Chappy Sixteen

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Chapter is gunna be short, and kind of a filler I guess... if ya think about it...maybe, idk-



I was sitting in our tiny room, surfing through all the funny videos on Youtube. Niall was somewhere close by playing a few tunes on his guitar, while Rebecc,a Cher and Treyc all sang along for fun. I heard Niall laughing about something that probably wasn't as amusing as he thought it was, and couldn't help but smile- his laugh was infectious.

Suddenly, Zayn's headed popped up through the doorframe, his hair all perfectly quiffed.

"I'm calling a meeting out back on the patio mate- yea, its cold, bring a sweater or something." He said quietly before dissapearing again. After a moment, I heard the guitar stop playing and realized I should probably get up off my lazy arse and go now. I grabbed my tea and a sweatshirt and, closing the laptop, trotted down the stairs.

When I got out there, Louis was already laughing and talking with Liam, who were both sharing a huge blanket, and Niall was on my heels. Zayn was pacing back and forth, and once I shut the sliding door, he looked up and stopped his constant loop around the table, which was good, since it was making me nervous.

"So what's up?" Louis asked.

"What's up? Haven't you noticed all the weird things going on? All the pranks?" He asked, sounding angry. Louis' eyes went wide and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Right, sorry mate." He mumbled. Zayn sighed, making his breath come out all white and smoky.

"No, no, I'm sorry. It was all fun and games, until this morning when Rebecca got hurt." He said sadly.

He was right- it was upsetting that half my clothes got ruined thanks to Louis' red chinos, but it wasn't that big a deal. I finally believed Louis when he said he didn't do it though, because a whole bunch of stuff like that happened. Mary's teakettle getting broken was sad, yea, but also something that could have been an accident. Except for the next day, when Paije went to take a shower and the water came out purple. Purple. Stayed like that for hours. And then, a couple days before all that, someone had thought it was hilarious to take all the silverware except for the spoons. It was more annoying than anything else, but I guess Liam's reaction was pretty funny. He had looked horrified, and chose to eat with his fingers instead.

Today though, one of these pranks had gotten Rebecca hurt, and now the poor thing was limping around with a swollen and bruised ankle. This mystery joker poured oil all along one of the middle stairs, and Rebecca was the unlucky one to end up going for a tumble. I think we all noticed that Zayn had flew around the house all morning tending to her though, which was super sweet of him, though completely transparent as to the fact that he fancied her.

"I've been trying to figure out who it was by myself, ever since half of Harry's wardrobe got turned pink, but I need you guys in on it now too- care to help?" He asked, looking around.

Louis stood up, taking the blanket with him.

"Oi! Tommo!" Liam protested, ducking back under it with him,

"I, Louis Tomlinson, am at your service! We shall catch this person who is commiting these heinous crimes, and besmudging my good name in the process!" He said, raising his right hand over his heart, his eyhebrows all scrunched up. What a goof.

"Yea, I second that." Liam said.

"I third it!" Niall shouted, jumping up with his fist in the air. He was such a leprachaun.

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