Help From Ponies

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Pinkie Pie and Poppy's heads stuck out the window as they watched the train that they and their friends were on go through a tunnel. Princess Twilight wanted to introduce the trolls to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, so here they were, off to Canterlot.

"I'm so excited, I want to burst." Pinkie shouted.

Poppy nodded and hoofbumped Pinkie Pie, laughing.

"Enough, you two." Twilight sighed. "Hey, we're almost there.

The large group of ponies cheered as their train entered Canterlot and stopped, letting all thirteen ponies off.

The group of ponies chatted as they began their trot towards Canterlot Castle.

The group of ponies finally reached the castle and entered. Since Twilight was a Princess of Equestria, the group of ponies was immediately let in by the two guards standing outside.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were happy to see their fellow princess and her friends.

Princess Celestia eyed the ponified trolls. She tapped her younger sister and the two princesses trotted over, stopping in front of the trolls.

"Welcome to Equestria." Princess Celestia said in her warm, kind voice. She and Luna turned to look at Twilight and her friends.

"Are...were they a different species turned into ponies, Twilight?" Princess Luna asked.

The mane six and Starlight Glimmer nodded.

"Twilight." Celestia asked her former student and fellow princess. "Did you accidentally cast a spell that may have brought them here."

Twilight shook her head then turned to stand between her fellow princesses and the trolls.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Princesses Celestia and Luna. These are our new friends. They're trolls and my friends and I let them stay with us. This is Poppy, Branch, Creek, Guy Diamond, Smidge, and Dj Suki. We really need your help to help them get back home."

Celestia smiled. "We'll be happy to help you get them back home.

My Little Trolls: Help From Ponies Where stories live. Discover now