My Love

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"It was this one." Vernon handed you a piece of paper as you leaned against the table. You took the paper from him and started reading it. "So, What do you think about it." Vernon leaned in closer to you and looked at the paper behind your shoulder. "I mean, it looks good." You waved the paper at him. You noticed he was extremely close to you, so you scooted away a bit. "When you're talking about love, you need to be more descriptive." You smiled. "You know?"

"Ok thanks." He stares at the paper. "Yah no problem." You traced your fingers over the table as you walk towards the door.

"YAH!" The door suddenly opens making you leap back from sudden shock. "I- Y/N!" Jeonghan enters the room and quickly embraces you. "Did I hurt you." He pressed your head against his chest as he rubbed your nape.

"No, I'm fine." Your muffled voice was the only thing Jeonghan could hear. "I'm sorry." He cups your cheeks and kissed your forehead. "You didn't do anything." You giggled as you looked at his sorry eyes. "You look nice today." You played with the collar of his turtle neck sweater. "Don't I always look nice?" He narrowed his eyes. You paused for a second and looked at his face. "No." You teased. "Your so mean." He crossed his arms and walked away. "No! Comeback!" You giggled as you grabbed his arm. "I'm just kidding." You kissed his cheek. "I don't believe you." He sighs and turns the other way. You chuckled as you cupped his cheeks. "I'm sorry." You smiled and kissed him again.

"You better be!" He rolled his eyes and stared at you. "I think you look pretty." He caresses your cheek and smirks. "MmmMMMm." You looked away. "You know what Y/N! I'm done." He teasingly pouts and crosses his arms. "Ok then." You pranced to the door and opened it. A warm presence hovered over you. "Don't go!" Jeonghan wrap his arms around your waist.

"Ok, ok." You both waddled outside. "Y/N!" Seungcheol waves at you from the end of the hall. "What's up!" He smiles and gives you a high five. Jeonghan lets go of your waist but he was close enough that your hands barely touched. "I'm going to borrow your hot girlfriend for a bit." Seungcheol grabs your hand. You look up at Jeonghan for permission. He narrowed his eyes as Seungcheol teasingly smirked at him. "Ok, Y/N' let's go!" Seungcheol drags you down the hallway leaving your precious boyfriend behind.

"Wh-" You whined. Seungcheol knew what you were going to ask so he simply smiled and said. "In a room." His shady tone sent shivers down your spine. Still worrying about your boyfriend you heard Seungcheol murmuring something to himself. "This is going to be great."

"Give her back!" Your boyfriend starts chasing you both down the hallway. Seungcheol quickly opens the nearest door and shoved you inside. Before you could even react, he slammed the door shut. You tried to open the door but the handle wouldn't budge so you gave up and turned in the lights. Squinting a little to adjust your eyes to the brightness you looked around the so called 'room.' Vanities were placed along the wall, black salon chairs filled each vanity. Makeup, flatirons, and blow dryers were all settled neatly on the table. You noticed a thin, black , rectangular shaped object on the vanity. Walking up to the table, the familiar shaped object you were looking at was a phone. And not just any phone.

It was your boyfriend's phone. A sly smirk covered you face as you unlocked the phone.


They only thing you were curious about was his photos. Scrolling slowly, you saw many selfies and pictures of food.

"This is boring." You scrolled frown a bit more. "What is..." You murmured as your eyes met a photo of you sleeping. Not only that! But as you kept scrolling down more and more photos of you appeared. "Oh my god." You giggled as you saw another picture of you sitting down at your section at the 2017 MAMAs. You kept on giggling as you saw another embarrassing photo of you waking up.


You quickly hid the phone and turned around to see who it was. "Can I have my baby back." Jeonghan pouted at Seungcheol as they blasted through the door. "Oh my darling!!!" Jeonghan quickly embraces and spins you around. You started to giggle as he 'protects' you from the 'evil' Seungcheol.

You gripped Jeonghan's phone tightly as he checks you to see if you're ok. "Why do you have my my phone?" He softly wraps his hand around yours. "You. I." The situation was hard to explain in a short amount of time so you just sighed. "Sorry, I was looking through your pictures."

"My pictures?" Jeonghan grabs the phone from your hand. "Did you?" He quickly checks his phone.

"I saw." You chuckled. Seungcheol awkwardly stood on the side as he observed every move Jeonghan was making so he would use them on his future girlfriend.

Jeonghan shook his head and slips his phone in his back pocket he starts to slowly walk towards the door.  "When did you take those pictures?" You grabbed his arm. Scared out of his mind he turns around slowly to face you. "I-I." He lets out a heavy sigh. "I thought you looked cute so I... You know." He nervously smiled.

You covered you face and laughed. "I do that too!" You look at his surprised face.


Seungcheol sits in the corner of the small make up room as he listens to the couple's conversation. He starts to question his existence as he doesn't understand the way love works. "So do I hug a girl first then kiss her?" He ponders out the imaginary window he creates in his mind. The young couple leaves the room leaving him still contemplating about his life.

Jeonghan Imagine fluff (Jeonghan x Reader) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now