Chapter 7

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Hannah woke up to the sound of feet running across the hallway. She is wondering what is happening but when she looked at her calendar, she saw what it is today. Today is the anniversary of the King and Queen.

After realizing it, Hannah quickly goes to her closet. When she was in front of her closet, she digs inside of it, finding the red velvet box.

That red velvet box is special to her since her real parents gave to her. When she found it, Hannah opened it to see the necklace inside it.

The necklace has her birthstone and initials at the back of it, it is 'F,M'. In the Isle, only her can touch it since Heath tried to hold it but his hands got burned due to the protective magic that was cast on it. But since it is the Isle, she is afraid that it will be stolen so always wear it to hide it.

Evie got inside of Hannah dorm.

"Hi, Hannah" Evie greeted. Hannah immediately turns around. She didn't even to bother to hide the box.

"Hi" Hannah greeted back.

"What is that?" Evie asked pointing to the box.

"A necklace from my real parents" Hannah answered calmly.

"Can I see?" Evie asked

"Sure, but once you touched it, your hands will feel the heat that will burn your hands," Hannah explained.

"Wow, just like the necklace by Fauna, Flora, Merryweather, and with the magic of Fairy Godmother given to Millicent," Evie said while looking at Hannah's necklace. She holds it but nothing happened.

"Why?" Hannah asked wondering how did Evie is not burned by the necklace.

"I think your godparents and parents are not affected by the magic to tell you are safe" Evie explained. Evie, in her mind, is starting to conclude that Hannah and Millicent is just one person.

"So where's my gown?" Hannah asked avoiding finding the truth of her identity.

"Oh, Yeah!" Evie said and so to the racks of clothes she uses to bring the gown she made.

When Evie showed Hannah her dress, she was mesmerized by the design and the color, of course.

"This is the best!" Hannah said happily.

"I know!" Evie happily knowing that Hannah liked her design.

The gown has a see-through strap with an embroidered top that is low waist with a belt. The skirt has many layers of fabric with flowers and embroidered designs. And lastly, it is burgundy color.

"At noon, get ready then I will come at 3 to fixed your hair and makeup," Evie said finding the accessories that Dizzy made for her and the personalize stiletto boots with embroidered designs.

"Aha!" Evia said when she found the black fingerless laced gloves, the gold earring, and the gold leaves headdress.

"And this will make you stunning," Evie said while placing the headband type headdress on Hannah.

"Thanks," Hannah said while looking at herself in the mirror.

"You look so pretty" Evie complemented

"Am I?" Hannah doubted.

"Yes, you are and I think this will make you look better," Evie said while placing Hannah's necklace on her neck.

"You are always right when it comes to Fashion," Hannah said.

"And I need to go because there are still many people who will be wearing my gowns. Bye" Evie said and exited.

Hannah removed her headdress but left the necklace. After that, she nicely placed the gown and accessories in her bed, not wanting to rip or destruct it in any form.

She left her room to roam around the place, wanting to get away from anyone before meeting them. She passed by the coast. She saw a glass painting.

The glass painting has a lady who wears a violet gown with violet hair and has green eyes, she is holding a baby with red plum and green eyes that have her birthstone necklace. They are with a man who wears a blue and yellow suit. It looks like a family picture.

"Do you think, Queen Mal would like it?" Someone asked her, it was from her side

"Who are you?" Hannah asked.

"Oh, my bad! I am Jane, the Fairy Godmother's daughter. And you are Hannah, right?" Jane asked.

"How did you know?" Hannah asked.

"You are the talked of the town, always," Jane explained.

"Okay, well if Mal is the lady, then I think the man is Ben. Who is the kid? Millicent?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, you are right!" Jane answered.

"Then why she already wearing her necklace?" Hannah asked for curiosity.

"Ahh, that necklace is the gift of the four fairies to her. It will protect her at all times. It will burn the hand of anyone who will try to steal it, I mean everyone except her parents and godparents. And the most important, it will record her whole life in her 16 years of existence. It has initials engraved on the back of the locket. You what? After her sixteenth birthday, she can open it on her own." Jane happily explained

"What are the initials engraved on it?" Hannah asked.

"It is 'F,M' short for Florian, Millicent" Jane answered

"Is she the only one who could wear it?" Hannah asked to confirm something.

"Yes, and I guess I already need to go to prepare the venue, bye," Jane said and left Hannah alone with her thoughts.

What if she really is? What if....

"Hey, traitor!" Someone shouted from her back. She checked if there someone out there. But when she turned her head she saw Harry and she turned to run again but Uma is there.

"Where are you going, traitor?" Uma asked.

Hannah just remained silent. Harry hooked Hannah's chin so he can look in her eyes.

"Do what we wanted you to do or Heath will die," Harry said straightly into Hannah's eyes.

"What?" Hannah almost shouted but Harry pulled her closer almost kissing her.

"You. will. do. it. whenever. you. like. it. or. not" Harry said solidly

"Harry chill, she will do it or Heath will die," Uma said confidently.

"What do I need to get?" Hannah asked.

"The wand then you will get your brother," Uma said dealing with Hannah.

"Where?" Hannah asked trying not look like a jelly.

"Later, just get the wand and we will come," Uma said and left.

"Do it my majesty or your brother will die" Harry warned to Hannah still holding her chin. He left almost after a few minutes.

On the other side, Carlos saw the scene because he is waiting for his wife, Jane.

"Hey, love let us go?" Jane asked the daydreaming husband

"Okay, let us go" They left but Carlos' eyes are still following Hannah who is still standing afar from them

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