'll be fine. I don't have to be scared." I say and he sighs softly. "You should be scared. Of Joe and the others. Like I said, Joe won't kill you but he will hurt you. The rest will kill you if you push them too far. Be careful of the way you speak to them." He warns me seriously. "What about you? Your brother told you to hurt me. Will you?"
"No. I don't hurt women. I think it's wrong, and I've never killed anyone. Don't be scared of me. Please." He says and I smile. "I'm not." I tell him and he smiles back. "Good. I won't hurt you." He promises. "I believe you. Do you know how long I'm going to be locked in here?"
"I don't know. I don't even know why you're here." He shrugs and I decide to explain it to him. I tell him everything. About Henry, Owen and Joe. That I have four days for Henry to pay up. Everything.
"Uncle Owen shouldn't have done that. We've never had a hostage before. Well our Dad did when he ran it but now Joe's took over we've never had one." Connor rambles until I stop him. "Your Dad? Wow this really is a family business. Why did your have a hostage when your Dad ran it?"
"Same situation as yours. The woman was in the wrong place at the wrong time when my Dad and his Dad went to collect. They took this woman as insurance but the man never paied up. She was here for two weeks before my Dad finally went and killed him before coming back here and finding one of his sons dead. His oldest son. He had gotten to close to her and trusted her. He knew that when Dad returned he would kill her because she served no purpose anymore. So he helped her escape. He foolishly thought that she loved him too, but he was wrong. As soon as he helped her out she turned around and stuck a knife in him and killed him. Dad was furious and promised to find her." 
Did he?" I ask, caught up in this story. "Yes. He found her and killed her. Very slowly. She felt every little bit of pain until he slit her throat when she was near to death. He said he would have no more children after that, but he didn't know that my Mom was already pregnant with Joe. Then she had me. Dad died when I was eight and Joe took over since then. He's been in charge for ten years and I know I shouldn't say this, but he's doing a better job than my Dad ever did. He didn't care about killing women, Joe does. A woman has only ever died once while Joe's been in charge, and it was an accident. Owen killed her, not Joe but Joe was there."
"How did she die?" I ask, just wanting to know for some reason. Connor takes a deep breath before continuing. "Joe and Owen went to kill a man for not paying, but the woman was there too. They kicked the door down and Joe shot the man before he heard another gun shot. He ran through the house to find Owen standing over the body of a dead woman and his gun in his hand. Joe lost it. He beat Owen nearly an inch from death before he stopped."
"He hits his own family?" I ask in disgust. Who could harm their own family? Why would he do that? "I know what you're thinking, but it's the way we've been raised. This is all we've known. We've never had a normal life. My brother is very misunderstood. People see him and shit themselves. They run scared and I can't blame them. He's very intimidating."
"Tell me about it." I whisper but I'm not sure Connor heard. "No one understands Joe better than I do. He's my brother and he is the only person I would kill for. I'm sure you understand that. Would you kill to save your brother?" He asks and I don't hesitate as I nod. "See. So would I. That's the only time I will ever kill anyone. To save him. Other than that I've told Joe that I'm not killing. That's why I stay in here most of the time. He's pissed off that I won't join in the family business, but he won't let me go. And I don't want to go."
"Why don't you want to go?" I ask, not understand why he would want to stay. "My family are here. They are all I have. I have no where else to go anyway. I can't tell them what to do, I can't tell Joe what to do. He wants to continue our fathers business so he will. He's stubborn and won't listen to me, or anyone. Once he's made his mind up that's it. There's no changing it. That's why he won't kill you. If he told you that he won't, then trust him that he won't."
"Trust him?" I choke out and Connor quickly shakes his head. "No. I didn't mean it like that. Don't trust him. Never trust him. Just trust that he won't kill you. He's made his mind up and there's no changing it. Joe never, ever, ever breaks his promises either. So don't trust him, unless he says the words 'I promise.' If he says them then you're safe. Trust me on that."
"I could learn to trust you because you're honest. You aren't the one who kidnapped me and you haven't hurt me. You haven't lied to me so I can trust you. It's your brother I will never trust. He's a dirty little bastard that needs to get some help. His head is seriously fucked and he needs professional help."
"I already said it's the way we've been brought up. Living here. In this environment. Of course it's fucked him up. But what's worse, he doesn't see it. He thinks it's right, because so did our Dad and his Dad before him. Dad always wanted Joe to take over after him, so that's what he done. He's doing this to make Dad proud of him. When Joes time is finished he expects me to take over, but I refused to. So we don't know what's going to happen. Unless Joe has kids... But I don't see that ever happening."
"Why is that?" I ask and he sighs again. "Because he never lets anyone close enough. I'm his brother and he pushes me away. He has his... relations with women, but never lets it turn into anymore. He is a man at the end of the day and needs that release but he goes on instinct and instinct only. No woman will be able to get close enough to him. He won't let them. He pushes everyone away. Especially because women are his weak spot."
"So he doesn't want kids?" I ask and Connor shrugs. "I don't know. Probably not knowing Joe. Even if he did want them he would never have them. He has a bad temper. Like no one else I've ever known. One little thing can set him off and he can smash the house up. Other times he can be happy and laughing and joking, but then switch and go and kill someone. He has epic mood swings and it gets annoying if I'm honest. I think if Joe had a child then he would be a good Dad." Connor tells me and I try to hide my snort. Do you want kids?" He asks me and it throws me off. "Does it matter now?" I ask and shrug. "Of course it does. When you get out of here... and you will, you can go and have them if you want."
"I would like to have kids. Maybe one or two. One of each, but it doesn't matter. I know better than to have dreams now. I know I'm not getting out of here alive. I'm not stupid." I say and Connor grabs me by the shoulders to look me in the eyes. I see his brother in his eyes. Connors aren't as bright, but are still beautiful. "Don't say that. Joe promised you, you aren't going to die so you won't. You will get out of here and you can go and have your kids. Get married and have a family. Have dreams, we all do."
"What are your dreams?" I ask and he sits back again, letting me go. "I used to dream of getting out of here and having a family. Have a wife and a houseful of kids. A normal job, but now I don't. I don't know what I would do if I left here. This is my life, my family. I can't change that."
"You sound sad about that." I say and he nods slightly. "I'm sad that I can't leave and have my own life. I'm sad that I don't want to leave at the same time. I have no idea where I fit in, where I belong. I have no clue what to feel. What's right and wrong."
I move next to Connor and put an arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer. He rests his head on my shoulder as his tears come. "I like you Connor. You're not like Joe. You're kind. And best of all, you haven't hurt me yet. If you want to leave then you can. Just go."
"I won't hurt you." He promises through his cries and I smile softly. "I know. I trust that you won't hurt me." I say and wrap my other arm around him as he cries turn into sobs. He hides his face in my shoulder and I tighten my arms around him.

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