Chappy One

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_Louis POV_

It was bloody cold out! Snow may be fun to toss around at people, and to pee in when your drunk (ah, who am I kidding, I love it sober too), but other than that, it was just a freezing disaster. My legs were officially numb, I felt like I was clinging onto life by a thread, ready to keel over at any moment.

Right, so I was being a little melodramatic, since we had been outside for about an hour tops, and we were in the middle of one of the busiest streets in London, meaning we were surrounded by people- ONE of them had to know how to save a life in times of great desperation! I looked over my shoulder at him, about to beg him to pick up the pace, when I saw he was already looking at me with those damn near perfect green, sometimes-blue, eyes of his, cheeks and nose adorably red. I stopped in my tracks. Adorably. I could say that now. I smiled to myself, knowing that my huge grin made me look like an idiot, but not really caring that much- I almost always looked like an idiot.

"Uh...Louis?" Harry asked strangely, no doubt wondering about my mental capacity again. His teeth were shattering, his hands stuffed into his warm looking leather coat, his curls peeking out from underneath his blue tuque. He looked so damn sexy, even with three layers of clothes on. Heehee- I could say that now too. He coughed to grab my attention and I tried to join the planet of the sane and normal again.

"You might want to tone down the smile- your lips might freeze like that, and then how will I ever be able to do this?" Haz said breathily, each word bringing him one step closer to me, until he was literally only one spoon distance away (yes, I've officially made the spoon a unit of measurement). His rosy nose was so close to mine, as were his lips, which I tried- and failed- to avoid looking at. I set my concentration on two things- one: just look into his eyes. Actually not that difficult, when they are shining centimeters away, close enough to see that they got lighter near the blackie-part of his eyes. Two: try not to freeze your arse off- this one was proving to be a challenge.

He closed his eyes and leant in the last little distance...


Theres a reason it's so short, I swear they won't all be this way! :P

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