Chapter 9

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Well that's just peachy, there's no one here. I turned around and there he was standing inches from my face."So I see you got my letter." He said.

"Y-yes." I stumbled on the words as a sharp pain pierced my heart.

"Did you actually think you could hide from me?" His hand stroked my cold cheek as it became even colder by the presence of this man. He lightly touch my still fresh scar and I think he has changed, but the way he was touching it seemed uncomfortable, until he lunged his finger against the scar as I yelp from the pain. He un-tightens his grip and drags me closer to the shore.

"What are you doing?" I manage to say.

"You'll see."


"Where's Jackie?" I asked Rosh.

"I don't know, I thought she would be with you."

"How the hell did you think that she would be with me if I was asleep?!!?"

"Sorry, you don't have to yell."

"Well, sometimes you can be a little stupid."

"How would you know? You just met me."

"And I’m definitely not liking what I seeing."

"Oh, whatever."

"You sound like a teenage girl."

"You know what, arguing is going to get us nowhere."

"Agreed." And in walked Jackie her clothes were torn into pieces and her face was dull, she was shaken of the cold and I think fear."What happened?"

"N-nothing y-you c-can f-f-fix." With that said she walked off into our room and shut the door.

"What the hell?"

"I know right?"And then Nate walked in."You're not welcomed here."

"I need to talk to Jackie."

"No, I need to talk to you, sit down."



"Ok." He sat down.

"Where have you been?"


"Out where?"

"Out of this house."

"I know that. Where have you been?"


"Out where?"

"Out of this house."

"Ugh! Let's try this again. Where have you been and be specific."


"At what place?"

"At a club."

"What were you doing there?”


"With whom?"


"Listen here, if you don't tell the truth you are going to suffer a hard and long death. Kay?" He nodded." Now, who were you partying with?"

"A girl."

"What's her name?"


"What did you do after the party?"


"Remember, painful death."

"Umm.....we had sex."

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