Prologue 2

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After y/n leaves yang and ruby.

Y/n is seen running through the forest with the alpha beowolf on his tail.

*y/n slides to a stop and draws his sword and shield waiting for the alpha to catch up*

Almost few seconds passerved before the alpha a merges from the bushes. It's growls at y/n.

Y/n: Come at me you over grown furball

The alpha charges at y/n without a second notice.

Y/n: *muttering* remember your training, it may be stronger but it can still be killed

Y/n blocks the first strike form the alpha and slashes the alpha resulting in angering the alpha further. The alpha charges again but manages to knock y/n off his feethe and bites his injured shoulder drawing blood. Y/n finally gets his bearings again and smashes his shield into the alphas face making it back off him, while the alpha is stunned y/n charges at it while slashing. The alpha takes several hits before striking y/n across his chest making 3 deep claw wounds across his chest before y/n plunges his sword into its chest ending it.

Y/n: that's the end of that *y/n scans the area noticing it's getting dark and he has not clue where he is* time to get a move on and hope I find somewhere to rent and tend to my wounds, hope yang and ruby are okay.

(Time skip unknown amount of time later)

Y/n is found stumbling through the forest when he comes across a river. So he decides to clean his wounds as best as he can before moving on.

A few meters away a silvery white fox pup with 9 tails is seen watching y/n. Curious of who he is the pup slowly creeps closer to him.

Y/n is slowly finishing up when he sudeeply feels as though he beis watched, so he slowly turns around just to spot a small fox pup.

Y/n: hello little one what are you and what are you doing out here....

?:I am a kitsune and my parents were killed by humans.

Y/n: great I'm going crazy a fox just spoke

?: no your not and I'm a kitsune meaning *changes into a small 11 year old girl* (Remember y/n 13)

Y/n: huh.... well then you got a name miss?

?: yes my names Silverstar.

Y/n: I'm y/n, So silver do you know anywhere I can go to seek medical help and possibly stay?

Silver: yes, there's a small town near here that I know that can help.

Y/n: alright lets go.

(Times kip unknown amount of time later)

Silver: y/n how come you didn't freak out when I changed into a human or faunus whatever you class me as.

Y/n: because I don't see anything wrong with it, I was kinda shock but hey you've not given me a reason to be wary of you.

Silver: thank you. For not hurting me or leaving me.

Y/n: *smiles* it's no problem hey if you want you can stay with me forever if you wish.

Silver: I'd like that

(Time skip to arriving at village)

Y/n and silver are seen walking into the village, when all of a sudden y/n falls to his knees.

Silver: *in a panicked voice* y/n are you okay, plz be okay I don't want to be alone again.

Y/n: *through strained breaths* heh I'm...... not need medical*fulls unconscious*

By now a guard spots the 2 so he approaches only to see y/n severily injured. So he rushes over and helps him up and says

Guard: let's get you to the townhall.

The trio stumble there way to the town hall. Once inside everyone turns there way and stares.

Guard: someone get a doctor and the mayor.

Everyone starts rushing around to help. The mayor and a doctor soon arrive, the doctor goes straight to y/n to stabilise him.

Mayor: what happened to him?

Guard: I'm not sure I found them at the gate, but it looks like he was attacked.

Mayor: doc whats your opinion on this?

Doctor: his injuries 2 bite marks 1 from a beowolf and the other from an alpha beowolf, the 3 claw marks are alson from a alpha. But he shouldbe dead hes lost a lot of blood but the fact he's still alive is incredible.

Mayor: young lady what about you?

Silver: I found him at a river and stayed by his side since.

Random bystander: she's a kitsune look at her 9 tails.....

Mayor: kitsune?

Random bystander: kitsune where some of the first faunus on remanent and there pretty rare now. They are also loyal to those they deem worthy.

Mayor: hmm okay... so what can you* is cut off by y/n waking up and saying*

Y/n: if you have questions ask me.

Mayor: okay. What where you doing out in the forest? 

Y/n then tells everyone what happened leading to arriving here and asks

Y/n: if I can be so bold to ask, I spotted your guards using swords and shields so I was wondering if you could possibly train me, since I'm not going to be able to leave any time soon and I'd like to repay my debt by helping around the village.

Everyone turns to the mayor for his choice.

Mayor: sure welcome to are quiet town, we will train you and your friend and take care of you, while you help us around the village now both of you can have a room inn to share, and go get some rest.


Sorry for all the time skips, I wasn't sure of what to put there but hey ho never mind. Chapter 1 will be a few years later. I'll also upload maybe ever day or ever 3 days depending what I'm doing. Until then this is

LtRedScorpion signing off

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