[ 4 ] Karma's a b*tch

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Song: Bad Vibe - M

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Song: Bad Vibe - M.O


This was the moment I was going to die. I knew it. Slowly her body transformed into a bull and mine into a red flag. I probably looked quite similar considering how red I'd gone.

The next thing I knew, she was on top of me. Damn, I'd never been in a cat fight before but I'd seen enough on movies. I struggled against her, trying my hardest to push her off. This was one of the few moments where I genuinely wished that I had longer nails. I have to say that I was pretty impressed that she thought someone dressed like a hobo would be having an affair with a Greek god like him.

"And with somebody as ugly as this," she pressed out, whilst squabbling with me. Right, I'd spoken too soon. That's when I noticed that it was eerily silent.

However much I hated to admit it, it seemed like Mia realised it at the same time. Slowly both of our head raised up to see him, tip-toeing out the room holding his shirt.

You've got to be kidding me.

My brain failed to accept any other thoughts apart from how the prick had planned to leave me cat fighting with a girl, in order to save his own skin. If this girl wasn't going to throttle him, I sure as hell was.

Taking advantage of how shocked Mia was, I escaped and instead climbed onto the man. When I had tackled him on to the floor, I gritted my teeth before packing my strongest punch. It collided with rock and I pulled my hand back, cradling it into my chest.

"What the hell?" I said out loud. He let out a laugh, acting like I was tickling him or something. Quickly lifting my head up, I locked eyes with another pair of brown ones, a few times lighter than mine. A lock of his light brown hair fell onto his face. Scowling, I watched as his face curled into a grin before he looked down and then back at me. Was this guy drunk? What on earth was he on about? He then had the guts to wiggle his eyebrows at me. Un-fucking-believable. Annoyed, I followed his gaze downwards until I realise how innocent I was being.

"Agh, I-I-" I stuttered, jumping back. I'm pretty sure that I'd beaten professional long-jumpers with the gap I left in front of me. I'd been freaking straddling a half naked person without realising it. I felt like everything had been stripped out off me. Gosh, this was horrific.

The blonde had obviously taken the opportunity of me stepping back, as hers to attack. To be honest, it did make me feel a little bit better to see the twat being attacked by a crazy girl who'd clearly lost her shit. After watching for a few minutes entertained, I realised that this fight was probably going to last a lot longer than I'd presumed.

Grunting, I spun on my heel before walking back to the door. I'd lost my interest after watching the same thing happening for minutes. I'd seen enough episodes of Friends to know the drill. As I exit, I heard him yell after me, "You can't just leave! Help get this thing off of me."

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