Rarity and Guy Diamond

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Rarity hummed to herself as she and Guy trotted to her boutique in ponyville. Rarity pushed the door open and led Guy Diamond inside.

Using her magic, she gently shut the door once Guy Diamond was inside.

The two ponies headed upstairs and Rarity showed Guy Diamond to his room.

A little while later, Guy Diamond came back downstairs. He looked around Rarity's boutique.

He turned to look at Rarity. "That's a lot of dresses. Don't you ever get tired."

Rarity yawned and nodded.

"Hey." Guy Diamond said as he trotted past Rarity. "Maybe I should introduce you to Satin and Chenille once you and your friends help me and my friends get home."

Rarity turned to look at him. "Who're Satin and Chenille?"

"The resident fashionistas back where my friends and I are from." Guy Diamond shouted as he galloped past Rarity. "You are so much like them. I just know the three of you will get along well."

Rarity stared at Guy Diamond with wide eyes before galloping after him. She used her magic to pick up everything that Guy Diamond knocked over. She watched as he galloped around and knocked over another one of her dresses.

"Hey, be careful, Guy." Rarity shouted as she ran over and used her magic to pick up the dress he had just knocked over. "I just finished sewing this dress. I don't want it to get damaged." Rarity carefully examined her dress and was relieved to find that it wasn't damaged. Rarity sighed as she saw Guy Diamond knock over another dress of hers.

It was going to be a long day for her.

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