Taken Prisoner Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Joe and I climb out of the car a few hours later and go up to Henrys door. We don't need the rope this time, so Joe knocks the door and smiles at me. Henry opens the door slowly and quickly tries to shut it again. Joe puts his foot in the way and pushes the door open so Henry falls back.
We step inside and Joe shuts the door as Henry pulls himself to his feet. "So Henry, have you got my money or not?" Joe asks him and I see the fear flash in Henrys eyes. "Um... No, but it's..." He doesn't get time to finish before Joe punches him.
Henry falls to the floor again and Joe kicks him, causing him to groan. I place my hand on Joes arm and he looks at me, stopping. He takes a step back and watches me as I look down at Henry. "Katherine, are you okay?" He asks me and I kick his face when he tries to get back up. He groans and falls on his back. I put my foot on his chest.
"What's wrong with you?" He looks up at me and I smile coldly. "What's wrong with me? Lets see why don't we? I've watched men get murdered, I've been beaten and almost raped. Those things change a person." I spit at him.
"Almost? You said..." He says and my smile widens. "Yes I did. I know what I said, and I was lying. Joe has never done that or tried to do that to me. A couple of the others have, but Joe stopped them before they could do any serious harm. I have had sex with Joe, more than once I'll add, because I wanted to. Not because he forced me. You got me into this shit, so this... My face, is all your fault. Now have you got Joes money or not?"
"No." He says and I move my foot to his throat and push down. He claws at my foot as I cut off his air supply before Joe pulls me away. "Don't kill him. That's my job." He tells me and I frown. "I won't let you become a murderer Kat." He adds and I step back.
Joe stands over Henry as he coughs and half sits up. He stands but Joe punches him back down. Joe beats the shit out of him until there's blood everywhere, all over Joe and Henry. I can barely recognise him. His left eye is swollen shut, lip cut and swollen too. His face is cut up, nose broken and a lot of other bones too. He lies on the floor, tears running down his face as he cries out when Joe breaks his leg.
When Joes finished having his fun, he pulls his gun out and aims it at his head. He stops though and I see him thinking. He smiles before lowing the gun and shooting Henry. Ouch. He screams loud when the bullet hits his balls. That looks really painful. \par
Blood spills out all over the floor and Joe watches for a minute before shooting his head to shut him up. He puts his gun away and turns to look at me. He sees my shocked expression and his face softens. He steps forward but I take a step back instinctively, so he stops. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you." He tells me softly.
"You... You just..." I stutter and he sighs before pulling his phone out and calling someone. "Get some people to Henrys... Yeah he's dead... No... His place needs cleaning up. I made a bit of a mess. Get it cleaned up." He says into the phone before shutting it off and putting it back in his pocket.
He steps forward again and stands in front of me, looking in my eyes. He touches my chin with his finger and I flinch a little. He notices this. "I'm not going to hurt you Kat. He deserved it. I'm sorry you had to witness that. Just... don't be afraid of me." He says again.
"I'm not scared of you, just of what you can do." I tell him honestly. "You don't have to be frightened of that. I won't ever do that to you. Next time I'll leave you with Connor, in his room so you don't have to see this happen again."
"But..." I start and he shushes me. "You'll be safe with Connor. I trust Connor with you. I know he won't hurt you. You just stay in his room and you'll be fine. I don't want you to see this again. I don't want you to see me like this. You shouldn't have to see this side of me. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me.
I hold him back before he lifts me up and carries me to the car. He drives us back to the house and we walk inside together. I now have blood on my clothes because of hugging Joe. We was both a mess.
"Whow. What happened to you two? Are you hurt?" Connor runs up to us and looks at me. I shake my head. "Sorted out Henry is all. We're fine. It's his blood." Joe tells him but Connor keeps his eyes on me. I nod to confirm what Joe told him and he smiles a little.
Joe and I go up for a shower, and other things too. We get changed and I wear a shirt of his and boxers again while my other clothes are washing. "I've got to go back out." He turns and looks at me as he slips a shirt on. "Where?" I ask a little suddenly. He does his buttons up and smiles at me. He walks to me and pulls me onto his lap, sitting on the bed and holds me.
"I won't be long. Just got another person to deal with and I told you I don't want you seeing it. You'll stay with Connor. He'll keep you safe." He strokes down my spine and I look at him. I nod a little and he smiles again before kissing me.
We walk back downstairs and into the living room. "Connor." Joe calls and he comes to us. "Take Kat in your room. Stay in there with her and don't let anyone in. I've got to go out. Look after her." Joe tells him seriously and Connor nods, smiling at me.
"Owen." Joe calls, but more harshly and he comes over too. "I'm going out. Stand outside Connors door and guard it. If you, or anyone else gets inside that room then I'm holding you responsible." He says seriously and Owen nods once.
