Chapter 5

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What am I going to say when I get there? "Hi, I was just walking by when I saw a car shop."No that won't work, maybe something a bit more casual.”Hi there, so I was just wondering if I could by a car….” Stupid! Why do I have to be so stupid?! I walked into the stop and stop at the amazing line of expensive cars. A "Whoa" seemed escaped my lips as a short blonde hair with brown highlights guy approached me.

"May I help you?" His accent had a hint of Australian in it.

"I'm here to’s brother, Nate." I managed to say.

"Right this way."He led me to a light brownish paved door. He pounded his knuckles on the door.

"Yes?" The voice came stern.

"There is a guest here to see you."

"Let them in."

He opened the door and let me in. His eyes were on a stack of paper work.

"I don't believe I had an appointment today." He said. His eyes still fixed on the paper work.

"I know. I came to talk to you personally." I sat down in a chair

"Ok." I was so irritated. Why the hell was he not looking at me?

"I don't like talking to the top of people's heads."


I let out a small sigh and lift my head up, to meet eyes with an angel. My feet suddenly lift my body off of the chair and I was speechless.

"" She gave me a weird face and then replied.

"Well," She started. “Since you’re busy, I think its best that I should go." She got up, but I wanted to say something, but I don't know how to. Apparently Rosh did the job.

"You have a meeting with your co-workers." He closed the door before I could even say anything.

I turned back to where the girl was sitting but all I saw was an empty chair. She had already left. Stupid! I thought. I am so speechless when I am around her. I sit back down and bang my head on the edge of my desk. I couldn't feel a thing. But, I sure was making a lot of noise.

"Um, is everything alright?" Rosh asked.

"Yes." I laid my head on my desk and wrapped my arms around my head. She was beautiful. I am falling hard for her. Such a beautiful name too.


I walked back to Russ’s house with my hands in my pocket. It could have been worse. I thought to myself and entered the door. I looked at the couch where Amelia was, but I didn't see her. I heard a scream coming from the kitchen. SHIT! I though as I dashed toward the kitchen, but when I opened the door. The whole place was a mess. Chocolate icing and flour was thrown on the walls and the floor was covered with water and egg shells. I managed to see a glimpse of Amelia, mainly covered in powder and with a smashed egg yolk on her head and Russ who was covered in chocolate pudding. They stopped running after each other when they saw me.

"I know it's a mess, but-“Amelia started.

"No, I really do not want to know." I said as I walked out.


I looked up at Russ but he doesn't smiles back." Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah, what happens when my brother sees this?"

"Aren't you the older brother?" I asked. He’d mentioned something about his brother, just the fact that his name is Nate and he’s eighteen and Russ is twenty.

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