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The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and the Princesses of Equestria screamed as they went through the portal that led back to the Trolls' world. The trolls, however, were ecstatic to finally be back home again.

The trolls, Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and the princesses were finally out of the portal and in the Trolls' world.

Out of the Mane Six, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were the first to wake up. The two pony-trolls got up and looked around at their new and unfamiliar surroundings.

"Um where are we? What are we?" Rainbow Dash looked confused.

By that time, the rest of the group was awake, so Rainbow Dash saw this as an opportunity to go and ask her new friend Poppy the same questions she asked herself.

"You're all in our world." Poppy explained as her friends got up and went to stand next to her. "And it looks like you are all trolls."

The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and the Princesses took a moment to look down at their troll forms.

Pinkie Pie had Light Pink skin and Dark Pink hair that looked like what Poppy's would if it was curly. She was wearing a Light Blue dress with three silky Yellow balloons and a light green hug time bracelet. Her eyes were Blue.

Rainbow Dash had Light Blue skin and Rainbow hair, she was wearing a Red top, Yellow and Blue shorts and a red hug time bracelet. Her eyes were Magenta Pink. She looked like a female version of Branch.

Twilight Sparkle had Light Purple skin, and Navy Blue, Purple, and Pink hair, she was wearing a Yellow dress with a Magenta sparkle stitched onto it, and a Magenta hug time bracelet. She looked like a female version of Creek, but with straight hair.

Rarity had Pearly White Skin and Royal Purple hair, she was wearing a Light Purple dress with three Blue satin diamonds on it and a Purple hug time bracelet. She looked like a female version of Guy Diamond.

Fluttershy had Butter Yellow Skin and Light Pink hair, she was wearing a Teal dress with three Pink butterflies on it and a Green hug time bracelet. She looked allot like Smidge.

Applejack had Orange skin and Yellow hair tied in the same style as Dj's. She was wearing a Yellowish Green dress and a Red hug time bracelet.

Starlight Glimmer had Pinkish Purple skin and Purple and Green hair. She was wearing a Silvery Blue dress and a Bright Pink hug time bracelet.

Princess Celestia had White skin and Purple, Greenish Blue, and Pink hair. She was wearing a Pink sundress and a Blue hug time bracelet.

Princess Luna had Midnight Blue skin and Dark Blue and Silver hair. She was wearing a White dress with a Blue crescent moon on it and a White hug time bracelet.

Poppy looked at her new friends. "Do you guys want to meet the rest of the trolls."

The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and the Princesses nodded.

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