Chapter 8

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"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure." His eyes fluttered at me, which was kind of girly.

"Um...... what kind of girls are you interested in?"

"Well." His eyes were locked on mine, “Independent, outgoing, preferably nice and beautiful, brunettes, and I am a total killer for brown chocolate eyes."

The last part made me blush even though I didn’t know if he was describing me. He smirked. Once I got my blush under control I asked him a more in depth question, “Do you have a girlfriend?"

It took a while before he answered me."No, but I would like to." He raised an eyebrow at me.

I blushed harder and my face got hot for some reason. I asked him one last question."What would you do if your friend was attracted to you?"

He moved his position."Well, I would think it through first and if I felt attracted to this girl as well I would take the relationship slowly. I don't want there to be problems if I fell hard for this girl."

I looked away from his gaze. He couldn't be talking about me. If we were to get together, there is bound to be problems. And I could lose his friendship. I turned around only to smash lips with Russ. I could finally feel soft smooth lips against mind. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. We sat there and kissed for hours enjoying every minute of it.


It's been hours and I’ve gone to every restaurant in town, I was planning on calling him, but I left my phone at home. Just as I was about to give up I caught sight of him. I looked up at the place and it read: Twenty-one. What type of restaurant is this? I walked into Twenty-one and notice that this is no ordinary restaurant it's a bar. Great! My boyfriend is getting drunk I thought as I walked up to him on the dance floor.


"Hey, baby." He kissed my cheek roughly.

"I need to talk to you."

"Come on and dance with me."

"What? No, I need to talk to you."

"The drinks are over there." He pointed to the bar.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I don't have a car."

"That's it; it's time for you to go." I pulled him outside of Twenty-one.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you home."

"Why? The party has just gotten started."

"You obviously drunk too much." A girl walked up to Nate and started to touch him and whisper in his ear.

"Want to get a drink?" the girl asked.

"No." I answered for him."He’s taken by me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, who are you?" the girl asked stupidly.

"I'm Nate's girlfriend."

"No you're not, I am."

"What? You don't even know this guy."

"Yes I do."

"When's his birthday?"

"September 16th"

I looked at Nate weirdly."Is she really your girlfriend?"

"Well...." I walked away before he could answer.

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