Connor and I sit on his bed in his room while Joe goes out and Owen stands outside the closed door. I feel okay with Connor, but not as safe as I feel when I'm with Joe. Connor's strong, but not as strong as Joe and can't do as much damage. If someone comes in then Connor can only do so much. I still didn't feel very safe in here.
"Hey. It's okay." Connor puts his arm around my shoulders and I smile, leaning against him. "I know, but I still worry." I whisper and hear his soft sigh. "I won't let them get to you. I'll protect you." He whispers back and tightens his arm a little.
"I can hear Joe in your voice, and see him in your eyes." I say and look up at him. He smiles slightly. "I saw how strong you were when you threw that man on the desk. That took some power. You lifted him off the floor and threw him. You're very strong. You're more like Joe than I thought." I tell him truthfully. "Should I take that as a compliment?" He asks with a smile and I laugh softly. "Yes. It is a compliment." I say and his smile widens as I lean my head back on him.
It has been a couple of hours and I'm starting to worry. "When's Joe coming back?" I ask Connor who shrugs, playing one of his games. "He never takes this long. What if he's hurt?" I ask and Connor chuckles lightly. "Joe? Get hurt? Seriously?" He says without looking at me.
"It could happen. There's always someone out there who's stronger than you are. Same goes for Joe. What if he's fucked with the wrong person and he's hurt? Or worse?" I say as my mind races.
"Hey." Connor puts his controller down and turns my face to him. "Joe will be fine. He's always fine." He tells me. "But he's never been this long before. It's been hours Connor. Where is he?" I ask, getting really scared for him. My fear for Joe has overtaken my own fear as I jump off the bed and bolt for the door.
I swing it open and see Owen standing there. "Joe said to stay inside." He tells him and I punch him so he stumbles back. I run past him and to Joes office to see is he's there, but he isn't. I check his room and bathroom but he's not there either. I run back down the stairs and through the living room. A pair of arms move around me and lift me off the floor.
I scream and claw at the arms. I look behind me and see a man I don't recognise. He drags me back and throws me into Connors room. I land on my side and groan. Connor is on the other side of the room, unconscious. I rapidly crawl over to him and roll him on his back.
"Connor?" I listen to his heart and see he's still alive. I let out a breath of relief. I feel a hand in my hair and cry out as I get dragged to my feet and threw on the bed. "Who are you?" I ask the man as I shuffle back. "Mike." He says and stands at the end of the bed. I move back until my back hits off the bed and I bring my knees up, wrapping my arms around them.
You, have made Joe soft." I hear Jonahs voice and look to the door. He limps in, closing the door and walking to me. He stands next to Mike and smiles down at me. "Well you look pretty fucked up to me. How is that making him soft?" I smile back.
"He's different." He tells me and I shudder at his voice. "If you hurt me then Joe will kill you. He killed Logan." I tell him and he smiles. "Joe won't kill me, but I'll kill you." He says in a cold voice that makes me shiver again. "If he can kill Logan then he can you."
"No. I've been with Joe for a lot longer. Logan left us. Abandoned us. Joe didn't even like him. We're family." He tells me, sounding so sure of himself. "Well Logan was his family." I state the obvious and he smiles again. "Yes he was, but like I said, Joe never liked him." He says again and I see Owen run in. Jonah and Mike turn to look at him.
"Jonah, Mike, what's going on? You can't be in here." Owen tells them and Jonah laughs loud. "Fuck off Owen. What are you going to do?" Mike chuckles. "Joe ordered no one to be in here. He'll fucking kill me if he finds out. So get out, now." Owen orders and Jonah laughs again.
"No. I've wanted this little bitch for a while now, and I would get her while Joe's not here. I'm going to do what Joe's too weak to do." Jonah looks back to me. "Joe isn't weak and you know it." I spit at him. "Well he hasn't had you or killed you, so yes he is." He tells me and it's my turn to smile. "How do you know?" I ask and he looks confused.
"What?" He asks harshly. "How do you know? You don't know what happens when Joe and I are alone." I say and he looks shocked. "He's had you?" He asks and I smile again. "More than once. A lot more."
"He's got more balls than I thought." Jonah chuckles. "But the only difference is, Joe didn't have to force me into it." I add and his lips apart. "You gave yourself willingly? To him?" He asks and I get a little angry. "Yes." I snap. "Joe is a great man and great fucking lover. I bet you're nothing compared to him. That's why you have to force it on women because they would never choose you willingly." I smirk and Owen laughs.
"We'll see." Jonah says and moves for me. I jump off the other side of the bed and stand away from him. "Over my dead body. It won't happen." I tell him and he flashes that cold smile that I hate so much.
He walks to my side and strolls towards me. I kick his bad leg and he cries out, dropping to the floor. I run part him but he grabs my ankle. I fall down and pain floods my body and I taste blood on my lips. I kick him with my other foot twice before he lets me go and I jump up.
