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Don't go telling all my business
I know you gonna
Ask me if I miss your presence
Kinda sorta
Okay maybe just a little more than I can say
But I'm hoping it'll dry up on a sunny day
I paint your colors in a simile
With shades of gray
Our history is difficult
Our bodies moving spiritual
You put me in a hazy space
One legged race
Arms tied behind my head
I'm remembering the scent
And it's filling me with dread
I'd call you
Every minute just to conversate
Then I'd forget you were just you and over compensate
And then I'd scribble out my poems
But you liked to hear the cross outs
You loved to spill my ink with me
And read the ones I tossed out
You loved to laugh with my mistakes
And clean my little wounds
You liked to listen to my stories
When my heart was filled with gloom
I could paint a better picture and it would always be you
I could say I didn't miss you
But that's a lie
I told too soon
For all this hoping
I could talk to you without more than friendly coercion
I could speak to you and not remember any ways we loved each other
I could speak to you as friend
And not refer to you as lover
I wish
I could
But I can't
So I should
Just stay away
Another day
And hopefully I'll make that call
But until then
Bottle it up
And put a penny in the jar

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