Chappy 5

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So, after the guys kicked me out of the driver seat for a simple mistake that I honestly didn't believe I should be at fault for (well, maybe a little a bit) and made me sit by myself in the backseat (it was lonely!), Liam slowly made his way to the studio. It took a lot longer than it would have taken me, but that's because he has to be so careful all the time!

It was probably a really good thing that we had someone like Liam in the group- he kept us all on a tight schedule. Yeah, that kind of sucked for people who don't like waking up before even the sun (Harry and I especially seemed to have a hard time with that), but I didn't have to worry about forgetting an appointment- not only with the vocal trainers, but Liam had even called in and made me an appointment with my dentist...there's no denying the kid was a little bit of a control freak.

But I loved him! Liam was Liam, and that's just the way he was- he didn't even let his food touch on his plate- adorable! I loved all the other lads too, and was so glad to be partnered up with them all. They all had their quirks and the own different personalities, and I woke up every day this week excited to find out more about them! This XFactor thing was going to be so much more of an adventure than I had incipated, and I was so glad I went with my gut feeling and just tried out.

Then there was Harry Styles.

That guy with curly hair was a big box of unhappiness wrapped in mystery, with a nice neon bow of pissiness to top it all off. The worst part was- it seemed to be directly at me. He was at least tolerable with everyone else.

Example: This morning, I went downstairs and saw there was one cup of tea left- Harry saw me and I swear to God flew to the other side of the kitchen to grab it, even though he'd already had one! I had pouted, but shrugged- maybe he was thirsty.

THEN: Zayn came downstairs and, Harry seeing him, immediately offered to make him more.

Honestly, I think that Harry offered it to him because he was trying to make Zayn feel more welcome (he was incredibly quiet and shy), but WHAT ABOUT MAKING ME FEEL WELCOME?

"Louis," you may be thinking, "you are whining about tea."

WELL, I'll have you know, its not just TEA- its the fact that he constantly does these litte things, like he is purposely trying to get under my skin. Well, it just won't work. He doesn't understand that I have had to live with some of the worlds most annoying sisters for more than a decade- I was a very patient person.  They had an excuse- they were biologically wired to make me mad at them.

What was his excuse?

I'll admit that maybe I left my stuff all over the place, and didn't close the cap on the toothpaste. And maybe I should learn to wash the dishes (and my clothes) more often, and stop singing kareoke on Xbox late at night when everyone was trying to sleep, BUT STILL. The other guys put up with it, why couldn't he?

I guess that was really selfish of me. I sighed- he shouldn't have to put up with me- if I'm the problem, I should change my bad habits (or at least do a better job of pretending to). If Harry wanted me to change, I'd try, if it meant he'd calm the fudgcicles down and stop being so grumpy!

We made it to the studio and we all hopped out- Zayn actually letting me out first, even though I was in the back. MAN this guy was tense. I had to find a way to make him more comfortable around us- it was bringing me down to see him like this! This was the chance of a lifetime, we had made it through- and he was still so nervous? Pfft- not if I have a say in this.


Louis zoomed past me, zig zagging around the other boys in his quest to do something stupid no doubt. Zayn turned around just in time to see Louis attack, scooping him up in his arms and swinging him around. After three spins, he stopped, set Zayn -who was at this point wide eyed- down, and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

I Hated Everything About You (Larry Stylinson) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now