Chapter 6

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I walked down the narrow path until I got to the beach. The moonlight hit the palm trees perfectly. I decided to take a break and embrace this beautiful moonlight. I went close to the shore and laid down. My feet shivered as the waves brushed against my feet. I closed my eyes and suddenly images of Rosh kept fading and appearing in my mind. A couple of minutes later a voice cracked my thoughts. I sat up and acted natural. I looked to my left and saw Nate. The exact person I needed to talk to.

"I need to talk to you." I replied.

"If it is about this kiss thing, I am over it."

"Why are you out here?" I asked concerned.

"I just needed to take a breather that’s all, why? Are you worried about me?" His baby face made me crack up.

As soon as I got my giggles under control I replied, “No, it's just that you didn't come home when I got there."

He came over to me and sat down beside me. I laid down again and he followed as he asked, "What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I came looking for you but I got distracted by this beautiful moonlight." I said, looking towards the moon.

"It’s beautiful." He exclaimed, "Just like another person I know." He added without taking a glance at me.

My cheeks grew red as I took a few glances at Nate."Well, I hope you give her that message." I sit up.

"I think she already got it." He follows and smiles.

My cheeks were as red as a ripe tomato. Ugh! I hated blushing, but I couldn't help it. My smile grew across my face and e got up."We should go." He suggested as he stuck out his hand to me. I took it and we walked home. It was temping to hold his hand but I managed not to.

We walked in and I walked to the kitchen."What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm hungry." I replied as I searched for an apple in the fridge." I could share an apple with you if you’re hungry."

I didn't hear him respond, so I grabbed the apple, closed the door, and turned around. In that instance Nate's lips lock with mine. I didn't kiss back because I was too shocked that he would do this. Did he not learn his lesson from the last kiss he tried to give me? But, it did feel good, without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Soon his tongue entered my mouth. My legs wrapped around his waist as he grabbed hold of my thighs.


My stomach was growling like hell, so I finally decided to get up and walk to the kitchen. I couldn’t believe what I saw."Break it up before it gets too serious."

Jackie immediately pulled away."You two are disgusting." I pushed past them and grabbed an orange out of the fridge. “I thought you didn't want to kiss him earlier." I waited for an answer but I didn't get one."Ugh!" I walked back to my room."

"What happened?" Russ asked as he walked out of his room, but I ignored him.


Jackie left and Russ came in. "Your horny aren't you."You’re finally a man." Russ assumed. I walked past him and went to my room.


I woke up on the couch. How the hell did I get on the couch? I thought I went to my room. I shrugged it off and walked over to the fridge. And open it up, I pick up the last apple and ate it. Its flavor burst in my mouth. But something was awfully strange about this apple. I don't know what it was so I spit it out. And it appeared to be a note from Nate. He wants me to go to the park at 12:00pm. The thought of Nate made me smile wide and clear. I think I love him. No....I don't love him. It's more than that. There is no word to describe how I feel about Nate. Isn't it a little too early for me to start loving him? I mean I've only known him for about three days. This is all going too fast, but then it's going the perfect amount of speed. I slipped the note inside my pocket and finished off the rest of my apple. This is going to be great. I went to my room and rummaged around in the drawer. I finally found the perfect outfit. It's not too fancy, but not too casual either. I decided to for once do something with my hair. I snuck to Amelia’s side of the room and grabbed the curler from her dresser and went back to my side. I fixed up my hair nice and pretty. For the final result I didn't look all that bad. I had on a white shirt, blue jeans, and leather, brown boots. I grabbed my sweater and headed out of the door. Surprisingly it was pretty warm out here. No wonder he picked this day to go out. I headed to the park overexcited, but I didn't care. When I got there, there was a beautiful picnic laid out for me. Well, at least I thought it was beautiful. Other girls who have been on thousands of dates would think that this is totally lame. Wait, did I just call this a date.

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