Taken Prisoner Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
I flutter my eyes open to see Joe in front of me. He has his arms around me and I'm lying on top of him. I try to shrug out of his hold but his arms just tighten. "Joe?" I whisper. He stirs a little but his eyes doesn't open. "Joe?" I say a little louder and his arms tighten even more almost to the point where I couldn't breathe. How could someone be so strong?
I wriggle and try to move but he has my arms pinned to my side. Then, abruptly he turns over so he's lying on top of me and pinning me to bed. "Joe." I call but he doesn't move. "Joe!" I shout in panic before his hand closes around my throat. I kick out as I can't breathe and his eyes fly open.
He instantly lets go of me and sits up so he's straddling me. I cough madly as my hands fly to my throat and rub where it hurts. "Kat." He looks down at me. "Shit." He says and climbs off me, sitting next to me. "Are you okay?" He pulls on my arm to sit me up and takes my hands away from my throat. "Don't touch me!" I scream in fear and try to move back.
Joe grabs my arm again and keeps me on the bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't..." He starts but stops and I look into his eyes. I can see how sorry he is. He was asleep after all and didn't know what he was doing. He closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking at me. He reaches a hand forward and I flinch. "I'm sorry. Don't be scared." He whispers and catches my chin gently between his finger and thumb.
He lifts my head up and side to side to look at my throat. "Shit, I'm sorry." He says again and drops his hand. "It's okay. I'm okay." I tell him and he looks down at his hands. I put both of my hands on top of his but he doesn't move. He just stares at our hands as they intwine together.
"I'm okay. You didn't know. You was asleep." I tell him and he shakes his head softly before pulling his hands from mine and looking up at me. "No. It would be better if I didn't sleep here anymore." He says before climbing out of the bed. I can't help but watch his great arse as he walks into the bathroom and slams the door shut. Did he really just leave me here, alone?
I quietly stand and go to the door. I try the handle and see that it's unlocked. I could go! Now! I need better clothes though. I couldn't go out dressed in Joes shirt and boxers. It's too cold for that. I go back to the bed and sit on it, not knowing what to do.
A couple minutes later and Joe walks out the bathroom in a towel and looks surprised to see me still here. My mouth does dry at the sight of his perfect body before he grabs some jeans and slips them on, then putting a shirt on. Damn. He throws me a pair on his jeans that look way to big and tells me to put them on. I stand and do as he said. They hang at my waist and are defiantly way too big as they cover my feet.
I look up at Joe and see his smile. "I think they're a little big for you. I'll get Owen to go and get you some clothes today. It's the least he could do." He growls that last part and I smile slightly too.
"Come on then." He says and opens his door. I follow him out. "Where are we going?" I ask as we walk down the stairs. "You should see Owen. I fucked him up pretty good." He says and I think he smiles but I can't see it. I walk next to Joe and into the living room. "Owen." Joe calls loudly and he jumps up, turning around to face us. I can't hide my shocked gasp.
He was a mess. He had two black eyes, a split lip and busted nose. He had bruises all over his face and I could see a bruise around his throat too. Would my throat bruise? "Go out and get Kat some clothes." Joe tells him and throws him some keys. Owen catches them by then groans and clutches him ribs. I guess Joe got his ribs too.
Owen nods once and walks out with his head hung low. I see Connor sitting on one of the sofas and smile. He stands and takes a step towards me, smiling until Joe shoots him a look and he stops. His smile fades as he looks at me and I see that he's looking at my throat.
"What did you do to her?" Connor growls at Joe. "No Connor. It was an accident." I speak before Joe can. I take a step forward but Joe grabs my arm. I look up at him, giving him a pleading look and he slowly lets go of my arm. I walk over to Connor and he immediately lifts my chin up and runs his fingers across my throat gently. "What did he do?" Connor asks me, ignoring the fact that Joe stands behind us.
"It was an accident. He was asleep. He didn't know. I startled him awake, it wasn't his fault." I tell him and he looks into my eyes, searching for lies. He raises his eyebrow and I nod once, telling him I speak the truth. He lifts his arms, a little in hesitation. I smile and step into his arms and he folds them around me. \par

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