Drowned : the warrior reborn

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I was drowned in the sea
By the dreadful tyranny
They wants to see the defeated me
I was floating with my dead body

A warrior cannot let it go
And can retard any type of flow
No storm No volcano
Can't stop a warrior to do so

I don't need any ship to move
My body is a ship for me
That'll help me to cross the sea
The sea of infinity

My thoughts are my sword
And My soul is my power
No storm can stop
No magmaic shower

The storm of past Returns back
That have drowned me once in the sea
The sea of infinity
But Not this time,
This time a warrior is born
Who'll bring back the lights of morn
It is not an attempt of lorn
It is the shock of a warrior's frown

The storm again wants to kill me
Want to drowning me in the infinity
It comes upon me
Trying to crush me
Crumble me into pieces
But the warrior stood still
Taken out the sword of thoughts
And horn the evil
The power of my soul melted the devil
The storm of past became weak
It dissolved with the air with a creak

I went on my way
To wander alone in the sea
I went to cross the sea
The sea of infinity

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