14. All With Doubts

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In one side of the room, Sam and Blaine are standing together, whispering.

"Who do you think it is, Sam?" Blaine asked.

"Well, lad, that's the question!" 

"One of us, Which one? Who's the Devil in human form?" Blaine said.

"That's what we'd all like to know." Sam reply.

"But you've got an idea, haven't you?" Blaine said.

"I may have an idea, but that's a long way from being sure." Sam said.

"It's like a bad dream, that's what it is." Blaine said.

"Got any ideas yourself?" Sam said.

"I don't know. And that's what frightening me... to have no idea..."  Blaine said.

On the other side of the same  Artie and Finn are standing together, but they are not whispering

"We must get out of here... we must – we must! At all costs!" Artie told Finn.

"I don't pretend to be a weatherman, but I should say that it's extremely unlikely that a bus would reach us under 24 hours." Finn said.

"And in the meantime we'll all be murdered in our beds!" Artie reply to him.

"I hope not. I intend to take every precaution against such a thing." Finn told.

"There have been five victims already, you know." Artie said.

"Certainly. But they were unprepared. We are forewarned." Finn said.

"What can we do? Sooner or later –" Artie told him.

"There are several things we can do." Finn said.

"But we don't even have an idea as to who it could be –" Artie told.

"I wouldn't quite say that." Finn reply.

Artie with a confused look. "You mean you know?"

"Not with evidence. We have none. But it seems to me that one person is sufficiently clearly indicated." Finn said.

" I don't understand..." Artie said.

Upstaris in her room Tina was reading a book. Suddenly she picks up journal and starts writing.

"A terrible thing has happened. Dave Karofsky is dead. There is no doubt that he was murdered. After lunch Finn made us a most interesting speech. He is convinced that the murderer is one of us. That means that one of us is possessed by a devil. I had already suspected that. Which of us is it? They are all asking themselves that. I alone know..."

She picks up pen and a new sheet of paper. Writes in shaky handwriting, 'THE MURDERER'S NAME IS DAKOTA STANLEY'. Suddenly sees what she is writing.

"What did I write? What rubbish is this?" She crumples up paper and throws itinto a trash can. "I must be going mad..."

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