Monday Madness

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Naya got up took a shower then put on her usual outfit for school but her hair was straighten with a gray and white bandana*


Desiree: Aww what happened to the regular clothes

Naya: Girl leave me alone I don't have time for you coming at me for nothing

Desiree: Oh you got some balls, just watch your back at lunch

Naya: Whatever, all you gone do is get your little posse to just pour milk in my hair

Desiree: Like I said, watch your back *walks away*

Naya POV~ She really think I'm scared of her, bitch think again


Random girl#1: Do you know Desiree plans on killing you

Naya: Psshh she not gone do nothing to me

Mysty: Naya come here

Naya walked over to Mysty and sat next to her*

Naya: What

Mysty: Desiree plans on killing you

Naya: Some girl told me the same thing

Mysty: Naya please don't go to the cafeteria

Naya: Why not

Mysty: Naya just don't go

Naya: Well come with me to get something to eat

Mysty: Girl, I would be happy to, I'm tired of being by Prince side all the time

Naya: Why do you go out with him anyways

Mysty: Well you know that I had a crush on him, and well he asked me out and I said yeah

Naya: Awwn he been yo crush since we was 10

Mysty: Yeah, who's your crush

Naya: Yeah I'm not telling you

Mysty: Come on tell me

Naya: Maybe later

Mysty: Alright


As Naya and Mysty walked out of school Star Beauty and Desiree followed them and Desiree pushed Naya making her fall*

Desiree: So you thought you could get away

Naya: Bruh leave me alone

Mysty: Desiree just leave her alone she didn't do anything to you

Desiree: Shut the fuck up

Then the boys walked outside*

Roc: Mysty what the fuck are you doing

Mysty: What I've should've done since day one

Ray: But you not gone do anything

As Desiree pushed Naya Prince grabbed Mysty and held her while Star,Desiree and Beauty jumped Naya, Desiree had Naya's hair banging her on the concrete, then everyone saw blood coming from her head*

Roc: Desiree stop that's enough

Desiree kept going and Naya was starting to black out*


Roc grabbed her and Prince let Mysty go, then Naya got up and looked at the ground then touched her head and looked at her hand and seen blood then she went to her car and Mysty followed her*

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