There's Something About Pinkie Pie

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The party thrown by Pinkie Pie and her new friend Poppy literally lasted all night. By the time the sun rose, everypony in the room was tired and panting. They looked over at Pinkie Pie and Poppy who, for some reason, were sitting in front of a fan and making funny faces. "Um, Pinkie?" Twilight asked, walking over. "What are you and Poppy doing."

"We're making funny faces into that fan, Twilight." Pinkie Pie replied.

"Why?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know." The two pink party ponies said, laughing. Rainbow Dash and Branch were the first ponies to notice how much Pinkie Pie and Poppy had in common. Everypony else looked at them, including Pinkie and Poppy.

"They're both pink." Rainbow Dash said.
"They both love planning parties." Branch said.
"They both love making ponies smile." Rainbow Dash said.
"They're both excitable." Branch said.
Pinkie Pie and Poppy also added that they both knew and were friends with pretty much everyone.

And then Rainbow Dash and Branch noticed that they were both blue and that their best friends were pink. Suddenly, the group was interrupted by the doors to the throne room opening. The group of twelve turned around, and were greeted by one of the nurses from the Ponyville hospital. Twilight figured that it was important and trotted over to where the nurse was standing. The nurse told the ponies that Creek was fine and would be released from the hospital within the next hour.

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