Meeting Twilight and Starlight

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Poppy woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room which she assumed had seven thrones in it. Wait, thrones. Those were definitely thrones, making Poppy assume that she was in a castle. She looked around and then at herself. She had the same hot pink body color, magenta hair, and pink eyes. But there was something different about her body shape and size. She looked a little taller...and were those wings. Was that a horn. Yep. She definitely looked different.

She got up and left to see if she could try to find the owner of the castle, not knowing she'd be in for a big surprise when she saw the owner's colors. She walked around until she heard a voice. Following the voice, she found herself standing in front of a door. She hesitated before pushing the door open with one of her hooves.

Starlight Glimmer looked up from what she was doing when she heard her bedroom door open. Standing in the entrance to her room was a pony she knew she never saw before, so she decided to go and introduce herself.

Poppy freaked out when she saw the pink-purple horned creature approach and stop right in front of her. "Hi there, my name is Starlight Glimmer. What's your name?"

"My name's Poppy." Poppy replied, shocked. Starlight extended her hoof.

"Poppy, are you lost?" Starlight asked.

Poppy looked down. " Yeah, I'm lost, I am looking for the owner of this castle. Do you know where they are?"

"Oh, you're looking for Princess Twilight. She'll probably be in the castle library. Do you want me to take you there, Poppy." Starlight asked her new friend.

Poppy looked at Starlight and smiled. "Sure." Starlight Glimmer led Poppy to the castle library. Starlight knocked on the door. Both she and Poppy waited, hoping Twilight was in there. Finally, Princess Twilight opened the door and let Starlight and Poppy in.

Poppy fainted the second she looked at Twilight. This caused Twilight to come over to where Starlight was standing. The two ponies looked down, worried. "Is she okay?" Twilight asked Starlight.

"I hope so. I mean, she fainted when she saw you." Starlight replied. The two ponies waited a few hours before Poppy woke up from her fainting spell.

Twilight was the one who helped Poppy up. "Are you ok?"

"I think so." Poppy replied. "What happened?"

Twilight looked her over. "You fainted the moment you looked at me. Is there something wrong?"

Poppy nodded. "Your colors just reminded me of my captor."

Twilight became confused. "So, someone who looks like me ponynapped you and brought you here."

Poppy nodded. "Do you think they're probably also here?" Twilight asked.

"I don't want to think about it. I hope he's not here. Where am I?" Poppy asked.

"You are in Equestria." Twilight said.

"What am I?" Poppy asked.

"You are a pony. An alicorn I believe. Were you a princess?" Twilight asked.

Poppy smiled. "I was a princess. Now I'm a queen."

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