Chapter 7

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"What seems to be the problem?" I asked.

"The printer is broken." Rosh replied.


"Sorry, but you can't develop love or any kind of feelings with that girl."


"You know why...”

"I can love whoever I want to love; nothing is going to keep me from seeing her over something silly as that."

"There's always death you know."

I sighed. "Just go."


"GO!" I watched Rosh walk away and I go into my office.

Why do I have to be abnormally strange? If I tell her she'll be crushed, if I don't then she'll hate me. Why do I have to be born this way? Why couldn't Russ be cursed with this instead of me? He’s the oldest anyways. I slammed my head on the desk, I'll have to tell her sometime. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll just take her on a romantic date and tell her; surely she can't be mad at me then. I grabbed some papers and head out of the store. Hopefully this will work. I head over to the picnic but I do not see Jackie. I looked around and spotted her with Amelia and Russ and I rushed over there to see what they were doing.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Apparently Grayson was Amelia’s friend not too long ago." Russ explained.

"But, I don’t remember those times." Amelia replied.

"Russ hasn't told you yet?" Grayson asked.

"Told me what?" Amelia asked.

"Maybe he just forgot, anyways three years ago you-"I could see Russ making "don't tell her" signs as Amelia turned around and he stopped.

"Is there something you’re hiding from me?" Amelia asked Russ.


"Nothing." Russ said while messing with his fingers.

"Are you sure, because it seems like you know something that I don’t." Amelia prodded as she narrowed her eyes.

Russ hung his head down not to meet her gaze."Now isn’t the time, I promise I'll tell you later." He said quietly.

Amelia sighed."Fine." She stood up,"But until that time, I have some catching up to do." She took Grayson by the hand and walked away without another word.

"Wow." I said as Nate put his arm around my neck and I kiss his cheek.

"Do you think she’s mad at me?" Russ mumbled.

"Of course not.......maybe.......possibly......yes." Nate replied.

"What’s it you’re going to tell her?" I asked, but Russ left without answering my question.

"Maybe we should head home." He picked me up bridal style and carried me home.


I should’ve just told her then and there. Now she’s wondering around with Grayson, when she barely even knows him.....well, they’ve known each other for a long time. Unnecessary thoughts came swarming into my head that made me change the subject. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I thought that with every girl, but this one’s different. I smile at her name. Amelia is such a nice and unique name. When will I tell her? How will I tell her? Those two questions were tearing me down. What if I tell her and she doesn’t ever want to see me again, and then she'll go off and date Grayson? But what if I don't tell her, she's bound to remember, so I’ll have to tell her something. When she forces it out of me, then she’ll still go off with Grayson. Both ways she’s going to go off and marry Grayson. I came to a familiar house and opened the door. I poured a cup of water and sat on the couch. I can't let this happen; she‘s regaining more information as she meets more people. And Grayson is just one piece of the puzzle, if she gets more of it she could figure out what happened. I'm surprised she remembers that Trace story, but not know the whole story. I shrugged it off as I walked back to my room and lay on my bed. I looked over to my dresser and I found that one of my pictures is facing down. I put the cup on my night stand and walked over to the dresser. I grabbed the picture and face it upwards. Those were the times, why couldn't now be like then. I might as well leave the picture downward. I set the picture facing down on the dresser and looked out my window. What has this world come to? There's so much violence, drugs, rapist, thieves, murders than in any generation. I began to feel light headed, and I put my hands to my head and fell on my bed, and I suddenly fell into a nice steady sleep.

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