Chapter 4

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Hey guys LtRedScorpion back again with another update, now I want to warn anyone who can't handle spiders or pictures of spiders to leave now or go with caution your choice you've been warned.

As y/n finishes shouting he prepares to land.

Y/n: how to land, how to land. *spots a vine* that'l do *as he gets closer he grabs it and swings only to realize this vine has eyes* (Y/N: WHAT IT HAS EYES. A/n: DON' BREAK THE FUCKING FOURTH WALL, NOW GET BACK IN THE STORY *sends y/n back* a/n: going to need insurance, now back to the story)

*y/n sees the eyes and let's go shouting*

Y/n: THAT' NOT A VINE THAT'S A SNAKE *lands on floor* that happened....time to find whatever I'm ment to find

(Time skip 30 mins later)

Y/n: where the fuck is everyone *spots cave* maybe what I need is in there.

*y/n enters the cave after he made a make shift torch*

Y/n: seems to be empty *as he goes deeper the more spider webs* this place seems empty Sept for spider webs *he then steps on something making a loud crack* huh *looks at it and sees he squished an egg*

*all of a sudden*

SCREEEEEE *sound of many legs moving*

Y/n: wtf *throws torch at noise to see a bif as spider.

(Here's it's name and what it looks like. I don't own the picture)

*y/n looks at it, and it looks at y/n*

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*y/n looks at it, and it looks at y/n*


*y/n runs out the cave with The nope chasing him*

(Time skip few moments later)

Y/n is seen running, when all of a sudden he crashes into something

Y/n: own what was that *looks up too see silver, then looks at how he landed.....* *gulp*now silver I'll treat you nice later but right now we should run...

Silver: grrrrrrrr explain to me why we shoul- *gets cut off by the nope coming through the trees*

Silver: *screams and takes off like ruby when she hears theres a cookie sale*

Y/n: Don't leave me

(Another time skip soz to arriving at the ruins where everyone is)

Y/n and silver break through the treEstate to see ruby about to be killed, when all of a sudden y/n islides covered in a golden light and appears in ront of ruby blocking the death stalkers tail, then wiess freezes it.

Y/n: you okay rubes.

Ruby: *looks up and just stares*

Y/n: Ruby? *he then looks at everyone else and sees them all staring he then turns to the deathstalker who is also staring he then looks where everyone was looking and sees *

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