Chapter 8

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"Let us all welcome the rulers of Auradon, King Benjamin, and Queen Mal." Lumiere introduced in the deck of the cruise where the event is going to happen.

Lumiere gave the honors to King Benjamin to talk.

"Good evening everyone, friends, and families. I would like to thank you for coming and accepting our invitation to join us in this memorable moment of our life" Ben started that made everyone clapped.

On the other hand, Hannah is looking the sea and thinking if she did the right thing.....

'Before the event started'

"You must be Jay?" Hannah asked Jay.

"Yes, what do you need miss?" Jay answered

"I know that you are close to Queen Mal and I hoped you could do me a favor" Hannah pleaded.

"Fine, what it is?" Jay asked wanting to know what would Hannah give to Mal

"This, please be careful with it," Hannah said and left Jay hanging, holding the box that is Hannah's gift to Mal.

Hannah wanted to end this. She will end her brother's misery because of her.

Jay gave Mal the gift of Hannah without even opening it to ensure that is not dangerous.

"What is this?" Mal asked while opening the red velvet box that contains the necklace. Mal pulled the necklace upwards shocking dropped the box.

"This is...." Mal lost her words because that necklace is owned by Millicent.

"Ben! Ben!" Mal called him.

"Mal, what is..... is that Millicent's necklace?" Ben asked shocked too.

"Ben, she is here with us" Mal cried while hugging the necklace.

"Mal..." Ben also lost his words because finally, Millicent is with them.

"Fairy Godmother, could you please know who owns this?" Mal pleaded wanting to know who is Millicent now.

"She is~" The Fairy Godmother didn't finish the chant of finding the owner because Hannah has gotten the wand from her hand.

"Hannah, give it back" Mal ordered.

"No!" Hannah answered and ran into the ship's rail.

"UMA!" Hannah called.

"What are you doing my child?" The Fairy Godmother asked stopping Hannah's plan.

"I told she has a plan just like her~" Amanda was stopped talking when Hannah pointed the wand at her.

"UMA!" Hannah called again ignoring Fairy Godmother.

"We are here!" Uma shouted back. They are riding in a boat with a restrained Heath and Harry.

"Give me Heath!" Hannah shouted.

"The wand!" Uma shouted back.

"In a count of three!" Hannah shouted not wanting to prolong this trade.

"One!" Uma started.

"Two!" Hannah shouted but tap the wand at her back to send a telepathy to Fairy Godmother.

'Catch the wand'

"Three!" The two shouted and Harry threw Heath to the ladder attached to the cruise but when Hannah is giving Uma the wand during the trade, she threw it to Fairy Godmother and she catches it

"YOU ARE FAMILY OF TRAITORS!" Uma shouted out of frustration

"JUST LIKE YOUR MOM, YOU ARE A LITTLE TRAITOR TOO!" Uma shouted before she lost in the sea...

But rose up like a gigantic octopus.

"I miss this! But this time Mal, I will win against you!" Uma shouted and splashed water to the people at the cruise.

Mal's eyes turned to green and transformed into a villainous dragon. Hannah's eyes turned green slowly, she walked slowly backward and a red smoke covers her and made her a dangerous dragon.

"Wow! 2 dragons versus one octopus! Easy peasy" Uma said that made Mal breathe fire but Uma avoided it.

Hannah breathed fire to Uma but Uma splashed her water that made her so tired. Mal attack again but this time, she burned Uma's shoulder that mad her splashed water again at her but Mal flew away. Uma attacked using her tentacles but Mal burned it

"Aaah!" Uma shouted because of pain.

Mal continues attacking and Hannah gained some energy. She saw Uma is in front of her busy fighting Mal. She attacked her back unnoticed for Uma. This caused Uma to reacted and using her tentacles, she threw Hannah to the ship's side where Hannah head bangs and lost conscious.

This made Mal furious and burned the happy Uma for getting rid of Hannah. Mal breathed the hottest fire she can and blew it to Uma which causes her to lost in the deep sea.

Ben removed his crown and his coat and immediately jumps into the water. He swam very fast to find Hannah. He is very nervous right now. He is swelling even though they are under the sea.

He saw Hannah unconscious body, slowly getting down to the seafloor. He swam faster to catch Hannah's body.

When he catches Hannah's body. He lifted her up carefully to the deck, afraid of hurting her more. Mal, who is now a human, immediately acted when Ben came with Hannah.

Ben started pumping Hannah's chest. He very frustrated right now. Fairy Godmother came to Ben.

"Ben" Fairy Godmother tried to call him but he ignored.

"Ben" Fairy Godmother tried once again.

"Benjamin," Fairy Godmother said firmly that made Ben stopped

"What?" Ben asked, very frustrated.

"Nothing is impossible," Fairy Godmother said made everyone away.

She started her chant. Hannah was lifted like a paper in the air slowly. Fairy Godmother's magic is starting effect for her. Slowly she opened her eyes shows that she gained consciously. Fairy Godmother changed her wet clothes into a better one.

Fairy Godmother changed her clothes into a darker red dress. It is a more regal dress.

Everyone was shocked. When was already standing there with conscious.

"Millicent?" Mal asked wanting to confirmed if Hannah is really Millicent.

"No" Hannah answered and walked out but Evie gave Fairy Godmother the necklace.

"Play her history!" Evie ordered that to Fairy Godmother.

"Okay," Fairy Godmother answered and immediately played the records on the necklace.

(Baby's cries)

(Plays Hannah's babyhood with Mal and Ben. It also has the kidnapping of Uma)

"We shall call her Hannah, Hannah Westergaard"

(Plays Hannah's early childhood with Heath and Hans)

"End it!" Hannah shouted.

"Millicent," Mal said almost whispering.

"Hannah, please" Ben pleaded trying to Hannah's hand but Hannah avoided it.

"Hannah, wait!" Evie shouted that stopped Hannah.

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