Mr. Badboy

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A spoonful of rice entered your mouth as you looked at your phone. You looked up to see Vernon slightly spinning around on his chair, softly giggling at a video.

"What?" You placed your phone down and took another bite of your lunch.

"Nothing." He continued to giggle. You cleared your throat and look for your water. "I'm going to get." You try to mouthed out but you continued chewing. "Do you need something?" He stood up as he tried to eat another bit of his food.

"Water." You mumbled. "Mmm, ok." Vernon grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Thank youuuu!" You smiles as he handed the bottle to you. "Yah! No problem!" He sat back down.

"____, I was thinking about," Vernon looked at you as you chugged down the water. You couldn't respond that the current situation so you held a 'wait' signal to him.

"WAAAAA BAMMM BAM BAM!" Jeonghan entered the break room and started punching the air playfully. Seungcheol followed him and laughed at his best friend.

Trying to control yourself from laughing you quickly screwed the cap back on and gulped down your water. "What the." Vernon chuckled at his hyung.

You turned around to see what is happening. "What is this?" You pointed at Jeonghan's face as you saw lipstick all over his face and lips. Jeonghan giggled and hugs you tightly.

"Yah!" You continued to laugh. "What happened?" He pulled away from you and kissed you on the check. "I left a mark." He cheekily smiled and lightly poked your cheek.

"Jeonghan you better wipe that off before anyone else sees." Seungcheol places his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Be right back, ok baby?" He turns around and winks at you and bites his lip as Seungcheol drags him toward the door.

"Scoups-ah! Don't drag me like that! You need to take really good care of this gorgeous creature!" He held up a peace sign near his eye.

"Is he always like that when I'm not here?" You asked Vernon.

"No, not really. He acts like he is drunk or something right now." Vernon chuckled. "I don't think he drinks though?"

You shook your head. "Tsk tsk tsk."


"Have you always had that?" Hoshi pointed to your cheek. "No." You chuckled. "It was Jeonghan."

Hoshi looked at you weirdly. "Are you going to wipe it away?"

"Actually, I want to keep it for now." You caressed your cheek and smiled. "Ok then." Hoshi looked that the mirror and starting practicing.

"There you are!" Jeonghan smiled at you. You noticed a pair of sunglasses sitting on the top of his head. "Are those yours?" You pointed at them.

"Shh." He pressed his finger on your lips. "I'm a bad boy." He looks around the room and stares back at you. "I need to capture your heart." He moved in closer.

"What if you did?" You smiled.

"Then." Jeonghan swiftly plants a kiss on your lips. Your cheeks reddened as you look at him in confusion. He adjusted the sunglasses so it would go over his eyes. "I've gotta go." He starts running down the hall.


"JEONGHAN! COME BACK HERE!" Joshua came running into the dance room and panted. "THAT ST-!" He looks at you frustrated. "HE TOOK MY SHADES!" He continued to run after your boyfriend.

You looked at Hoshi as he seemed to stop dancing. "Are you ok?" You asked. He looked at you weirdly again. "You should take hyung to the hospital, he has a problem." He sat tiredly on the floor.

Jeonghan Imagine fluff (Jeonghan x Reader) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now