Lessons and Learning

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First of all, I hope people will forgive my tardiness but finals have been hellish and often left me to crash and burn. I didn't want to disappoint people (both with my finals and now this fanfiction so I am back).

You have all been so supportive and nice, I couldn't keep all of you waiting any longer.

Rereading this chapter makes me a little squirm-ish since I am currently anxiously avoiding everything that has anything to do with learning. The lesson for today on my part is mostly, how I need to start thinking more up front and probably work harder because I have a really bad feeling about my finals. Maybe writing, reading and drawing will help me cope with things.

Really, a title has never been more apt.


It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and Heine had been trying to avoid Viktor after his almost confession. This love was so out of reach for him and it had been the main reason for him ever having left Wiener. Staying away had done nothing to control his feelings, if anything it had made things worse and the moment he'd received the letter with the request to teach Viktor's rather obstinate sons, he had jumped at the occasion. Alright, perhaps jumped wasn't the right word but that had been how it felt. It felt like another chance. How many chances were granted to him in his lifetime? Now was the time he should create his own chances rather than waiting for the chance to present itself. The problem was that Heine tended to overthink the matters of the heart too much sometimes. Teaching didn't require overthinking things... It only required being perceptive of his students, make sure they learn something and know what they'd learned. What would be the point if they learned something and they hadn't even realized it? It would mean Heine hadn't done his job properly. As he walked was heading to the first class of the day, which was with Prince Bruno, Prince Leonhard and Licht were staring at their teacher.

"Sigh, I don't like how Heine-Chan is looking today. I think he this will once again prove to be one of those days as it has been for the past few weeks... You would think Heine would be happy that dad is in such good health again..."

Licht had been talking to Leonhard but the latter had zoned out about halfway through Licht's talk.

"Huh... Heine doesn't look any different... How do you tell when he's acting differently or even has a different expression? Even his smile is barely noticeable and..."

Leonhard began, trying to look pensive, chin between his index and thumb, lips pursed in the smallest of pouts.

"Neh, Leo-nii! Were you even listening to me?!"

The youngest of the brothers practically yelled. Was Leonhard living in a bubble or something? Could he even reach him?

"Heine-Chan is always telling us we have to do what is best or how we have to consider things ourselves and form the truth for ourselves... but the way he thinks things are, is different from the way it is and maybe it's time we tell him that for a change... Maybe we ought to teach him something this time for his own good."

Leonhard was looking up at his brother as if he'd just discovered an oasis in the desert. Had his little brother always been this smart? After all the stupid things they'd ever come up with, this idea of Licht was like the goose with the golden eggs they'd all been waiting for. It was as if they'd just seen the light.

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