Over Coffee

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I stay quiet in silence
I'm better off in the corner
The cheeks that don't ever turn red
But embarrassment is the scorner
I'm sleeping in plain sight
And mute when conversation runs deep
I'm hiding in the bathroom
You'd know if you know me
I'm writing poems for happy
I'm painting pictures with words
I do create in the corner
My hope is a dream deferred
I splurge on Starbucks
And pretty ornate cups
They really make me feel better
Two birds different feather
I'm sipping my tea sweet
It's slicker its too deep
My coffee with three creams
And sugar infinity
I like it
I love it
I'm sleep undercover
I know under covers
Never be torn asunder
I'm too black for you to see it
But I get embarrassed too
And if you see me in the street with my tea
I'll pretend I don't see you
Cause I'm called into the square the public
And pity party
My sadness is ever creeping
I'm shrugging but it's so lofty
Go missing for an hour after writing silent similes
Hey Mr. Barista
Can I get a handful of sugars please?

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