Chapter 4

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As we walked to Starbucks in the cold harsh winds that occasionally swirled snow at us, I learned a little more about Amelia. Her full name is Honora Amelia Langley, but she prefers to be called her middle name, Amelia and I’m not complaining about that. She had two parents who were lesbians who got married, and they both wanted a baby so one of them went off and had sex with a guy, then they claimed the baby, Amelia, as their own. I almost puked, I can't imagine kissing another women, and worst, getting married to another women. BLEGH!!! But she told me that she loved them very much as any normal child would love their parents. For a lesbian family that sounded really wrong, but she told me that she wasn't a lesbian, that she was attracted to the opposite sex, only then did I realize that I was clutching my sweater real hard during the whole story.

I drew a sigh of relief as she continued on. She told me that she would be embarrassed when ever kids would tease her of her family. So, to get rid of the humiliation she stopped going to school, which means she that probably didn't know the basic skills of Math, Reading, or Science. Kind of like another girl I know. She continued on of how she stayed at home and hung out with her sisters. Until one day they got into a terrible car accident driving home. And the only reason Amelia survived was because she was left home alone. She didn't feel too down about it, so she must've not care about her family as much as she claimed she did. After the incident she ran away to California. How she bought a plane ticket was left out of the story, although I’m pretty sure it revolved around stealing of some sort.

She rented an apartment, also how she got the money was left out. I asked her how she met Master and she said that when she went to a grown up’s club she had a few drinks. Master was being nice by telling her that she has had too much (jackass). He took her to the house and I'm pretty much I know the rest of that part of the story. I asked her one last question before we turned the corner. I asked how she got the money to buy groceries. She didn't answer she just kept on walking. I guess she thought that question wasn't important and she didn't need to tell the story about it. Whatever it was, I'm thinking it's bad so I really didn't want to hear it.

We finally caught sight of Starbucks and dashed over to it. I was shivering by the time we got there. How long had we been walking? I'm amazed that we even found it. The whole place was a blanket of snow. I was eager to get a cup of coffee or maybe hot chocolate with the warm heat blazing on the back of my tongue. But when we got to the door it said that it was "Closed." It took me a moment to register what was going on before I bawled my fists and I got so pissed that I let out a slight "Shit" from my mouth.

"What the hell was he thinking? Doesn't he know when his store is opened or closed?" I asked myself. "This must be part of his little plan. To keep us out in the snow and let us die slowly but painfully, but he seemed so nice...but I guess that’s the key word there ‘seemed’. Still I don’t know what Russ would have against us, we didn’t do anything to him……or maybe it’s not us. Maybe since Master beat up on him, he’s deciding to take it out on us, like it’s our fault which it kind of is, but……I should've known not to trust him and bring Amelia along with me."

As I was thinking, a blizzard surrounded our way back home. Great, now how the hell are we suppose to get back? This was definitely a plan, a very cold plan. And I had the stupidity to think that he was a nice guy.

"I'm sorry," I said to Amelia as we both plopped ourselves on the cold blanket of snow.

Each second, we started to doze off until we were knocked out cold. Note to self: Never trust anyone unless you know them fully. Or the consequences WILL be severe.


I woke up on a couch in a warm toasty house with brown fur walls and soft black fluffy rugs. And I saw that Amelia and I are both covered with about twenty layers of blankets, a heat pad under every layer, and a pot filled with hot water under our feet. Maybe this person was taking things a bit too far, but then I saw our close ripped up on the floor, and my eyes widen when I heard a voice from somewhere in the house say, "Don't get the wrong idea."

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