29. The Record

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-Starting with the Hummel-Anderson's who were the first to arrive on the Beach. They were helping Sebastian Smythe who died suddenly. Can't get anything definite out of the doctor who attended him. He says they certainly didn't poison him, but he thought there was some funny business, that he died as a result of neglect on their part. Sort of thing that's impossible to prove.

-Then there is Finn Hudson. That's OK. Mr. Hudson was sentence guilty of killing Professor William Schuester. Evidence turned up later after Mr. Schuester was hanged which proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But there was a good deal of comment at the time.

-The Fabray girl, I find, was accused of his own kid abortion. As a matter of fact she behaved very well, swam out, nearly died herself.

Director Arthur Abrams was a well-known man. Had a well prestique Drecting Agency in 72nd Street. Absolutely straight and above-board in his profession. Haven't been able to find an illegal operation, but he did have a closed fued with his archnemisis Jacob Israel. 

-Then there's Miss Tina Cohen-Chang. She was helping famous choreographer Dakota Stanley with some of his problems. He later resulted dead – but again not criminal.

"That seems to be the point. Weston seems to deal with cases that the law couldn't touch." Scott Said.

-Young Chang was a great dancer and choreographer - Killed both his parents by the names of Michael and Julia Chang. Some of his friends gave evidence for him and he was let off wit a fine.

-David Karofsky....we couldn't find anything definite about him.   Alex Jones was his boyfriend at the time. He killed his boyfriend lover..

Santana Lopez-Pierce was responsible for the coma of Coach Sylvester, she indeed put something on her shake that made Miss Sylvester drowsy and then fell and hit herself. But as too the point that killed her no, Mrs. Lopez-Pierce had a lot of vengace with Coach Sylvester.

-Now, Puckerman. Noah Puckerman has been mixed up in some very curious shows indeed. He's sailed very near the law once or twice. Got a reputation for daring and for not being scrupulous. Sort of guy who might do several murders in some quiet out-of-the-way spot.

-Brittany Lopez-Pierce was a nice girl so I heard, but she took to much pressure of one of his Recent MIT Professors that she killed him without thinking. She later came home running to her wife, and suggested to not tell anybody.

-Mercedes Jones they said that she killed a music producer cause he didn't want to produce his CD. They found him in his recording studio with a blow to the head, nobody is not giving me details.

-Rachel Berry,  she killed her "rival" as they said. Sunshine Corazon was a sweet and caring teenager that she only wanted to be part of a choir. But here comes the best part, Miss Berry Jealousy came in and took over, said, that before Miss Corazon death they saw the both together in a store. But Later that only Miss Berry came out of the back alone and without Miss Corazon.

-Sam Evans I always thought so. He killed one of his Co workers. But he was clever enough to get away with it. I put Harris onto it and he couldn't find anything, but I'm still of the opinion that there was something to find if we'd known how to set about it. The man wasn't straight. And Cassandra July is dead?

"Cassandra July died on the night of August 8th. Took an overdose of sleeping pills. There wasn't anything to show whether it was accident or suicide." Andrews said.

"You know what I think? July's death is too coincidental!" Scott reply.

"I thought you might say that, sir." Andrews said.

"The whole thing's fantastic – impossible! Fourteen people killed on a bare beach – and we don't know who did it, or why, or how!" Scott said.

"Well, it's not quite like that, sir. We do know why. Some fanatic with a bee in his bonnet about justice. He picked Fourteen people who were beyond the reach of the law. Whether they were guilty or not didn't matter –" Andrews said.

"Or did it? It seems to me – oh, carry on. Just for a minute I felt I'd gotten somewhere, gotten the clue to the thing. It's gone now. What were you saying?" Scott said.

"There were fourteen people to be executed, so to speak. They were executed. Weston accomplished his task. And somehow or other he spirited himself off the beach." Andrews said.

"First class vanishing trick. But you know, Andrews, there must be an explanation." Scott said.

"You're thinking, sir, that if the man wasn't on the beach or house, he couldn't have left the beach, and according to the account of the interested parties he never was on the house. Well, then the only explanation possible is that he was one of the fourteen. Well we thought of that, we went into it. And we're not quite in the dark about the events on Atlantic Beach. Based on diary accounts, the order of the deaths were as follows: Mr. Chang, Miss Jones, Mr. Hummel, Mrs. Pierce, Karofsky, Anderson, Miss Cohen-Chang, Hudson. After Hudson's death Quinn Fabray's diary states that Abrams left the house in the night and that Evans and Puckerman had gone after him. Evans has one more entry in his notebook: Artie disappeared. Taking everything into account, why couldn't Arbrams have killed the Fourteen, and then drowned himself by throwing himself? It wouldn't do. Abram's body was dragged above the high water mark... the tide couldn't have washed him up that far. And ti was laid out straight on the ground – all neat and tidy. So someone was alive after Abrams's death. And that leaves Evans, Puckerman, and Quinn Fabray. Puckerman was shot – his body was down near the sea near Abrams's. Quinn Fabray was found hanged in her bedroom. Evan's body was on the terrace. His head was crushed in by a heavy clock that fell on him from the window above." Andrews said.

"Whose window?" Scott asked.

"Quinn Fabray's. Now, sir, first there's Noah Puckerman. If he killed Evans and Mrs Lopez and hung Quinn, and then shot himself down at the sea, who took away the revolver? For that revolver was found up in the house just inside the door at the top of the stairs – Hudson's room." Andrews Said.

"Any fingerprints on it?" Scott said.

"Quinn Fabray's." Andrews responded.

"But then... isn't it clear that Quinn Fabray is our murderer?" Scott said.

"I knew you were going to say that, sir, and it works up till one small point. It seems that to hang herself she stood on a chair, arranged the noose around her neck, and kicked away the chair. The chair has seaweed marks similar to those on her shoes. But the chair wasn't found kicked over. It was found neatly arranged against the wall. And so it was done after Fabray's death by someone else. That leaves us with Evans, and it seems highly impossible that he killed the other two and then killed himself by dropping a marble clock on his head." Andrews said.

"I agree. So it must have been someone else on the house. Someone who tidied up after the whole business was over. But where was he all the time and where did he go? No one could have left the beach – and where does that leave us? Who killed them?" Scott said confused.

At that moment, a mailman comes in and hands a letter to Scott.

"Sir, I found this folded up in my handbag.  It's addressed to you." Mail man hands over the letter and leaves.

"What's this? Detective, why don't you read it aloud." Andrews said.

"Very well, sir." Scott said.

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