Chappy Eight

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Lol guys...I feel hated....

A couple votes, comments, f##k you's ...anything!! D:

I suck?- tell me so!! :D I can handle it- I'll take it like a man! My dad always said "suck it up buttercup" --> I'm a master now!! So say something so I know what you're a-thinkin'!




Oh, God my throat hurt. My head too. I kept inhaling Halls like they were going out of style; I think this was my third pack in two hours. I woke up and felt like hell today, but I mean, I should have seen that coming...


I was sad. Harry had actually hurt my feelings in the kitchen, not that I would let him know that of course- I wasn't a sniveling baby! At the same time, I wasn't in the mood to pretend to be super happy in front of all the guys. I don't like pretending- it sucks. I never have, never will- but hiding my emotions- now that was another story.

It seems like since I was a kid, when I was sad, I kept to myself until it passed, and I was back to my normal happy self. Why make other people down just 'cuz you are? It never made sense to me. When I'm sad, I go and do things that make me happy. So Harry has been mad at me for a total of six days straight, and it was finally taking its toll on me. It hurt, a lot, to know he was so angry, and not knowing how I could make it all better.

I don't think this just has to do with me not emptying the dishwasher, or falling on him on the stairs.

In any case, to get away from my thoughts, I did what I do best- I went out of the house looking for ways to make myself happy again. It wasn't that hard really- I liked being happy (who doesn't right?) and being sad was really difficult for me to maintain for long periods of time. So I went to the busiest street I could find and started to ask random people if they'd play laser tag with me.

Yes, I seriously did that.

It wasn't that difficult to rally up eight random strangers who were as bored as I seemed, and they awkwardly laughed and agreed (I mean, what else can you do when an overly smiley young chap with nice suspenders on asks you to play lasertag with him?) We all walked over to the nearest place (right around the corner...once you walked four blocks) and I paid (obviously, it would be rude to ask them to pay for themselves- it was my idea) the entrance fee to one of my favourite places on earth.

We quickly introduced ourselves while we suited up, since I forgot that part on the way here, and then made two teams of four. At one point two of the people said they had to leave, so I had to run outside and find new strangers, but other than that, it was a complete blast. After a couple hours, rounds, and hundreds of dollars my mum would be pissed about when she found out, I was officially happy again, and ready to take on anything Harry had to throw at me! I thanked them all for putting up with me, hugged them, and skipped over to the nearest taxi.

As soon as one pulled over though, it started to rain, and I waved the now-pissed-off-because-he-had-to-stop-for-nothing taxi driver away, and shoved my hands in my pockets, choosing to walk to the apartment instead. I loved the rain, and took every opportunity I could to jump around in a nice, deep puddle. When it sprinkled, it kind of pissed me off a bit, since it wasn't even fun, it just ruined my hair for no reason.

I spun around in circles for a bit at a park nearby our apartment complex, played on the swings and stepped in something I think may have been a bird at some point (the last part was an accident...). The fact that I was pretty sure it was a dead animal caused me to be devasted, so I dug a shallow hole and nudged the remains into it with my shoes which I had taken off and really couldn't bear to put back on- there was blood and guts on the bottom of one of them!! I said a little prayer and continued walking home, now in bare feet.

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