Chapter 12

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A/n:hey guys I'm back with another chapter. Also I'd liked to thank UnknownGhoul (first name) and Zmanthekiller65 (last name) for the name of my unknown character which is Ivy Ferrix. Now onto the story.

Y/n is seen walking in the halls of beacon while eating and carrying a box of pizza (whatever pizza you want.)

Y/n: hmmm pizza nom, I need to go to 'Lord Of Pizza' again as this is really good.....why am I talking to myself?

Y/n's thougts are cut off by.


Y/n: *thoughts* better check that out

Just as y/n is heading to the noise a black blur passes by followed shortly by a silver blur.

Y/n: da fuck was that


*y/n arrives at team RWBY dorm*

Y/n: what happened? 

Yang: wiess happened

Y/n: really ice queen... I'm going after then I'll catch tou guys later *runs off*

(Silver's POV)

I just arrived at the statue at the front of beacon with blake as she removed her bow.

Silver: Blake I'm with you okay not as a faunus or kitsune but as a friend

Blake: thank you

?: I knew you'd look better with out the bow.

(Time skip to cafe scene and after Blake backstory)

Blake: there you have it an ex white fang member hidden in plain sight with a simple bow

Sun: wow that was unexpected. What about you Silver what's your story?

Silver: im a kitsune. I used to live with my tribe deep in the emerald forest, we were a peaceful group. We trained in the art of magic and spells, over time we got stronger and more deadly. Then one day humans and faunus came to us asking for help removing the other, we removed. Which caused the leader of the dust company jacques schnee and the atlas army led by general ironwood to attack us. We fought for 6 months before they retreated. After that fight only and handle of kitsunes remained. After 3 months of trying to rebuild the faunus attacked. I was only a little girl at the time so I was told to run which I did. And now I'm the last kitsune alive.

Sun: when did that all happen?

Silver: 5 years and 3 months ago

Blake: before you met y/n then?

Silver: yea. I'e never forgiven the faunus, ironwood or jacques schnee but I don't judge everyone. If your nice to me ill be nice to you.

(Timeskip 1 hour before the dock fight. Y/n Pov)

Y/n is seen buying materials,books and dust. Before heading to a weapon store for a few more things.

Y/n: that should be everything I need time to head to beacon to drop this stuff off before looking for Silver and blake

(Timeskip 5 minutes till fight)

Y/n is seen wondering around vale looking for Silver and blake. When an explosion is heard

Y/n: da fuck.... that's at the docks.....*starts running to the docks*

Upon arriving at the docks he sees sun,Blake and silver fighting white fang members, penny attacking bullheads and ruby attacking roman but losing ground.

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