Owen pulls me behind him and stands in front of me. I hear Connor stir and go over to him. "Katherine go." Owen orders me as Jonah stands but I ignore him as I crouch down next to Connor. I can't leave him.
"Connor?" I shake his shoulder and he groans. "Connor get up." I yell and he slowly opens his eyes before I feel a hand on my shoulder and it throws me away. My back hits the wall and I slide down it, groaning loudly. I look up and see Jonah come for me. Owen steps in the way and punches him back. "Katherine go now!" Owen screams at me and I jump up, running out the room.
I run through the living room and swing the front door open. I see Joe get out his car, covered in blood and looking hurt. I freeze, my heart beating rapidly as he looks up at me. I run down the steps and jump into his arms, throwing my arms around his neck.
"Kat, what happened?" He looks down at me and lifts my chin to look at him. He sees the blood on my face and I see the anger in his eyes. "Jonah." I say and he pushes me aside, running in the house. I go after him, back through the house and into Connors room once more.
I see Joe push Owen away and kick Jonah while he's down. He pulls his gun out and shoots him instantly and my breath catches in my throat as I freeze up again. Joe clutches his ribs as he turns and looks at me, gun still in hand. My breathing becomes harsh and quick as my heart jumps and speeds rapidly. Joe puts his gun away and walks over to me.
He stops in front of me and grabs my face between his hands. "Calm. Breathe Kat." He whispers and I see Connor move next to him and my eyes fly to him. "Are you okay?" I throw Joes hands off me and step to Conner. "Am I okay? Are you?" He asks and I nod, stepping into his warm arms.
"Did they hurt you?" Connor whispers and I shake my head against him. "Connor, what happened?" Joe growls and I look at him. "It wasn't his fault." I snap at him and his eyes find me.
"It was my own fault. You were taking really long and I got worried, so I left. I searched around the house for you but you weren't here. On my way back I got grabbed by Mike and threw in here. Then Jonah came. I saw Connor was unconscious so they must have knocked him out. I got away but Jonah grabbed my ankle and my face hit the floor. Then I ran out and saw you." I explain and he looks back to Connor.
"I got caught off guard. All I know is that Katherine ran out and I went after her. As soon as I got outside the door and felt something hit my head and I blacked out. Then I woke up at Kats voice and saw her run out." Connor tells him and he thinks about it.
Joe turns around and looks at Mike and Owen. He pulls his gun out again and aims it at Owen but I put my hand on his to stop him. "Don't. It wasn't Owens fault. He helped me." I tell him and drop my hand. He looks back to them and shoots Mike as Connor pulls me back into his arms.
Joe puts the gun away away and orders Owen out. He takes me from Connors arms and groans as he lifts me up. He carries me out, upstairs and into his room to the bathroom. I see his face scrunch in pain as he places me on my feet.
"What happened to you?" I ask him but he ignores it, turning the shower on. I take his shirt and boxers off as he takes his jeans and boxers off too. He slowly pulls the shirt off and groans a little as he drops it to the floor. A loud, shocked gasp escapes me as I move towards him.
I place my hand on his hip and one under his wound that bleeds badly. "You were stabbed!" I exclaim and he throws my hands off. "I'm fine." He says but I hear the pain in his voice.
We both step under the warm water and Joe groans as the water hits his wound on his side. I close my eyes, not wanting to see the pain on his face. We wash ourselves and the blood off my face. He bleeds a little more but pushes through the pain before we step out and get dried.
Joe sits on his bed, naked with a needle in his hand as I get dressed. He groans as he stabs the needle through his skin. "Joe!" I scream and he looks at me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I shout and he smiles softly. "It's alright. I've done this before." He tells me and continues.
I look away, not watching as he stitches it back up. I pull a shirt on and stand facing away from him. A few minutes go by when he says I can look. I turn around slowly and see him standing, his wound closed up but more blood back. He walks over to a cupboard and pulls a bottle of vodka out. He goes into the bathroom and I stand in the doorway.
He tips the alcohol over his wound and groans quietly before doing it once more and cleaning it so the blood is gone and all dry now. "Are you okay?" I ask as he puts the bottle down and looks at me. "I'm fine." He smiles and walks towards me.
I back off, back into his room, away from him. "Not when you're hurt. You could pull the stitches." I say when I recognise his smile and it widens. "Unless..." I say and he looks at me again.
"Lie down." I order but he doesn't move. "What?" He raises his eyebrow. "You heard me. Lie down." I tell him again and he smiles wider. "Are you trying to order me? Seriously Kat?" He chuckles and I fold my arms across my chest. He shakes his head softly and rolls his eyes before going to the bed and lying down.
I smile as I stroll over. He places his hands behind his head and smiles to at me. I flash one back and slowly pull his shirt from my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. I see his eyes darken in desire and he reacts immediately. Good boy.

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