White Shirt

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(Idea from lamb_skewersss )

You leaned against the kitchen counter as you checked your phone. You waited for the cookies to bake.

"What are you making?" Jeonghan walks into the kitchen.

"Cookies." You blankly responded as you texted your friend.

"Excuse me." You move aside as Jeonghan opened the cupboard to get a glass. He filled the glass with water.

"What do you want to do today?" He took a sip

"I want to stay home." You turned around to face him. "Watch a movie maybe?" You set your phone on the counter top.

"I'm down." He fills his glass with more water.

You turn back around and waited for a response from your phone. Jeonghan comes closer to you. You were startled by his presence so you quickly turned around. Jeonghan accidentally spilled water all over your thin white shirt. Making your black colored bra to peep through.

Jeonghan stared at your chest as you try to ring the water from your shirt. "I'm sorry ____, I didn't mean to." He places his glass down and grabbed a paper towel. He pats your chest with the towel to absorb the excess water dripping from your shirt. "It's fine, I got it." You took the paper towel from his hands and you tried pat your chest dry.

"I'm going to change." You threw the paper towel in the trash and headed to the bedroom. You looked at your drawer for a shirt. You grabbed one and threw it in the bed. You unclasped your bra and took off your shirt.  You pulled the dry oversized shirt over your head.

"Y/N!" A voice came from behind. You quickly pull down your shirt and turned around to see who it was.
"Jeonghan, why are you here?" You played with your shirt hem nervously.

His expression changed. "I wanted to help you with your clothes." He walks up to you. "And what is this about?" He hold your phone up to your face

(Friend): I guess he can't keep it in his pants
(Friend): I know! Why don't you play with him a little 😏😏😏
(Friend): tease him

"What do you mean?" You looked back at him. "I didn't say anything." You could see his lips forming a smirk

"Tease Uhh?" He places your phone on the night stand and comes back to you. He lifts your chin slightly with his fingers. "Why don't we turn things around." He brushes your bottom lip with his thumb. He moves closer to your ear. "You like being teased don't you, Y/N?" His hot breath traveled across your neck.

"And who said that?" You whispered as you grabbed a fistful of his shirt gently. You start kissing his jawline. His hands move down to your bottom. You pull away a bit. "I'm not in that mood right now." You let go of his shirt. He stood there ini surprise.

"Sorry." You looked down. "It's fine." He smiles gently and kisses your cheek. You look back up at him. You could sense that he was upset. (A/N: your girlfriend senses were tingling)

"The cookies might be done, I'm going to check." You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. You peeped into the oven. The warm aroma filled your nostrils.

You took the cookies out and placed them on top of the stove. You looked over to Jeonghan as he laid down on the couch while being on his phone. "Jeonghan do you want some?"

"Later." He smiled. You felt so guilty even that he understood. You walked up to him. "Something wrong?" He looks up at you. "I'm so sorry." You fumbled your fingers. You sat down beside him and look over at his phone.


Jeonghan Imagine fluff (Jeonghan x Reader) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now