Chapter 2

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I walked into the house and saw no sign of the master, however, I did hear weird noises coming from the back of the cabin. So I strolled down the short hallway until I got to the broken door frame of his room. I couldn't believe my eyes. He instantly lifted the girl off of him at my appearance and glared at me. I scurried back to the kitchen with a lot of questions roaming through my head.

"Why the hell did that bastard bring some girl over here? Wait, that’s a stupid question, he really doesn't care about the well beings or how special virginities are to girls. Doesn't he know that anybody could spread rumors around here? He is so stupid and much worse, he got her in the bed," I thought to myself as I slammed a pot on the stove and opened the fridge, but of course the fridge was completely empty, because I forgot to get the groceries yesterday.

"Damn it!" I mumbled.

That means I had to go back outside and get something that we could all survive on until I get my paycheck.

"Whatever, I'll get food tomorrow. I'm sure I can manage until then," I thought to my self.

I walked to my small room and got my book off the shelf and started back on chapter one. It was really hard to concentrate when my damn master was banging some girl in the next room. But apparently I got so enthralled with the book that I lost track of time. When I looked at the clock again it was 7:30. I needed to get to work, so I quickly put a bookmark in my book and grabbed my sweater. It had been probably three hours and he was still going to town with that girl. I somehow managed to ignore it and walked out of the house with my ripped up jeans and a tank top, and my buttoned sweater; I headed to the club.

"You're late!" My boss yelled as he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the dressing room. "You have 5 minutes!" He slammed the door and walked off.

We still had 30 minutes untill the show started. I don't know why he said I have 5 minutes to get ready, but then again he is one of those got-to-get-things-done-early type people.

I walked over to my outfit and splayed it across the counter top. Apparently, I had to wear this really short dress with no panties, talk about exposure.  I'm saying like what the hell, because I do NOT like to expose my body to a lot of men. I wore panties with my outfit one time and that didn't go so well, and let's face it, I'm wasn't really his favorite girl. I just had to live with it for only another year or just until I could pay off the house debt before I could quit. Until then I had to go totally exposed, well, not totally exposed. I couldn't find the short dress, so I had to go with another outfit, which was way worse than the short dress! I walked out of the dressing room with a see-through shirt and tight panties. One look from my boss and I knew it was all wrong. He sent me back into the dressing room and when I walked back out again I looked two times more exposed then I was before with a see through bra and panties.

"What the hell? I might as well just walk up on stage nude!"

"I could do that, but I won't so be thankful," he said as he walked off.

I crossed my arms over my chest and, even though he couldn’t see it, I glared after him. There was no way that I was going on stage dressed like that, not with all of my scars showing. I was mostly comfortable with the boss seeing me like that, but other guys? NO WAY!!!

"Why me? Why do I have to live with this job? I would very much like to quit, but I can't," I mumbled to no on in particular as I hung my head down and scanned my body. I looked like I was just sent back from hell. One tear escaped my eye as I slowly walked to the stage but didn't get on while my eyes involuntarily scanned the other strippers.

"They look so beautiful, how come I can't be like that?" I asked myself as the boss introduced us.


I walked out of the club after my performance shaking with anger. All of the guys just stared at me, not even with a hint of lust in their eyes, not as though I wanted that to happen. My boss got so upset that he made me "take a break" from my job, even though I knew what he really met to say was that I was fired. Now what was I suppose to tell my master? That I took a break from my job? He wasn't going to believe that, most likely he would've given me another scar. Then it hit me, that girl that was there, having sex with the master...that's the exact same thing he did to me before he forced me to become his slave or maid is what he called me, but they’re the exact same thing. I didn't want that innocent girl to end up just like me.

I then dashed from the club, not knowing that I'd left my sweater at the club and kept my outfit on until I saw guys checking me out. Running even made it worse, but I didn't care if I got frostbite, I just didn't want that poor girl to suffer what I suffered every day. When I finally caught sight of the house, it was already too late;  I could see Master forcing her to go get groceries.

"Damn it!" I yelled at myself.

She walked past me as I cought a glimpse of her body features. She had long black hair, chocolate colored orbs, a brown leather jack, black jeans, and a black spaghetti strap top and red boots. I could see that her cheeks were shining, so she must've been crying, and I saw a glimpse of what seemed to be a fresh new scar, then Master signaled me to come forward and said, "You don't have to get groceries today." He started to walk back into the house.

I knew I had to tell him about my job, but I just didn't know how to."Wait!" I yelled before he opened the door.

"What?" He asked, clearly annoyed with me.

"About my job..." I trail off, not knowing how to finish my sentence.

"What about it?" He asked.

"I won't be getting anymore paychecks."


I closed my eyes tight and took a long, deep gulp before I answered his question."I got fired," I quickly blurted out.

He narrowed his eyes at me with a furious look on his face; He progressed slowly towards me until he was a few inches from my face; then he leaned into my ear and whispered,"You know I'm not happy." With that said, he raised his hand and slashed it across my cheek. Before he could slash my other cheek, I heard a faint, but familiar voice in the distance.

"Hey! What are you doing to her?" The mysterious man asked as an outline of his body appeared a few feet in front of me.

"This is none of your business!" Master yelled.

The person started to become clearer, he had short black hair, with dark brown orbs, and glasses with no lens. To me that was pretty stupid, but I had to admit it looked kind of cute on him. He walked up to us and neither of them said a word until one minute or so later when the man broke the silence.

"You have no right to touch this girl," he said as he kept his eyes narrowed towards Master.

"You have no right to invade my privacy," Master shot back, returning the same narrowed look.

"I could report you to the police for child abuse," the man threatened.

"You can't do that, because she isn't a child, now is she pretty boy?" Master countered.

"You better back off," he said ready to punch Master.

"You know what, stop," I commanded boldy as I stepped in between both of them and lightly pushed the familar guy back.”Thank you for your help, but I think I can handle this on my own." I turned towards my master and said, "Let's go inside."

He nodded and wrapped his arms around me and led me inside, leaving the unknown man standing outside in the cold snow.

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