Applejack and Dj Suki

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"Dj Suki." Applejack said once the two ponies arrived at Applejack's house. "This is where I live and where you'll be staying." Applejack opened the front door with her hoof.

The two ponies headed inside where they saw Applejack's Paternal Grandmother, Granny Smith and Maternal Grandfather, Grand Pear baking.

The two elderly ponies looked up when they heard the front door open. They looked surprised when they saw their Granddaughter with a Unicorn mare they presumed was new to town.

"Applejack, we were wondering where you were, you missed breakfast." Applejack's Grandparents looked relieved.

"This is Dj Suki, she'll be staying with us for a while." Applejack said, looking around. "Where are Apple Bloom and Big Mac?"

"They're out back, preparing for our upcoming Apple Family Reunion." Granny Smith said.

Applejack led Dj Suki out back.

They found Applejack's older brother, Big Mac, in a field trying to move a dead tree out with his teeth, unsuccessfully.

Applejack playfully rolled her eyes at him. "You need any help, Big Mac."

Big Mac turned to look at the two ponies in front of him. "Eeyup."

Applejack and Dj Suki trotted over.

"Y'know you could jus' move it with your head, Big Mac." Applejack giggled.

The three ponies finally managed to move the tree out the field.

"Is Apple Bloom off with her friends helping somepony with a Cutie Mark problem?" Applejack asked.

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied.

Applejack facehoofed, she had forgotten that her little sister was with her friends that day.

Applejack and Dj Suki galloped to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse where they found Applejack's sister and her friends helping a Unicorn filly with a silvery white coat and blond mane.

Applejack knocked on the door.

"Howdy Applejack." Apple Bloom said as she opened the door. She looked at Suki. "Who's this?"

"This is Dj Suki." Applejack said. "She'll be staying with us on the farm for a while." Applejack and Dj Suki turned towards the door. "Oh, and Apple Bloom, the Apple Family Reunion is coming up soon, we'll need your help with preparing for it." Apple Bloom nodded and Applejack closed the door to the clubhouse.

"Would you like me to help with the music?" Dj Suki asked as she and Applejack headed back towards the barn.

Applejack nodded. "Sure. Why not."

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