A Pinkie Party: Meeting Twilight and Starlight's friends

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Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer looked at their new royal friend in surprise. "Do you want to go and meet the rest of our friends, Poppy?" Starlight Glimmer asked.

"Yeah, sure." Poppy said. The two alicorns and single unicorn walked to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack's home. Once they got there, Twilight waved Applejack over.

"Howdy, Twilight. Howdy, Starlight." Applejack said with a smile. "Who's this?" She asked, looking at Poppy.

"This is Poppy." Starlight said. "She crashed into the throne room this morning."

"So, you crashed into the throne room of Twilight's castle. Was there anypony with you?" Applejack asked.

Poppy thought for a second. "I don't really know." Applejack noticed that Poppy had both wings and a horn and turned to Twilight. "Wait a minute. Is she an Alicorn." Twilight nodded, asking Applejack to get Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and then meet her, Poppy, and Starlight back at the castle.

Applejack nodded, galloping off. Twilight, Poppy, and Starlight waited for Applejack to arrive with the rest of the group. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity soon arrived and all eight ponies were in Twilight's throne room.

"So, she crashed into the throne room this morning." Rarity pointed a hoof at Poppy. Starlight Glimmer nodded. Applejack turned around, just now noticing that there were at least five other ponies in the throne room. She tapped Twilight and pointed at the pile of ponies. Twilight walked over and tapped the teal one on top. "Hey, are you okay. Are any of you okay. None of you are hurt, right."

The five new ponies stirred. Each of the ponies helped one of the five new ponies up. Rainbow Dash grabbed the teal one, Fluttershy grabbed the yellow one, Rarity grabbed the sparkly one, Applejack grabbed the hot pink one, and Twilight, Starlight, and Pinkie Pie helped the purple one up. Twilight noticed that the purple one was hurt, so she asked Rainbow Dash to fly him to the hospital.

"The five new ponies still there introduced themselves as Poppy, Branch, Guy Diamond, Smidge, and Dj Suki.

"Hi, my name's Twilight."
"Howdy, my name's Applejack."
"I'm Pinkie Pie."
"Name's Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pony in Equestria."
"My name is Rarity."
"I'm Fluttershy."
"And I'm Starlight Glimmer."

Twilight and her friends also learned that the purple pony's name was Creek. The ponies then noticed that Pinkie Pie and Poppy were both gone. What they didn't know was that the two ponies had gone and thrown a party for them.

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