Explain Yourself

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(What this before reading the imagine)


Or this

(Skip to 0:06)


"Just like listen to this." Woozi presses play and one of their songs started playing. You spun side to side on the computer chair as you held your phone.

(A/N: I was about to put rolly chair lmao I hate myself ( ͡°⊖ ͡°))

"Why do you think something is wrong. It's sounds good to me?" You moved closer to the computer

"Can I see this?" You pointed at the mouse. Woozi let go and moved to the side.

"What are you going to do?" He question your sexy brain power.

"Watch." You clicked a couple of times making Woozi regretting giving you the computer. "There!"

Woozi played the song. "Soooo... is it good?" You smiled

"It's sound amazing! What did you do?"

"I just changed the audacity." You proudly smiled

"Oh ok." Woozi stood up. "I'll be back, I need to get something." He walks out the door leaving it open.

You heard Joshua laughing in the hallway. He passed by the studio but comes back and sees you siting there. He continues to giggle as he enters the room.

"What's up?" You spun around in circles

"Watch this." He gave you his phone and you played the video

"It's Jeonghan and Woozi... What's so funny?"

"Just watch." He covers his mouth as he giggles more

"Wait What! OMG!" You replayed the video. "What are that they doing!" You let out a small laugh

"I'm back... Joshua what are you doing here?" Woozi enters the studio with Jeonghan

"I just wanted to see ____!" He snorted. You tried to hold your laughter in so you turned around and faced the wall.

"What's so funny _____?" Jeonghan turns you around

"Nothing." You giggled you held onto Joshua phone. Jeonghan noticed your actions. "Gimme that!" He pouted

"Ok then..." you gave him Joshua's phone. You could hear Joshua crying from laughter in the back

"What is it hyung?" Woozi peeped over Jeonghan's shoulder. They started watching the video. You started laughing so hard as their expression changed.

Jeonghan gave the phone back to Joshua who was basically dying on the floor.

"What was that about." You stood up and pushed the chair away.

"I don't know what he was trying to do." Woozi nervously looked around.

"I think I was getting bored." He smiled. "And I was thinking about you."

"And?" You giggled

"Let's just forget about that ok?" He nervously laughed

"UhhHhh?" You patted his chest


You opened the door to the meeting room and saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan hanging out in the empty room. You were about to closed the door when Seungcheol invited you to come in. You smiled at the both of them as you pulled out a chair. Jeonghan was trying to avoid eye contact so he looked at his phone.

"We were just talking about you ____." Seungcheol smiled

"Oh really? What kind of things?" You placed your elbow on the table and rested your head on your palm.

"Like-" He was cut off by Jeonghan.

"It was about how pretty you are!" He smiled

"What are you talking about?" Seungcheol shook his head. "You were talking about your dirty thoughts about ____. Like he wanted to *beep* and *beep beep beeeeeeppp* and to make you *beep beeeepp*" He proudly smiled

Your looked over to Jeonghan. He cover his face. "Shut up Seungcheol! I didn't say that!"

You brightly smiled and stood up. "Jeonghannnnn!" You hugged his from behind.

"Whattt?" He buried his face on his hands

"Uncover your perverted face." You giggled as you wrapped your hands around his wrist. Seungcheol was just sitting there enjoying every second it.

"I promise I'm not that baddddd!!!!" Jeonghan regretfully chuckled. "Ahhhhh! Why did I tell you that!!!!" He looked at Seungcheol.

"I don't know, you probably couldn't control your hormones?" Seungcheol giggled

You placed you chin on his head. "It's ok." You held his hands. "I love you anyways." You kissed his cheek.

"I told you!!! He can't control himself!" Seungcheol pointed at Jeonghan's pants

Jeonghan Imagine fluff (Jeonghan x Reader) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now