Chapter 3

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It'd been five whole hours and that man was still standing out there. He hadn't even moved a muscle. Then the girl came back with the grocery bags in hand and she said, “There's a man standing outside the house."As if it wasn’t totally obvious.

I really felt sorry for her, but she was really stupid. With that said I took the grocery bags from her hand, laid them out on the counter, and started to make Lasagna with the ingredients we had. I wondered how she could afford all of that stuff.

While I was cooking she was cleaning the house. I called dinner and took a peek out of the window and sure enough, he was still standing in that exact position.

After dinner, Master went ahead to sleep and the other slave was working busily on scrubbing the kitchen floor. I decided to go and confront this mystery man, so I walked outside.

"Are you ever going to leave?" I called out, but I didn't hear a response.

I walked up to the man and took his hood off; I was surprised to see a stick holding the coat. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice that there weren’t any legs.

"Clever," I mumbled to myself as I started to head back inside.

"Thank you," A voice called out after me.

I turned around and faced the same man I saw at Starbucks.

"Hey, you’re that same guy from-" I started

"Starbucks," he interrupted."I'm Russell, but you can just call me Russ," he gave me an unwanted introduction of him.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"If it's about the Starbucks thing, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Whatever, and I wasn’t embarrassed,” I said matter of factually.

“Really, because your cheeks sure did look pretty heated back there.”

I dashed back inside and sat down on the table, ridding myself of his obnoxious talk. Ugh! It was official, I hated that guy. But, he was kind of cute, and for a fleeting moment I thought that I might have a chance with him. My first real boyfriend, that would've been amazing.


"Is everything okay?" The girl asked.

"Um, yeah," I replied as she continued scrubbing the floor."What's your name?"

" name is Amelia."

"Amelia, I like that name," I complimented.

"Thanks," she said as Master sauntered over to her and hovered over us.

"You missed a spot," Master scolded

She slowly cleaned the spot the master was talking about. But I could see her shaking in every movement she made; the master looked at me with his usual cold stare. I couldn't think of anything to do, so I just walked back to my room, but before I could, master grabbed my neck and pulled me back.

"Clean the kitchen," he demanded.

I look back before I answered, "It's already clean."

"Clean it again!" He ordered.

"Hell no," I replied

"Damn!” I screamed at myself....I was never to use a cuss word in front of Master. Great! Now I am in for it. His fingers began piercing my neck, squeezing me. I tried to turn my head around, but I could only catch a glimpse of outside. Sadly, Russ wasn't standing out there. I turned my head back around and saw Russ standing behind Master.

"Let her go, or I’ll call the police," He demanded.

Master didn't pay any attention to Russ and kept strangling me.

"I'm warning you sir."

Russ put his hand on Master's shoulder, probably the worst idea Russ has ever made. To make a long story short Russ didn’t win. While he was unconscious Master tied him up and put him in a closet, and I....I sat there on my knees crying. I felt great pity for Russ and guilt that I bestowed this upon him. If only I hadn't gone to Starbucks, he would’ve never known me, and this would’ve never happened. Master walked up to me and smashed my cheek with a hard punch, and....that’s all I remembered of that day.


When I woke up in the middle of the night, I pulled on my fluffy boots and tip toed on the cold wooden floor to the closet. I opened the door with a creak and I saw nothing, but a torn broomstick, matches on the floor, and a whole lot of dust, along with a piece of paper. I picked up the slip of paper and turned it around so that I could read it.

Meet me at Starbucks at 8:00 am.


Mystery Man

I knew it would be from Russ, so I turned around, closed the closet door, walked back in my room, laid down on my bed, and clenched the paper to my chest. Finally, I thought. I finally have something to be excited for today. Maybe things aren't so bad after all.

I woke up again with the sun greeting me with a warm welcome. I looked at my clock as it said that it's 7:30 am. I got out of bed and put on my regular fluffy boots, and I then walked into the kitchen and snacked on an apple.

"Have a good sleep?"

I turn around and answered Amelia." Yeah," I said to her as she starts to cook breakfast."Are you an early riser?"

"No, but today I woke up at 5:00 am....maybe it's because I'm living a different life," she said as she got a skillet from the cabinet.

"I'm sorry," I replied.

"Don't be, it's not your fault," she said as looked in the fridge and peered at a piece of paper that she clutched in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a list that guy gave me," she answered."I have to do all of these chores before he wakes up."

"Master?" I questioned while tilting my head to the side in curiosity.

"Master? Who's that?" She asked.

"That guy who gave you that note," I answered.

"Why do you call him Master?"

"Because, he likes that name, I guess."

"Well, I won't be calling him that," Amelia said firmly.


"Because, no one is my master," she said and she tried to cook and clean at the same time.

"You know you don't have to do all of these chores right now."

"Yes I do."

"Come with me."

"O-okay," she said as she went to get two jackets, one blue the other purple.

"Why did you get two?" I asked.

"One for you and one for me," she answered as she handed the purple jacket to me.

"Thanks," I replied as we walked out of the door.

"Where are we going?"Amelia asked.

"To meet up with a 'friend,' " I answered back.

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