Rainbow Dash and Branch

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Since Branch was a unicorn, Princess Twilight had to cast the cloud walking spell on him to make it easier for him to stay with Rainbow Dash.

It took two ponies: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to lift Branch and carry him over to Rainbow's house, since it was in the sky.

"What if this spell wears off and I end up falling to my doom?" Branch asked.

The two winged ponies looked at each other.

"Then, I'll have to catch you, and then get you to Twilight's so she can cast the spell on you again." Rainbow Dash replied.

Twilight thought for a couple minutes. "Rainbow Dash, don't you think it would be easier for me to turn Branch into a Pegasus."

"Yeah, I guess that could work." Came Rainbow Dash's reply.

Branch looked concerned. "Twilight, How about you wait until we get to Rainbow Dash's house. It'd be a bit easier to cast that spell there."

"Okay, fine, I'll wait to cast the spell." Twilight mumbled to herself. "Rainbow's house is up there anyway." She said, pointing her hoof.

The three ponies finally made it to Rainbow Dash's house, set Branch down, and Twilight cast the spell, changing Branch from a Unicorn to a Pegasus.

"I've got to get back to my castle, Creek, and Starlight are probably waiting for me there." Twilight said. The Princess spread her wings and flew back to her castle.

"Hey Branch." Rainbow Dash smirked, turning to look at the other blue Pegasus. "Do you want me to teach me how to use your wings."

Branch nodded.

Rainbow Dash led Branch to the edge of her cloud house.

"Hey, Branch, watch how fast I can go!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she zipped past him.

Branch, watched Rainbow Dash's demonstration, impressed. "Wow, Rainbow Dash, that speed was incredible. I wish I could fly that fast."

"I bet you could if you tried hard enough." Rainbow Dash said as she landed in front of him. "Do you want to give it a try."

Branch nodded.

He was instructed by Rainbow Dash to open his wings, leap. and let his wings carry him.

Rainbow Dash watched as Branch did as he was told.

Soon Branch could fly as fast as Rainbow Dash.

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